big.rafa's picture
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Please urgent help required idk what to do 29yo obese male


Guys I’ve been working out and dieting for 5 months now I started with 340 lbs and now I am still at the same weight I am very strong I maxed most of planet fitness equipment. I know that I gained a considerable amount of muscle and strength in this 5 months but it still doesn’t show I need to drastically decrease my body fat percentage somehow
During theses 5 months I was taking 1ml test cyp a week 200mg (I don’t have any intention of ever stopping test) a friend recently told me I should double it and it might get me some more results. Also I recently found out my girlfriend is pregnant and in order to provide I was thinking of joining the military but with my body fat it’s impossible for me to get accepted. I need to loose around 100lbs fast a friend told me trembolone might help another told me to try masteron. What are your thoughts on the matter? I’m already working out a lot 7 days a week and I’m on a 1700 calories a day diet but still no significant weight loss although I can see difference in the mirror

TheRealMcCoy03's picture

So many people have already replied, but I feel compelled to share my two cents. It would help if you got your diet figured out. I’m not calling you a liar, but you're not eating 1700 cal. I'm guessing, but your TDEE to stay even at that weight is probably around 3300 lbs. You should be losing significant fat at 1700 calories a day. Trust me, it would be impossible not to lose weight. Diet/ nutrition is critical. Weigh your food before putting it in your mouth. Do you eat protein bars or shakes? If so, throw them out. Wasted calories… get your protein from non-crap food during your cut.

Jrblh2's picture

Just get a hard-core bodybuilding coach because I've read the whole thread and it seems you have all the answers.

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lobsterbrah's picture

340lb and got a gf pregnant,

there is hope men

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NWApatches's picture

Keep going man. All you have to do is work harder than everyone else you see working at it. Just work harder. Take one year and work harder each and every day. Movement is life.

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glowinthedark's picture

Post what u ate in average over the last 5 months I guarantee it wasn't 1700 cals cus you wouldn't have worked up to maxing out machines / gaining muscles.

Get bloodwork done.

I disagree with using gear at a high bf percentage. Your friend who's telling you to do tren/mast is a moron. It will be bad side effects in a bottle and you have 1 year of total training.

The military doesn't even pay much and you're possibly deployed unable to be there for the kid. Figure out a backup plan in the event you don't lose the weight.

If the 1700 is a recent move, I agree with others you may have slowed down your metabolism into starvation mode. Slow and steady wins the race

Catalyst's picture

I’m going to be direct with you, if you were eating only 1700kcal per day, weight would be falling off you at 340lbs. You’re eating probably three times that amount to support that weight. Time to start being real with yourself rather than thinking steroids are the answer. Until you do that, nothing is going to change.

Makwa's picture

1700 cals/d and not losing weight Lol Something a little fishy here.

Stokes500's picture

And that right there is the hard truth and facts

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NaughtyBoi's picture

To be what you want to be, like anything in life.. you have to be dedicated.

You need to sleep, eat, and dream about what you want and go after it. Losing weight is no easy thing, you need to burn more calories than you are taking in, are you doing that? Are you giving everything you can give to every workout? And you staying in the gym until you can move or walk out without it being a workout to get to the car? All these questions I mentioned is what it’s going to take to reach those goals.

Look here, the entire military looks like a bunch of fat asses now it is not the same military it was 30 years ago. Only ones I’m aware of that still have a standard is the marine corps. Army and navy and Air Force all lowered the standards so much almost anyone can get in now. So don’t make excuses for what you may think happen when you haven’t even tried it.

The worst thing in life is not going after the thing you want most, stop second guessing yourself .

