posted Thu, 01/16/2025 - 22:40
Quad injection problems
Hello family,
So on Tuesday I gave myself a shot in my outer quad, done it beofer. That shot went flawless, no pain whatsoever until yesterday in the afternoon I started to feel some pain, , but not on the injection site, it is that area that looks kinda red, now I can feel pain right above my knee cap, it traveled down to my knee and can bend over or walk properly,, I am very clean and sanitized everything plus I’ve used the same vial on my butt and it was good. Any opinions? Should I take some antibiotics just in case, it hurts bad.
And yes I was doing taking care of business doing number 2 lol
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What kind of ester are using?
I use test prop n still get pip till this day
Best thing too do is workout the muscle after u inject.
Ouch. Ive always went glutes myself. Only really lin 2x a week at most do no big deal.
You pin while pooping?
Sometimes you can kill 2 birds with one stone
Hotpad. It happens.
I had this happen when I did my right delt. The inj went smooth but I had a very odd sensation that traveled down my arm and wrapped around the back of my elbow and stopped. I think I was in connective tissue of the muscle or tendon(the thin/white/mucous type tissue), or past the muscles. It wasn’t painful, just weird. Not sure the scientific terminology. It was nothing to worry about over the following few days.(30ga-1/2” pin)
Was it soreness? Odd sensation? What do u mean?
It wasn’t painful or sore at all. It was just a tinglely/warm feeling that started right below the inj site and traveled down lasted about 20 seconds, but I could feel residual that it happened.
Maybe a nerve. Not sure
I wouldn't worry about it mate, if your quads are still new to AAS shots then this will happen for some time yet - several more cycles was my case. Hell I can still get PIP in the quads these days! If the shot is in the lower half of the quad area then for some reason you can often get knee cap swelling, the fluid almost seems to run and drain over the knee and can feel very awkward when you squat down across the knee - often it will be too sore and restrictive for you even to be able to squat down fully. It will pass after several days.
Trust me if you want to Live .....
I trust you
Yeah I can’t fully squat, what can you recommend to cope with the pain and be able to do leg day.
The best relief is an anti inflammatory like Ibuprofen or Aspirin, I've tried the topical versions but they work nowhere near as well as just taking a tablet.
What’s good man, hope you’re doing well, I took Advil and I feel a lot better now
Good to hear buddy - you should find the swelling really goes down now.
It’s getting better now bro, the pain is mostly is right above my knee cap, couldn’t do legs this week
You kinda lost me with that last sentence my man. Where u taking care of business before the shot? So what I've noticed a few times is pain in other areas besides the injected area. It's like the oil dispersed to surrounding area of injection. Not sure what's going on but a few members had this issue also. I've noticed the thicker the oil the less chance of this happening though. Could be leakage if inject oil isn't deep enough. If the area is warm and a bit painful you might want to look into getting some antibiotics.
If hit stuff in my quad that’s made my leg jerk
That's scary. Hitting a nerve can have that affect
I was wondering the same thing, doing business during the shot or just for the photo. I’ve inly had this happen to me once and I think it was from pushing the oil too fast. Now with quads I make sure to get exactly the right spot and push the oil slow, like it takes me over a minute a ml and then I let the needle sit in there for 30 seconds or so. Never had it happen since and I barely ever get pip anymore so it must be doing something.
Nice, I used to pin my quads a few years ago the. I just started again, looked up a few videos so I could get the right spot. Do you have a link that shows the right locations where you can inject? Thanks!!!!
I’ll tell you, I do quad, delt and VG injections all the time for work and I’ve seen a ton of medical videos, diagrams, etc. but I still think that is hands down the best resource. You can actually see exactly where you’re supposed to stick the needle since all of the guys on there are fairly lean instead of the flabby patients their always sticking in the official stuff.
Spotinj is great in most cases but keep in mind at the clinical sense that ive watched drs push 3cc because med books say so. I questioned the dr and the reply was...were medical here and we can simply lance and sterile abscess. No shitz given
That’s a good point and the truth is in the hospital no cares too much as long as you’re in the general vicinity of where it’s supposed to go. That’s usually a problem for somebody else, which is a shitty attitude but all too common especially for doctors.
Yeah I wasn't sure about the number 2 thing.
Anyways you're doing it the right way. I still think thinner oils have more of a chance to disperse around the injection site at strange places. May be a case of too shallow of an injection or maybe
not. And about injecting fast.... that's gotta cause some type of damage to the muscle. Alot of pressure.
Why he felt the need to say he was taking a shit is beyond me.
Sometimes you just gotta let the world know
some weirdos wanna know though. Not sure how that works lol.
Nah wishing this guy welll
It’s critical information.
Haha. He wanted y'all to know. Lol
Thanks, I actually just took 500mg of amoxicillin, the needle I use on my butt is 1” and the one I use on the quads is 1/2”
It is painful even just to be seating down
I’ve been using 27g 1 1/4” on quads and 27g 1 1/2” on glutes I always have less issues and faster dissipation the deeper IM the shots and with 27 you barely even feel pinch. Still pushes fairly quick if you warm the oil even 3cc+. I know some dudes are scared of needles, but if it continues to be a problem or just want to try it out it won’t hurt ya!
@smurfdude1234567 i just love folks pushing 3cc pins. It makes my job secure! Its the smell of rotting tissue that reeks of cash. Lol
Lol! Hey gotta love job security! Hey I never over nor underestimate people these days… the amount of people that cannot do simple math I’m sure there are so many mishaps ya see.
I’ve never had anything severe enough to warrant getting packed/drained and have used well over 3cc in various shots.
It seems the overwhelming majority of issues are from the actual product injected, injection method, and/or them being immunocompromised individuals and effected by MRSA/VRSA/etc.
Missed the overall point though… shallow shots are going to inherently have more issues like you mentioned due to leakage don’t ya think?
I am under the impression that all oils absorb better deeper IM.
Note to self - Split that shit up
Just recently went from 27g 1/2 to 27 1 1/4. Not gonna lie the first time I stuck that in my quad I was like holy shit there’s so much needle left to go in lmao. It’s definitely intimidating at first.
had a few women tell me the same thing lol!( Joke)
Hahaha it’s intimidating, but look at it from the outside before you stick it. Most adult males especially us that workout have way more than enough meat to use pins that length with no issues at all.
Is the needle size 1 inch 1/4 or 1/4”?
I don't use pins shorter than 1" for my quads. I wouldn't recommend you do either.
1inch 1/4
Nope thank you, that is way tooo bigggg
That’s what she said….. sorry I had to say it lol
I don't know your background but you may be pip sensitive like me and a few other guys. Or like my man said below, it will ease up eventually.
The PIP will ease up over time. You have to get your muscles broke in and used to getting stuck on a regular basis. I don't fuck with my quads if I'm less than 3 days in front of a leg day either, that's just me though.