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category count / average (6 months)
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Thor21's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Very satisifed! I have been searching for a source that could ship Balkan / Sp Labs products from within the EU for quite some time. Then i found bodyroids. Bodyroids is an official supplier of Sp labs products from within the EU.

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered: 2 vials of test e from Sp labs.
The quality is very good. I did bloodwork for the sp labs test e and the levels were highh. Mild pip but its normal. I have the same pip also after the pharmacy test e.

Customer service

Very friendly and answered my emails very quick!

Shipping and Delivery

Less than 2 weeks - shipped from within the EU. Shipping price a little high though.
Package was very good and safe!

Price to performance
Additional comments

I highly recommend sp labs test e from Bodyroids! Thanks Bodyroids!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/15/2023 - 11:55
cadafi's picture
My overall experience

I have been using Balkan Pharma Enandrol for my TRT since 2017, at this point i have tryed other brands but i don´t feel even close to what i feel using the balkan gear, i am guessing because it is pharma grade testosterone, for me is a must, thankfully offers it and it is shipped EU domestically which is a huge advantage to avoid seizures and other issues, super fast shipping and delivery times

Products, effectiveness and results

I feel amazing on enandrol, gives me stamina, boosts libido, insane pumps at the gym

Customer service

Very friendly and professional customer support but i haven´t had nay issues the times i have ordered i just placed the order, pay using BTC and i usually get my package within 2 weeks (EU to EU)

Shipping and Delivery

Fast delivery and discreet packaging, again i have never had any issues with customs or anything related

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great source to get Balkan/SP gear EU domestically, my go to for sure, not many sites if any offering them 2 brands domestically right now

I recommend shopping here!
papanoel's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Really happy with BodyRoids service. Fast shipment and excellent communication.

I'll order again. 10/10

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered:
- Sp Labs cypionate, tren ace and masteron
- Balkan NPP

All products were successfully checked on and are 100% original.

Customer service

They reply fast via email and web tickets.

Shipping and Delivery

Discrete package and really fast shipment (4 days). They have Europe warehouses, so the shipment is immediate and safe (no customs problems).

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
ElCapitan's picture
+ 2
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