MurderHornet2020's picture
  • 290

+ 12 405 Deadlift! Finally


Ladies gentlemen I have done the impossible and deadlifted 405 x 2 reps haha. I know that’s not a ton in comparison to most of you guys but it is a personal best for me and I was super pumped to finally get those 4 plates on each side! Now I want that 455 super bad about to start sprinkling D-Bol on my Apple Jacks!

Muscle Hulk's picture

The best feeling ever, when you finally hitting it

MurderHornet2020's picture

Well got 425 x 1 rep with about 30 seconds rest then 405 for 1 rep. Form slipped a bit on the 425 but glad I pushed it up a bit. That 20 lbs felt like 100 dam. But got some good reps in 315 x 10 275 x 6 225 x 6 on the following sets.

sandman3698's picture

Nice. Ive been thinking about trying to incorporate deadlifts back into me routine. Youve just inspired me to make it happen.

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press1's picture

Looks like you have some good pulling genetics there sandman Lmao

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sandman3698's picture

Pivot and roll baby!

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press1's picture

HAHAHA!!! Your Avatar looks similar to Eddie when he did the 500kg Brain bleeder lol

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Eddie was pretty round during that pull haha

MurderHornet2020's picture

So let me ask you guys after this lift should I back off and work the mid 300s for reps or keep pushing. I’m wondering if my tendons and joints are up to the task due to the rapid strength gains I have been seeing this cycle.

NWApatches's picture

Nah. Don't back off. You hit it twice for the first time. Keep it pushing

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press1's picture

It depends on if you want to keep hitting a new Max single, or a Double or Triple rep PR. Long term you are betting trying to keep upping your Max doubles and triples as generally the weight will never start sticking to floor each time you go for a new record - you will always get at least the first 1 or 2 reps of a set and then you can do normal back down sets afterwards. With Max singles they will keep going up for quite some time yet, but when that bitch starts to stick, you have nowhere to go and nothing to work with as there is effectively no reserve like with multiple rep sets. I find singles much easier to recover from in deads than multiple rep sets, so if you are near to the end of your cycle and time is of importance I would keep upping the singles for now. Keep trying to add 5 to 10lb's each session.

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SeeOhShow's picture

Im a huge fan of going weeks hitting rep PRs before going for a new single PR. That’s how we were always trained on Olympic lifts. Getting to the point of hitting your old PR for a triple before even attempting a new 1RM. Better fatigue management and load progression

MurderHornet2020's picture

Monday will be week 3 but last week of D-Bol so I think I’ll do like you suggested and try to squeeze another 10 lbs on that bitch for 2

press1's picture

I hate to tell you this mate - but you will notice a difference in strength on Deadlifts when you come off the Dbol, its very very effective for strengthening the spine and CNS stimulation. If you are still far off your peaking max then you will still be fine, I notice it when I come off the injectable version straight away. That Dbol aggression is great for getting the initial break off the floor. Tren is awesome for the initial drive too but it can hamper breathing somewhat in between sets.

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Well I’d figured the D-Bol was driving a lot of it haha. I have never had such a “feel good rage” as I have with D-Bol. I think I PR almost every workout and almost every set being either a rep increase or a small weight increase. Hoping the NPP and Sus will keep the gains train rolling!

TrenAThor's picture

Agree 100% on the hampering of breathing from tren. I hit a 1 RM deadlift of 435 and I felt like I just got done running. Toon a few minutes to get back lol. Do you think it is better to pyramid up for a 1RM each set do 1 or 2 to warm up to fire up the CNS or just do a couple 75%ish of 1RM then just go for it? Or whatever suggestions you have I appreciate.