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Bill1976's picture

Your going to get tough love in here dude. Just take the advise. This is the best site for steroid safety and fitness

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Rosschestzip's picture

Step one. Fire that nutritionist .
Step two. Don’t listen to the friend recommending drugs
Step three. Find a gym that’s not planet fitness (wrong environment to be successful, they encourage laziness) you need to be pushed, not coddled
Step four- walk or run. You need cardio
Step five. Listen to David goggins (he was 300 pounds fat in his late 20s also and lost 100 in less then 6 months in order to join the military and then went on to become the most badass man alive, competed Navy seal training, ranger school and all types of shit. Only man to ever complete a certain three trainings(I forget which)
Step six- Be a fucking savage. If you wanna be a savage you need to do savage shit. If you wanted it bad enough you could just start running and not stop till you were skinny and only eat like three apples and a potato a day and you’d get skinny. I don’t recommend it but it would work. No matter what everyone can lose weight, for some it will be easier then for others but you need to eat less and move more period. Go out there and get it. You do t want to be forty and think how you could’ve done this and that but couldn’t do it because you didn’t work quite hard enough, you tried but not hard enough. You got it brother, it’s in you, and just waiting on you to fucking kill it

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hogwild's picture

16 hr. Fasting daily. Only eat during your 8 hr. Window. Start there with healthy diet. Find a better gym,, meat head gym, and if your really serious ask around a good gym for the best trainer.

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kinda fit kinda fat's picture

Brother, that planet fitness line makes it seem like you’re trolling now. If you’re serious, you should straight up diet and yes it may take a while for it to go down, it will go down. You gotta tell yourself that you didn’t get that way overnight and it takes a while for progression. You can’t be going to the gym 5 days a week and eat shit expecting to put your weight down. Redcon1 makes good meal replacement shakes and they fill you up. Yes you still need to eat food but the quality of food has to be clean. Healthy fats and lean protein. Try going pescatarian and hopefully it helps. Meth works wonders but definitely won’t recommend.

JakeKO's picture

LMAO at the Meth reference.

big.rafa's picture

I don’t understand what do you mean but it seems I was joking I meat what I said. Triceps pull down, rows, fly machine all of those I maxed the weights in these 5 months of training

wanted's picture

Wtf does maxed out mean. Who cares what you can do for 1-10 reps. Fat guys can move weight who cares
Ohhh im 195 and maxed out the 120 dumbells GUESS WHAT i do 120’s for 25 reps. MAXED OUT PLEASE stop the bullshit Your suppose to be doing REPS
Nobody here cares how strong you are. We care about YOUR WEIGHT and how long you have to live

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JakeKO's picture

If you’ve maxed out, then start training to failure, at least the last set

wanted's picture

Who cares that he maxed out 1 REP on anything. He is a tool bag he wouldnt keep up with anyone of us at the gym.

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big.rafa's picture

I have videos to prove it I film most of my workouts

wanted's picture

You have an ANSWER for everything EXCEPT why you cant lose WEIGHT huh !!!!!
Know it all’s just piss in the WIND and waste time on our benches and machines
You wanna record something for what !!!
Take a picture hang it on your FRIDGE then in 30 days take another picture. Then id be impressed

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big.rafa's picture

I have t maxed out for one rep just to be Clear my workouts are usually 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps per exercise

Pumped_'s picture

Then do 5 sets and do till failure, dont stop at 12. Then bike, treadmill or whatever you're doing for cardio, double that time. Best fix to your problem.

Ninja's picture

To also have a better idea of your situation, what do YOU think you are doing wrong? I know you are asking for our feedback, but any insight could be helpful.

big.rafa's picture

First I think I might not be doing enough cardio
Second I think I might be fooling myself as far as the food preparation goes. Although I am following the diet plan I might have to boil chicken instead of pan searing it and that also go for all my proteins I deff make all my meats taste good with seagoings and olive oil or butter. Also maybe cutting on the butter on my bread and toast boil eggs instead of frying. I realized by reading the comments that maybe I’m not being radical enough

pingree24's picture

Maybe dramatically cutting back on portion size is what you need to do.. to me, it sounds like you're eating too much food still.

There is absolutely no way you can maintain 340lbs on 1700 calories.

