teamroids's picture
teamroids 300

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 72 Quality 99.7222% 72 Delivery 98.8889% 72 Service 98.6111% 72 Pricing 99.1667% 72
Phinsfan81's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience was great! First time using this source and I got in on their promo. They sent me a few vials of Para Pharma Masteron Enanthate to try.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The items ordered were:
Para Pharma Masteron Enanthate.

This was my first time trying Masteron Enanthate. I have always used the propionate version but wanted to try the enanthate version. I was very impressed. My cycles usually consist of very little test, a DHT and a 19 Nor. I was running about 50 mgs test cyp a week and about 600 mgs NPP. I waited a few weeks then I threw the masteron in there. I noticed it kicked in fairly quickly. I had the typical increase in strength, libido and my vascularity started to improve. I ran the masteron for 10 weeks at a dosage of 400 mgs a week and tapered up to 600 mg a week. My starting weight was 215 pounds and about 10% body fat. At the end of the 10 weeks I weighed 211 pounds and bodyfat was 7.7%. I was running low test so the Masteron helped me with the androgen like effects. Sex drive stayed high throughout and my physique was fuller, harder and drier. Overall, I was very impressed with this masteron. I've always heard the enanthate version was inferior but I will for sure include masteron enanthate in future cycles.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Service was top notch. Very simple and straightforward. It was a few emails back and forth and my order was placed within a day. Cannot argue or complain about free gear. I didn't use the website but just communicated with a rep from eroids

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Order was packaged very discreetly. It took about 3 weeks to reach central USA.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This was my first time getting in on a sampling promo. I had no idea about these lol. As I stated, cannot argue with free products. The masteron exceeded my expectations. I would definitely recommend this source. Top notch all the way around.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 07/02/2023 - 04:53
Jameshobbis's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great experience as always with teamroids I have never had an issue with shipping or the quality of products. This is why they are one of the top sources here at eroids and the standard has stayed strong since the day they joined us here at eroids.
This review is for the para pharma test cyp 250

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para pharma test cyp 250
This isn't the first time I have used this lab or product. Very happy with the bloods that have come back using this product during my cruise perioid, everything exactly where it should be for me. I will soon be upping the dosage on my bulk cycle which will start in 3 weeks.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Very good service in terms of response to any questions or queries. The guys are always on hand here at eroids to respond and generally I never have to wait more than 24hours for a response.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The products come through within a weeks turn around which was quicker than expected as I was advised they could take a little longer.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Keep doing what your doing guys!

I recommend shopping here!
Detroitnate's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall I was very happy with the experience. I sampled 4 bottles of the long stack, I combined that with another sources tren. I ran 4 cc per week for 10 weeks.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Product was effective and did the job.
Ran 4ccs a week with another srcs tren.
For a total of 400mg Test E 400mg mast E and 600mg of Tren E with some var 50mg at the end.
My body fat dropped and skin was super tight.
All lifts went up and the Tren had me ready to go any second of the day.
The mast had my muscles full and tight and the test had my sex drive up and the wife loved it

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was amazing Src communicated throughout the whole step.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Received right away and faster then expected ETA

Price to performance
Additional comments

Would definitely recommend a source. The quality is amazing definitely will do business again.

I recommend shopping here!
Kinetic_conflict's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

TR has great deals and fantastic gear. It’s why I keep coming back.

Products, effectiveness and results

3X Testo E 400 from Para Pharma
Great test, very clean, and no pip despite being dosed high. I like that Para actually puts more than 10ml in a vial, which I’ve always known is a staple of a good UGL, even if it’s only a half cc.

I ran 1200mgs a week for what was supposed to be a 10 week cycle, but because the bottles were heavy it went for 11 weeks plus. Gained 10 lbs and kept just under 7. Great great great gear from Para!

Customer service

Easy ordering process. Didn’t need to email anything, as I received notifications regarding payment acceptance and order processing/shipping.