MurderHornet2020's picture

I don’t think I’d fuck with Tren suspect a few guys in my gym run it. I always assume be the super ripped guy that can’t catch his breath haha but yeah it just seems really harsh and stressful I’d probably lose it on someone at work and be pinning on the streets

TrenAThor's picture

BTW congrats on that lift bud. It's def not easy and takes work but when you hit that shit it feels fucking amazing! Keep it up. I'm no professional by any means but I like what Press1 said 5 or 10lbs each session is great advice. It's amazing how heavy that extra 10lbs is.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Shit haha sometimes 10 lbs feels like 100

TrenAThor's picture

Yeah it's usually a good sign when you see someone that's in good shape do something that doesn't look to crazy then needs 5 or 10 minutes to get their breathing to catch up to their heart rate lol. There were some times I would be pale white after doing a set of squats or deadlifts. They were more towards the end of my sets but I doubt I would have felt that way if I wasn't on tren at the time.

press1's picture

The way I have always warmed up deads mate is general toe touches diagonally across down to each foot, floor hip thrusts, single leg rear kick backs, side leg raises laid on floor, bodyweight squats. Then 135 x 2, 225 x 2, 315 x 1, 405 x 1, 495 x 1, 585 x 1 then working sets being either singles, doubles or triples. Try and get as near to the weight you are going to attempt as a max, but not so near that it requires 'effort' to get it up if you get me. It should not be heavy enough to drain you of your max.

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TrenAThor's picture

I appreciate the info. I get what you're saying and that's what I like to do more than 1RM anyways. I feel more and better about getting 3 sets of 3-5 reps than just a 1RM. Just every now and then when I'm feeling it I just say fuck it. Especially if the weights are feeling light that day and just see what I can max. I def need to do some more warm up stuff like you said though. Ill do like a couple body squats, some abductors and adductors and wall sits and think that's good enough. That's on good days when I feel like doing it lol

MurderHornet2020's picture

That’s how I warm up pretty much. I hurt myself with deads a few years back actually on my second cycle ever pulled the shit out of a hamstring so I definitely think you have to get a good warm up for any of those big compounds.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Good way to move forward. Build the core, the rest will follow. Just be careful. Deads can make or break u

Greg's picture

Pfft. I've been hitting 405 for 35 years now.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Maybe some day I’ll say the same thing hahaha

KonstantViktory's picture

Good old 675 pretending to be 405. Gotta love it. Good work bro.

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Jockstrap's picture

Youre making it look easy!! Strong!

DeeMan's picture


Christophany's picture


AK80's picture

Very nice achievement! I bet you could pull 455 for 1 with straps. Try it!

MurderHornet2020's picture

Never used straps or belts is it that much of a difference?

DeeMan's picture

Yeah. True

FrankTheTank12's picture

Nice!! I remember first time hitting 405lb x 2. Fingers/hands almost gave out at the bottom of that 2 rep. Held on and completed nonetheless. Was a great feeling and milestone. A lot of guys in general, especially locally around my area, it seems although they are fit looking, whether jacked or ripped... Sooo many of them don't put enough or any emphasis on the BIG 3. I agree with @DeeMan's comment below, ya gotta love the BIG 3. Too many are afraid to step into that uncomfortable, dark place mentally and move some heavy ass weight, progressively of course. I have seen the biggest progress in my overall physique, mood, confidence, and enjoyment from the gym; probably mostly due to these moments and the hard work and dedication it takes to reach certain weights and goals with good form and technique. Those moments that we step under the bar for squats or brace for the deadlift and you see your own reflection in the mirror staring back at you as if to say, "Are you ready mother fucker?" "Are you ready to go to that dark place and flip that neurological switch that you hold the key to, YOU possess, in order to accomplish whatever the goal for that days session may be?" No better feeling than tapping into that. Keep up the hard work. As others have said, this is a journey amongst ourselves. I don't compete to be stronger than the next guy. I push forward to be stronger than the man I was the day before, and the day before that, and so on. Keep it up brother congrats on the accomplishment.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Bro just read this and I’m about to hit chest in a few hours got me so fired up!! Bench in the darkness of my mind!

DeeMan's picture

Deads for me are ok but its always been an awkward movement....but not so much squat and bench press. But all 3 lifts work together as a unit and should be done.

MurderHornet2020's picture

I feel that way about squats. I have been placing a plate under my heels and been working 135 x 20 reps ass to grass with a more narrow stance to really feel it

DeeMan's picture

Yea I love squats. Second love after the bench press. I'll place a plate under my heels when lifting a bit lighter but not with heavy squats. And yes ass to grass for sure!!! Thighs on fire!