If you're active getting over 10k steps a day doing cardio and working out you would be melting weight and that's facts

Ninja's picture

Look at it this way. Assuming you are truly eating 1700 calories a day and lifting 5 times a week and doing 20 minutes of cardio everyday. If you did not lose any weight or gained weight during this time, that means the 1700 calories you are eating is maintenance. Maintenance meaning you are eating the exact amount everyday to not gain or lose weight, including all the energy used for lifting and cardio. Unfortunately at your weight and body fat, it is highly unlikely you are eating only 1700 calories a day. That means you would have to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight at this point in your diet journey? Highly unlikely.

Google 1700 calorie meals. One meal, not a days worth of eating equaling 1700 calories. Look at the pictures of 1 meal that is only 1700 calories. This hopefully will give you a visualization of what 1700 calories is. Now compare that meal to ALL the food you are eating in one day. Is it the same amount of food? And yes, I know what 1700 calories in Twinkees are, but that's not what we are talking about.

More radical diet? Think of it as being more simple. Nutrition doesn't have to be difficult or radical. Keep it simple. Take steps like cut out or replace snacks. Then cut out sugars, cut out olive oils and butters. Replace spices with no calories spices. Eat cleaner. If you can, do all these at once. If not, take steps. Losing weight is a process and it's going to take time. You can only go so fast with healthy weight loss.

wanted's picture

How ABOUT WALK I bet your not doing 10,000 steps aday
Your over priced diet plan sucks
Pasta , bread , tuna in oil , cheese.

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pingree24's picture

That's what I am thinking and actually said lmao.

10k steps, working out and cardio and only 1700 calories at 340lb and not losing weight? I'm calling b.s

If this dude was honestly doing that over 5 months he would have dropped 50lbs or more by now

big.rafa's picture

I don’t eat all of that stuff all those foods are options you don’t eat all of that those are substitutions suggestions

wanted's picture

There options ????? Like i said your nutritionist SUCKS
longer you stay large the LARGER her paycheck with be
Look in the MIRROR. What you see !!!! Look real HARD !!! You like it ???? If not stop screwing around and get to BUSINESS. Life is to SHORT . Man up and put in WORK. Im gona leave this thread BUT i wish you luck

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JakeKO's picture

I completely agree, and I’m outta here as well

Ag4936cali's picture

The military will put you on a diet, works well cause you got no choice. Join.

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big.rafa's picture

Yeah but I won’t be accepted in right now because of my fat %

JakeKO's picture

Trenbolone will give you a damn heart attack. Tren doesn’t burn fat the way people say it does, and it’s really dangerous stuff. You’re in no condition to run it. Whoever gave you that advice is trying to kill you. I read your meal plan, and although it all sounds healthy, it’s too much fuckin food, Bro! Of course you aren’t losing weight. And why the hell is your first meal at 10am???? What time are you sleeping until? What you need to do is cut back on all that food. That sounds like a professional bodybuilders diet, not someone try to lose a hundred pounds. You should have three SMALL meals per day, and stick to it until you close to your ideal weight.

Breakfast at 6:30-7am- a NORMAL size bowl of oatmeal and a hard boiled egg

Snack at 10am- an Apple or a Banana

Lunch at 12-1pm- a can of tuna and two plain rice cakes

Snack at 3pm- a small Greek yogurt SMALL

Dinner at 6pm- Chicken and Rice (not Arroz con Pollo). Small portions

That’s it until tomorrow morning and then repeat

wanted's picture

Jake please feed this guy atleast 2 cans of tuni lol

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hogwild's picture

Yes! Lol and get the tuna in a bag.... f'n can openers...

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wanted's picture

Dude the tuna in the bags. Have only like .5 fat. Amazing and taste decent. Ive moved onto the bags when i do have tuna.
This guys probably would add MAYO anyway.

