Chainzzz's picture
  • 17



Back and shoulders broke the fuck out with a bunch of small bumps. Currently using witch hazel, benzoyl peroxide, Neutrogena oil free acne wash and nothing is helping. Any suggestions for clear skin on cycle?


Whats youre Androgen stack consist off????

Chainzzz's picture

i kick started prop 100 eod with sust 150 for 4 weeks ( not the best idea)
now 250 sust e3d running .25mg ed Amiridex for AI

bmurphr1's picture

Get on eBay and search for some tretinoin cream to rub on your zits...the brand name is Retin-A, and I've purchased at least a dozen tubes of the stuff over the last 1-2 years and it's all been pretty cheap to purchase but very good at what it does. You can also get some gentamicin face cleaner too which you can dab onto a cotton ball and run it across your entire face and all over your acne spots, but let it sit there for about 5-10 minutes without sweating before you start moving around again so that it can penetrate a little bit. This is what I've been doing for my newly acquired bacne, including anti-microbial body wash instead of regular bar soap that kills the dead bacteria and oils on your skin that helps cause bacne.

chunkypbnj's picture

Provi 50mg daily helped a ton with my back breaking out.

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JL's picture

Proviron for acne?

Makwa's picture

3rd cycle and already running 1g/wk of test. That is probably your problem. Way in over your head as far as estro management.

vhman's picture

Spot on.

Chainzzz's picture

Test -100 prop eod sust 150 eod. Its just a bunch of small bumps. Not super bad but I've never had body acne before

fusebox's picture

I'd get some blood work. High estro for me causes major breakouts. Upped my AI and they started to diminish. I still have a little here and there but nothing like when my estro was high.

Chainzzz's picture

I just started adex hopefully that helps

trvps's picture

Had the same problem when i added dbol into my regime. I would say the most beneficial thing for me was making sure i was scrubbing my back good after every workout in the shower with a washcloth and some form of acne scrub. i used a few different ones but honestly hand soap worked really good. I would go lay in the tanning bed frequently which worked wonders.

once my bacne was gone i had a bad problem with scarring. They sell vitamin e oil but i just cut the vitamin e pills open and rubbed them on the scars. this took a few months but along with laying in the sun or tanning bed, the scarring faded with time, Best of luck mate

Hulkman1's picture

I use something that I use after tons of trial and error. It's a body wash called PanOxyl. My acne got bad at first but then it cleared up. You can get it at Wal Mart. I hope you find what works for you. Use it right after the gym as well!

shiva4's picture

I have to give you props on this one, dude. I gave your recommendation a try and it has been the only thing that got my chest and backne to start clearing up. Thanks +1

kibby's picture

Nizarol shampoo.

Selsun blue.

All can be bought on amazon/eBay.

If your UK based Nizarol is sold in tesco as of recently

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true grit's picture


Chainzzz's picture

cool, I have Nizarol only thing that kills my dandruff

kibby's picture

Scrub your Back with it mate this clears mine up within days

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shiva4's picture

sun exposure can help. I've heard from some people on here that African black soap can help but for me it just made it worse. when was your last blood panel? hormone imbalances can cause it and it's hard to counter through topical.means . avoid Accutane if possible, that shit is not good for yo u

if you run out of ideas, tea tree might help. never read anything on it helping with acne but by theory it may work...

JL's picture

A good scrub with anti bacterial soap and a Japanese wash cloth works wonders. Also supplement with zinc, it helps clear it up.

Chainzzz's picture

I'll try some alcohol, Accutane is scary stuff. Really harsh sides

JL's picture

I wouldn't recommend accutane. To harsh on the system. Shit is poison. Much better choices to try first.

Chainzzz's picture

Debating grabbing this. Not sure if it's worth it.

true grit's picture

Very bad idea. Yes, acetone drys out skin so it may dry out acne bumps, but it's very toxic and can cause damage to the nervous system and liver. You can google all the different side effects.