Shipping and Delivery

Bottles were packed securely and shipped fairly promptly. Since it was international it took a couple weeks, but no sweat. It arrived in reasonable time.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I like TeamRoids and will continue using them. I like that they carry Para as an authorized rep, and the gear checks out. The prices they offer are competitive, but because of their frequent sales, it ends up being an amazing deal. Thanks guys!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/17/2023 - 23:38
riseupk's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

TR included me on the promo with PP 5 * long stack

Very generous promo and properly dosed gear

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

5 * para Pharma long stack
100mg test E
100mg mast E
100mg tren E

I used 4ml per week, gear had very little pip, draw was smooth and oil flowed back through smooth as butter

I didn’t really get any of the bad sides usually associated with tren, aggression was up slightly and my hunger was insane whilst on cycle

I lost 14lb over 12 over weeks from 228lb down to 214lb body fat just melted away and abs became very pronounced everyone told me I looked bigger despite loosing weight

I’ve used PP gear in the past and hands down I wouldn’t use any other brand, why would you when the gear is so consistent

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top communication from TR as always

Quick to respond, very friendly

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Arrived in a few weeks international

Promo was packaged well and not the slightest bit worried about any breakages

Price to performance
Additional comments

PP hands down the best lab out there right now

Waiting for the sick 50/60% off TR sometimes does to really stock up again

I recommend shopping here!
Mac12769's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This will be the primary review for my 12 week cycle with TeamRoids, they included me in their last Promo, and I chose Para Pharma NPP 150 as the main product. While I've used their products many times, this is my first Promo run with them, and I want to include the other TR items I used as well in the cycle, as they all deserve to be reviewed. These guys have always delivered and come through for me, without a problem or issue, ever. Good Not sure how else to sum that up any better.
My initial plan and cycle was Test C 500 mg/week, NPP 450 mg/week, Arimidex .5 mg E3D for sides, and HgH (different source) long term...nothing complicated. But TR tossed in a big ass bag of Dianabol orals, I already had a vial of their Dianabol injectable, never tried either, so I decided to give those a trial go. I also have their Cialis 20, which was used from time to time. Ran some initial labs beforehand and everything was looked good.
I'm currently into Week 10, hovering around +15 lbs, and feeling great. Sides under control, the only noticeable issue is oily skin more than normal, which I cover with extra showers and OTC skin facial pads. No gyno or major acne breakouts.
On to the details.......

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dragon Pharma Cypionat 250 : 500 mg/week. My first time using the Dragon line, heard good things, so decided to try it out. I'm very impressed with it. Aggression definitely up from my laid back, happy, baseline TRT norm. Libido through the roof...I swear my lady gets tired of it some days lol. Have to keep my head from wondering or I walk around with a boner all day. 2 pins a week, I rotate all over and blend oils when needed, but I did pin some solo spots for PIP review. Smooth injections, very little PIP, the only times it was noticeable was when I pinned Delts or a virgin area. Even then, it was not much issue. Definitely got my skin oily, but keeping that under control with basic measures and Arimidex. No gyno or crazy acne breakouts. One thing different I noticed with this Test.....sweating a whole lot more in the night. I use fans and everything, still a pool under me. Haven't had a chance to run a new Test level yet cause my lab is capped, will post level when I find a new one. I have no doubt its high, the Dragon is breathing fire. Dirol
Another reason I'll probably never tun Tren lol

Para Pharma NPP 150 : 450 mg/week. My first time using NPP. I'm 50 and decided to see if it would benefit my joints, recovery, etc without any major adjustments to anything else. After 10 weeks, I'm sold on it. All my joints feel great, even my right shoulder that aches after a hard workout, was moving/rotating well. But this shit is a little thick. Unless you want some PIP, I recommend blending it with whatever Test, heat it up bit, and pick big muscle spots. Might be a bit sore for a day sometimes, but tolerable. It's going to stay as a staple in the future for sure. Ok