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JakeKO's picture

No way, Bro! He has to relearn how to eat. He will look forward to that can. I guess he could buy the bigger can at first, but has to train his body to work on less food. From looking at his diet below, his food probably isn’t even fully digested before eating the next meal. I’m sure his metabolism is pretty slow and this point, so he never has an empty/hungry stomach, therefore he stays at the same weight. I’ve never been THAT heavy, but I was fat enough to have tried this whole nutritionist type of recommendation, and I never lost any weight that way. I always stayed around the same weight and body fat

big.rafa's picture

I work until midnight I usually fall asleep around 2am that’s I why my first meal is at 10 I wake up around 10 everyday that diet was prescribed by a nutritionist he said it has 1700 calories and that my maintenance is around 2500

JakeKO's picture

I hear ya, but your body isn’t digesting the food fast enough to the point that you get real hunger. That’s why you’re staying the same weight. It’s just too much food to digest. Follow the diet I gave you and I guarantee that you are down 10-15 lbs by the end of the second week. You have to put your body into a fast mode, which means trying to not eat for sixteen hours between your last and first meal the next morning

foreverlost4's picture

What is your height? And you have to be honest with yourself no way you’re eating 1700 calories and not losing weight. Some where along the way your lying to yourself. Could be condiments, random snacks you don’t account for etc. Also steroids with high body fat= fat with more health problems. I was in your shoes I was 310 at
6”3 30+% body fat and now at 210 13%. I’d recommend intermittent fasting/carnivore and definitely throwing in cardio on top of your weight training. Carbs are a great macro for those with more muscle as it can be stored as glycogen aka fluid in muscles. Fat does not hold fluid like muscles so those carbs will be stored ass fat when you are a higher body fat percentage. You definitely should track your micro and macro nutrients I would check out chronometer.

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big.rafa's picture

My height is 5’11” I am built like a Samoan dude I think you might have a point in the hidden calories thing I might be messing up as far as the preparation methods of food and maybe an uncounted snack here and there i am Latino no my food is full of seasoning and spices

wanted's picture

You want s snack try lower fat lower sodium beef jerky

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foreverlost4's picture

Well I’d definitely start tracking it’s not for everyone but it’s helpful if done consistently. It’s way easier to be at a 500 calorie deficit and lose weight compared to losing 500 calories doing cardio. If you are consistent with your diet and cardio on top of your weight training you will lose the weight. The reason I recommend intermittent fasting and carnivore is because if your only eating in a 8 hour window you will eat 2 meals at most making it easier to be in a deficit, while utilizing mostly protein and fats which are much more filling compared to carbs making it easier to stay full. Which means less snacking and when you cut carbs you have way less cravings compared to eating higher carbs.

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wanted's picture

To difficult for most people. Just give him exactly what each meal consist of
Everyone has tried intermittent fasting & carnivore. Who has stayed with it forever. Nope i doubt noone
I did intermittent fasting 2 full years no cheating. Trust me it can work. But we all come off that why we need to stick to regular diet that we enjoy and WORKS

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foreverlost4's picture

I completely agree but definitely helps with consuming less food and regaining discipline over your diet. That’s why I always recommend it to people just beginning their journey. Not sustainable of course I only lasted 2 years as well but a great tool for most people as they lack self control with food.

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SeeOhShow's picture

Fads are always the thing. You can’t trick thermodynamics. Cals in - cals out….find foods you enjoy, meet your macro goals, and spread it out throughout the day to satisfy hunger and the calorie formula for your goals. Literally as simple as that. Idk why people try and make it so difficult. Buy a scale and weigh everything you eat.

Royal you, not you specifically

wanted's picture

So am i right or wrong

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SeeOhShow's picture

Right. Just funny how I always see you on here offering simple and effective diet advice, they never seem to listen, and retort with the “but I heard about this new diet where you do blah blah blah”

You’re 40 based on your bio? and staying as lean as you do based on all your photos…meanwhile all these 30 and under folks at 20+% bf seem to argue what you tell them.

wanted's picture

I appreciate that. Lets keep killing it. These guys will come around and follow the diet plan one day HOPEFULLY if its not to late

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