your123man's picture
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Cookie Cutter Test P/Tren A/Mast P


6-03, 202lbs 11%bf measured last week. Plan to start this in July. I'll probably get a lot of shit and flack for it, but here it goes!

Was going to cycle over and over and over, but after much research and support on other forums, I have made the decision to blast/cruise. I am mainly using this cycle log for documentary purposes and to show that I'm not some drone that is going around doing reviews and commenting in the discussion portions of sources without any experience. I know that this community wont agree with my blast either way due to my experience.

Jump back 3 years, I herniated two disks in my back. On my ass for a year and a half, then got back into it. I am lifting HEAVIER for REPS now than I was when I herniated those disks, 2.5x deadlifts, 2x squats, and 2x bench weights. I finished a 500mg/week test e cycle with dbol 1-4 at 25mg a couple weeks ago. I also added in tren at the last two weeks to see how my body reacted at 100mg ED. I lost quite a bit of BF and strength went back to before i was injured, and then some! My back hasn't felt this good for three years and I have no sciatica issues as I had before. I am currently cruising on 125mg/week test e for the whole month of June before I hop into this.

Goal is to get sub 10%bf, then maintain throughout the blast (recomp with a slight cut). I'll cruise again in the fall and slowly blow up in the winter and try to maintain sub 10%bf on that blast.

I have caber, asin, adex, and nolva on hand if needed but have not included it in the table. Bloods on 500mg/week test e were perfect and I had zero estro/gyno related issues.

Nutrition: Plan is 400c, 200p, ~30f (~2700kcal). I haven't had a need to cycle carbs yet but if I stall, I will. If I don't see the recomp growth, I will raise carbs first, then protein, for a higher kcal content. I have been steadily losing bf at 2300kcal on only test, so 2700kcal with this amount of AAS and T3 is PROBABLY going to be too small. Again, I will adjust as necessary.

The Epistane is kind of up in the air. I have read amazing things about it on other boards, but I'm not sure if it is going to fit my goals right now. I have my hand on 10 grams of it, so I don't see why I really shouldn't run it, being the only oral in my blast.

I have the chart at 12 weeks. I would like to run it that long, but it is all dependent on sides. For the two weeks that I did tren at 100mg ED with test still at 500mg/week, I had one anxiety attack for a side, but it is manageable and I'm hoping my lack of tren sides will stay that way with low test and lower tren than I ran before.

I apologize for all the grayed out areas of the picture.

EDIT 6/12/13: Removed the EPI, I'll save that for when I blast in the winter. Also, caber is going to be .25e3d.

WeekTest PTren AMast PT3
150mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
250mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
350mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
450mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
550mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
650mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
750mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
850mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
950mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
1050mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
1150mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
1250mg EOD50mg ED50mg ED50mcg ED
j223's picture

Take 0.25mg e3d caber and adex. (or break caber into 0.5mg tab and take 0.5 e3d)

Steezgeez's picture

I would take hcg anyways, you never know where life will take ya. Maybe youll want kids some day or maybe youll be in a situation with no acess to test (Jail or something, never know.). You didnt mention age which leads me to beleve...

Tren hard's picture

I though impregnating someone on gear is no problem if you rund high dosed HCG for a few months and run an AI with it. Your sperm count should be really high after 4-6 months. Even on gear.