Dianabol 20 mg/tab and Dianabol 100 mg/ml : So I love Adrol, but never tried Dbol. My labs were good, I have my liver supps, they tossed this in on the Promo, so I decided to do a little kickstart to the cycle. Not taking anything away from the product, very effective, but not for me. First 2 weeks, I started with the injectable Dbol 20 mg and blended it with my daily pin of Test/NPP. This stuff stinks so be ready. I could smell it, taste it, and damn near lick it off my skin each time. Stout lol. So I didn't super bloat up or moon face out, but it for sure filled me out quick. Could feel some strength boost, but nothing compared to Adrol for me. Not even close. I get some slight, noticeable euphoria with Adrol, nothing with this stuff. But I did go up 10 pretty quick and holding. So after 2 weeks, I switched to the Orals. Damn, that was a big difference. One hour after popping those bad boys, I literally felt my BP increase behind my eyeballs. Workout were good, lifted more, but still not at my Adrol level. But the deal breaker was it tanked my appetite. After about a week of the orals, every fucking bite of food was a force feeding, and for me, not good. Talked it over with Forum buddy, dropped it and moved on with the cycle. Appetite returned, I lost some gains for sure, but bounced back well enough. This is good stuff guys, either form, but not worth it for me. We all respond different.

Arimidex 1 mg/tab : No major write up necessary. I use .5 mg E3D and it took care of everything. The tabs split with ease. No crying or PMS flareups. ROFL

Cialis 20 mg/tab : Ok this shit is real deal. I have a script for Cialis, and their tabs are just as good, if not better. I generally only need 10 mg and these pills split no problemo. I drop the whole 20 mg...full on stuffy nose and pile driving mode for a day and half, no joke. Crazy pumps, slows my reps down. Split these bad boys first to see how they hit you....

Accutane and HcG in photo not used in this cycle.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These guys respond quick, took care of everything, and tossed in some free no blue ball, cock bombs. Site and process is easy, even the cavemen here can do it.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top notch packing, tracking the whole way, these guys know how to get it done. Everything was tight, nothing broken, all as expected and quick enough.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This is a go to for INT orders. Been using them a while and wanted to give a well deserved review on my first Promo with them. Top pricing, products we all know, promos and discounts....see you on my next order guys....thanks again.
Dance 4

I recommend shopping here!
  • press1 » We spoke about this Dianabol Inject bud and turns out we both have the same Batch number PRBU112. I too feel there was something not right with it compared to all the others I have ran, I got no size or strength gain off it at all - from the symptoms I got it felt like injectable winstrol as my shoulders got so sore I could no longer press heavy and had to stop using it.
Jjohnbubby5's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I received as a promo in January 2023, some Para pharma testo e 400. "400 mg testosterone enanthate" team roids was great, first package never made it, they re shipped "Promo" which is nice, the test e is stronger than anything I've used at 400mg per ml is does have some PIP. not as bad a dhb but bad enough lol. Overall I'd never hesitate to order through team roids or anything Para pharma.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Took 300mg weekly, Para pharma test enanthate 400. Taken during my trt/cruise. it's quality test but with a downside, PIP. if pip strong dhb is a 10/10 this is a 7-6/10.. Just how it did me. Then again dhb fucked me once.

I felt great, libido was all there did have some acne but to be expected. My body fat pushed down some "I usually take a little less for trt so I'd say this was a cruise. Strength came up I did take some oxandrolone but not a lot.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top notch, they reshipped a lost promo order which is phenomenal. Replied to any questions quickly also. Checkout for my order was also easy.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I believe I took a little over a week from what I remember.. It definitely didn't take long. Was packaged safe and sealed up well. No worries there.

Price to performance
Additional comments

To me, Para pharma anything you can't go wrong. And team roids is a great way to get em. I won't hesitate to order anything here.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/08/2023 - 03:44
Hulkboy80's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review is for a promo i received
Longstack 300
Experience is always a good one with this source

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

So, i tried the longstack, tren e, masteron e test e
Man this stuff is amazing, so i had an injury where my right pec and lat atrophied, i had jumped on one stack and it helped, however when i switched over to this one, it really kicked the muscle growth into high gear!
Been on a little bit over 6 weeks, gained about 20ish lbs, some water of course , libido is great when i lift the vascularity is insane, think ive found my new stack
So im doing 1cc 2 x a week addded in 500mgs of test e and an extra 100 mgs of masteon
200mgs tren e
700mgs test e
300 masteron

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is always on point with tr

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Got my package on time as always

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great quality product as always preciate the great promos

I recommend shopping here!
Relou's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

An excellent team roids promo review.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Long stack 300: 100mg each Tren e, test e and mast e. Total 300mg/ml

I have been running this stack for 6 weeks now @ 5cc/week. This has been absolutely WOWWWW so far. What a stack!! Tren mast and test all in enanthate ester. I ran a similar stack in propionate esters this time it was enanthate.