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya super awkward for me as well, sucks cus I love most pulling movements. Idk if my legs are long or arms are long or what, I’m 6 feet but idk if that’s what it is or what. If I was to ever work with a trainer, that’s like the only thing I’d want to work on with them

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DeeMan's picture

Yea I've heard that from some folks before.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya it sucks, I’ve also really never been shown how to do them correctly and just kinda tried learning on my own and never had anyone like watch me and critique what I’m doing. I think learning and working on my form with dead’s will be one of my goals on the next few months. I have a few other things I wanna work on first but I’ll get there lol

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MurderHornet2020's picture

It’s crazy with having perfect form I mean I do think body proportions are a big deal with this big 3 but I watch some guys that you wouldn’t expect just crush like 5 reps at 315 on squats and make it look like a light workout when they weigh maybe 170

DeeMan's picture

For sure, it's all about technique brother especially if you're competing in an competition. Alot of times I see guys with sloopy technique and if they just took some time to make it a bit better then they would see a difference in lifting poundage. That sloopy bouncing bar off chest or stomach won't cut it doing the bench press lol! No sir!

Rosschestzip's picture

I can’t do anything with sloppy technique, idk if I have weak joints or what but if I’m not doing things perfectly for me, my shoulder,elbows,knees or whatever I’m working starting hurting. But it just sucks cus I’ve always kinda done higher volume and lower weight training so I really think if I started doing real heavy training with the big three, I could make some real good improvements. But both squats and deadlifts just feel insanely awkward and wrong, but I still do squat just fairly lightweight and not often and with bench press, I have an old chest injury that doesn’t seem to have healed fully or something so I can’t go real heavy or it feels like my sternum is ripping. But I think if I could mail the technique perfectly for deadlifts and squats then I could do them fine but bench I’ll just probably always just have to go light

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press1's picture

Sounds like you have short arms in relation to your leg length mate - it makes it awkward to remain upright when initiating the pull. What you will find is when you start it, your back will be horizontal if this is the case - a lot of guys begin horizontally in Worlds strongest man but it makes the lift feel awkward and like you aren't built for it, your leverages are not at your strongest. The best build for them is long upper trunk/long arms and short legs, like a Gorilla. I have medium length arms, shortish upper body and long legs in ratios and they feel very awkward for me but I do them as I really enjoy them and the accomplishment afterwards.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya neither are like weirdly long or anything but my back always curves and it’s like my knees are in the way or something. It always hurts my lower back, which may just be because it’s weak from never doing deadlifts lol. Or because my form is awful. Since it just feels so wrong and it involves your back, which sucks to injure, so I just avoid them all together. I’d love to figure out a way to do them correctly tho

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press1's picture

You won't be able to go heavy until your body gets use to them, especially if you are trying to do it conventional rather than sumo which it sounds like you are, as that puts more strain on the lower back. Condition yourself to it first, ideally have someone training with you who does them regularly and have them look at your foot, hand, bar positioning to make sure everything is correct. Hitting your knees is normally due to standing too close to the bar when starting the lift, when you look down the bar should be directly over your midfoot area, arms straight down to the bar and not angled out to the side. How far you position your feet apart tends to be all down to body dynamics and the most comfortable for you - this is where everyone tends to be different.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Should I try doing sumo for a while first to build up strength or would doing some type of lower back work help?

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press1's picture

Warm up with 135, then 225, then do some working sets as many reps as possible with 225. Just do 2 or 3 sets and that should have you crippled for at least a few days aching everywhere lol Let me know how many you get and I can advise where to go from there if you decide they are something you want to do. I would stick with conventional, feet a little wider than shoulder width. Try sumo if you like but to me it feels very unnatural and weird, you will know if you like it or not pretty quick.

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Rosschestzip's picture

I can push myself till my arms fall off or I puke but I quit the second the pain isn’t good pain and I think I’m doing damage and I don’t know if I could do more then two without having wierd pains everywhere. I might have to do like 185 just I don’t fuck my self up and not be able to do them for two months lol. Idk tho cus I can pull good weight on t-bar rows, cable rows and most pulling movements. I’m just worried about destroying my spine/lower back

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DeeMan's picture

Just reading this I want to go workout lol.
Well said though man. Deadlifts have always been an awkward movement to me but it's still important. In fact you do enough of them, you'll be looking like a tank, kinda like you look.. I love when you mention that you compete to be stronger than the day before...right on! +1