Detroit3133's picture
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+ 1 New Member


Just wanted to introduce myself, I'm new to this board but belong to a few others. I've been running gear for 25 plus yrs now so I consider myself knowledgeable on the subject but there's always something new you can learn from others. Like my username suggests I'm from Detroit. I'm always looking for and willing to try new reliable sources so if anyone has any recommendations let me know. I'm happy to be a member of the board. Last but not least I'm also a Marine Corps Veteran, so to all my fellow Marines out there I say "Semper Fi"

kinda fit kinda fat's picture

Welcome and thank you for your service brother

Pumped_'s picture


FatBoy26's picture

Thank you for your service Welcome

Makwa's picture


UncleYoked's picture

Welcome to the site brother, glad to have you.

Detroit3133's picture

Hello, I appreciate you'all looking out for me but I'm from Detroit but don't currently live there(born and raised there). After I got discharged from active duty in the Marine Corps I never returned. Met a girl in the state i was stationed, she didn't want to move, got married and landed a job in the state I was stationed plus could no longer deal with the cold weather. The marriage didn't last so I packed my shit again and moved to get as far away from the bitch as I could.

JEX30Sex's picture

Welcome from a fellow vet! I was a grunt not a crayon eater. I would say this however, like rusty said keep locations out of it. There are some super sleuths who may find you out. Anonymity is key. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Detroit3133's picture

I was a Forward Observer for Artillery so I spent a lot of time with the Grunts providing Arty Support during Desert Storm.

Detroit3133's picture

So there's lots of Detroit boys up in here??