I started noticing it by week 2 but the real effects and strength of these compounds started between week 3-4. Strength is through the skies just loving this stack. The most dramatic strength increases are in my big muscle like chest back and legs. My sex drive is through the roof. Sometimes Sex is always in mind haha. To be noted I am running caber and arimidex at a very low dose to counter with prolactin and estrogen. Night sweats and anxiety have appeared but nothing out of control. Tren @ 400-500mg is tolerable but dose higher than that makes big issues.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

A fantastic customer service. They answered my pms here with true professionalism.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

One of best packaging I seen here. Arrived much sooner than expected.

Price to performance
Additional comments

WOWWW what a generous promo. Thank you team roids.

I recommend shopping here!
Armwrestlingfiend's picture
+ 3
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for 5x para pharma primo

Before running primo was running 80mgs TRT and 30 mgs var. decided to start with 200 mgs a week of primo split 2x a week mon and thurs to see how I respond at first.

Week 1 - injected glutes, oil is thick definitely warm up before injection. I found I get pip around 3 days after injection. Not much else to report.

Week 2 - injected chest, found I got knots in my glutes from the primo. Using heating pad for an hour each glute helped. Not noticing much of anything else besides pip so far.

Week 3 - decided to pin triceps for the first time ever, stupid mistake. My left triceps was ok but my right tricep leaked sub q was red and hot and painful all the way down to my elbow. Ice helped a lot. Lasted around a week.

Week 4 - back to glutes, triceps are better and am starting to get better pumps. Also noticed libido went down a bit so added another 100mgs of test so 180mgs test now. Noticing the hardening effects of primo.

Week 5 - back to chest, decided primo is better for the bigger muscle groups don’t want to risk pinning something with that much bite back in my triceps or biceps even. Learned that If you’re able to get the heating pad or a hot shower in right after you pin you’ll have very little pip. Am enjoying the higher test while negating the estro effects with primo. Pumps are getting stronger and am getting a bit more snappy than usual. No hair loss side effects noticed either.

Week 6 - this is the week I’m really feeling it finally kick in. The pumps are sick. Still getting stronger in a deficit only eating 2000 Cals. Body fat is starting to melt and really enjoying the hard lean look that’s coming in.

Week 7 - libido came down a bit again so added another 100 mgs of test. Totaling 280 test now from 80 with zero estro sides. This may be my favorite part of primo in that it allows me to use more test than I would normally tolerate. Pumps are getting too sick I can’t take a var pre workout anymore. I’d say 200 mgs of primo is similar to 20 - 30 mgs of var per day something like that.

Week 8 - just enjoying the cycle I plan to now double the primo after I get blood work. Weight went from 195 - 185 then back to 190 all while on a deficit getting stronger and losing fat. Nice dry lean slow gains. Suggestion warm up your primo and get a heating pad on it or take a hot shower right after pinning and it takes care of most of the pip. I kinda like pip so it wasn’t all that bad to me besides my triceps pin. Overall probably my favorite cycle so far.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for 5x para pharma primo

Before running primo was running 80mgs TRT and 30 mgs var. decided to start with 200 mgs a week of primo split 2x a week mon and thurs to see how I respond at first.

Week 1 - injected glutes, oil is thick definitely warm up before injection. I found I get pip around 3 days after injection. Not much else to report.

Week 2 - injected chest, found I got knots in my glutes from the primo. Using heating pad for an hour each glute helped. Not noticing much of anything else besides pip so far.

