your123man's picture
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-2 Im gonna get flamed - 6 month LoJ Bulk Blast!


Finishing up my cut blast, great results, and bloods came back today absolutely perfect, so on 700test/700tren/350mast/50epistane ED/2iu GH ED/50mcg T3 ED/60mcg IGF1 EOD I've been doing all my ancillaries right. Estro, prolactin, RBC, Liver everything PERFECTTTT.

Going to come out of this probably 200lbs 8%bf, I'm 200lbs just under 9%bf now and still have 4 weeks to go, but I want to come off the t3 for the last two weeks and thats where the flux may happen (right in time for EBC even :D)

But now, because I want to see if my feelings about eroids will be true, I want to post what my 6 month (yes, 6 MONTHS) bulk blast will turn out.

background that is loved so much
I have been "on" oils since march. 4 bloods, all perfect and not far off from baselines for the ones that need to stay where they need to stay. started with test 500, then test 500 tren 525, then cruised at test 250 for a bit, then test/tren/mast/tbol for a couple weeks, dropped the tbol because i felt sick on it. walked test to 700, tren to 700, kept mast at 350, and added in 50ed of epistane for EBC and that little bit of water that im putting on from adding 2iu hyges. I have ran many oral only in the past and always come back normal with no pct. Plus, I want to compete pro so I am going a heavier route then ya'll suggest, but I do have guidance form some world renounced pro coaches that I trust.

I wont list these in the chart, but i have on hand asin/adex/nolva/caber (i understand long term caber in high doses can cause heart issues, I keep that checked often even though it doesnt run in my family. however addiction does and prami is a VERY addictive drug).

So 200lbs now. Was going to compete at begining of 2014 at 198 light heavyweight. BUUUT, that had to be delayed, so now i get to grow the fuck up and compete at 225 heavy weight. Or superheavy if this all goes well.


Time PeriodTestTren/MastDecaEqGHInsulinGHRP-6 & CJC no DACT4dbol
Sept 1-Sept 283751g/700mg4-6iu PWO M-T-T-F100mcg Wake Up and Before Bed100mcg Wake Up
Sept 29-Oct 265005008iu PWO M-T-T-F5-10iu preworkout M-T-T-F100mcg Wake Up and Before Bed100mcg Wake Up50mg ED
Oct 27-Nov 307505008iu PWO M-T-T-F100mcg Wake Up and Before Bed100mcg Wake Up
Dec 1-Jan 47505008iu PWO M-T-T-F5-10iu before breakfast and 10iu preworkout M-T-T-F100mcg Wake Up and Before Bed100mcg Wake Up50mg ED
Jan 5-Feb 17507506008iu PWO M-T-T-F100mcg Wake Up and Before Bed100mcg Wake Up
Feb 2-Mar 15007506008iu PWO M-T-T-F10iu before breakfast and 10iu preworkout M-T-T-F100mcg Wake Up and Before Bed100mcg Wake Up50mg ED
Mar 2 (long cruise)250600
XvBeast's picture

still too much, take out the deca, gh and slin and t4

wilzz's picture

got a question fr sent

Trenabolic's picture

Way to high doses and way to much drugs for your current stats. Do you really want to blow your receptors so early in the game? At 200lbs you should have no problem making some sick gains with much less drugs and lower doses, work on your diet more and focus less on your aas intake.

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johnnyb5309's picture

exactly what i was saying below. he can see significant gains for years and year on just test e and an oral. i know a guy that is an internationally elite powerlifter in his weight class he is deadlifting close to 900 raw with a 600 pound bench press he spends less than a hundred dollars a month on gear. he pretty much only runs test e an oral... he runs a gram of test e and superdrol at 20 mg for 4 weeks to peak. and he is over 300 pounds. its all he has ever run! he spends a hundred on drugs and almost a a grand on food. not the opposite.
OP still waiting for that pm homie lets clean this cycle up and repost it for critique! i been in your shoes, and you dont want to be in mine in another 6 months

XvBeast's picture

these doses are ridiculous, too many drugs, high doses, ur running some of ur drugs at a higher doses then me.. just a waste of oil if u ask me.. set a base for ur self and start w/ just blasting testostrone if ur on trt. all these other chemicals will just make u platoue to the drugs faster and wont help u that much w/ gains.

XvBeast's picture

Explain what to like about this?

strongman480's picture

"Long term gh use leads to insulin resistance and eventually diabeties. Gh/insulin combined not only prevents that, but it also takes less stress off the pancreas." ...tell that to jay cutler. You are jumping in to fast. I want to get my pro card too, but going about it this way is going to have you just like some of the pros even earlier. some of these guy have serious health problem because of extreme doses. point blank you do not have enough mass to need that many grams a week. you are wasting your money. I have more mass than you and can put on plenty of mass with 1200 mg test that's all i use. on top of that i only lost 3 lbs when i came off, why because of my diet. diet is the number one thing that will make you are break you in bodybuilding.

strongman480's picture

yes i know and he now is dependent on insulin. he also has a heart value problem.

www's picture

I think this is the most confusing layout I've seen so far on here. Bro you need to back down and re-evaluate. MORE is NOT better...........Food, supplements, workouts and REST are the keys.

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www's picture

ok, post up results. IMO its a bit much, but this is you. I get good results with low doses. Good luck to ya.

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