Week 3 - decided to pin triceps for the first time ever, stupid mistake. My left triceps was ok but my right tricep leaked sub q was red and hot and painful all the way down to my elbow. Ice helped a lot. Lasted around a week.

Week 4 - back to glutes, triceps are better and am starting to get better pumps. Also noticed libido went down a bit so added another 100mgs of test so 180mgs test now. Noticing the hardening effects of primo.

Week 5 - back to chest, decided primo is better for the bigger muscle groups don’t want to risk pinning something with that much bite back in my triceps or biceps even. Learned that If you’re able to get the heating pad or a hot shower in right after you pin you’ll have very little pip. Am enjoying the higher test while negating the estro effects with primo. Pumps are getting stronger and am getting a bit more snappy than usual. No hair loss side effects noticed either.

Week 6 - this is the week I’m really feeling it finally kick in. The pumps are sick. Still getting stronger in a deficit only eating 2000 Cals. Body fat is starting to melt and really enjoying the hard lean look that’s coming in.

Week 7 - libido came down a bit again so added another 100 mgs of test. Totaling 280 test now from 80 with zero estro sides. This may be my favorite part of primo in that it allows me to use more test than I would normally tolerate. Pumps are getting too sick I can’t take a var pre workout anymore. I’d say 200 mgs of primo is similar to 20 - 30 mgs of var per day something like that.

Week 8 - just enjoying the cycle I plan to now double the primo after I get blood work. Weight went from 195 - 185 then back to 190 all while on a deficit getting stronger and losing fat. Nice dry lean slow gains. Suggestion warm up your primo and get a heating pad on it or take a hot shower right after pinning and it takes care of most of the pip. I kinda like pip so it wasn’t all that bad to me besides my triceps pin. Overall probably my favorite cycle so far.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service always friendly, communication quick and helpful, ordering process easy

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Took a little over a week, fast and discreet

Price to performance
Additional comments

One of the best sources you’ll find

I recommend shopping here!
Klunfky's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great! Easy process from the start and prices you can’t beat. I got Parapharma Tren A and dbol. I’ve never had any issues with parapharma and they have great prices/sales on it.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Parapharma Tren A: used low dose, 150mg a week, as part of a recomp. I honestly had zero negative side effects and felt great. Slight mental edge at this dose, increase drive/libido, and worked great for a recomp. Cut a few% BF while making me tight/ and vascular. Zero PIP with this tren either, although I was injecting very small amounts with my test.
Parapharma DBOL. Been using this PWO on and off. Definitely great dbol. 20mg and the pump is good. 40-60mg and your arms are turning purple and you can’t move them. Not much else to say about it other than I’m very satisfied with the parapharma products TR carries.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

No issues. Place the order, pay, receive. INTL takes longer as expected but nothing crazy, I think it was somewhere around 2-3 weeks from placing when I got my package. They respond fast and although I never had any issues, I’m sure they would be quick to resolve them.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Like I said, INTL shipping isn’t FAST. But it comes as expected. Can’t beat it for the prices. Was secured nicely and has no issues with my package.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I love all parapharma products and you can’t beat the price TR has them for. Can’t go wrong here.

I recommend shopping here!
expylon's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Testosterone enanthate from Para Pharma once again. Teamroids is a business you can trust and their customer service is very attentive.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para Pharma Testosterone Enanthate is a reliable testosterone free of PIP (post injection pain) and the brewers have proven to keep quality since they started.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The rep here on eroids is very helpful and usually answers in 24 hours or less.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Delivery is from... lets say far away so it takes a little to arrive. The package is discreet and without hinting anything about their contents at all.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thank you TeamRoids for your service and good product.

I recommend shopping here!
Eminef's picture
My overall experience

Order'd 200iu parartopin taking so far 3iu before bed time . Will make blood next Week, taking hgh 2 month now. Will Order again 200iu. 6 month will this cycle be. I canot affort to everything in one time 600iu, Put every 2 month 200iu that i can.

Products, effectiveness and results

startet hgh First Week 1iu and then 2iu and 3rd week Till now 3iu. I can See result on my Belly and have Pump in the Gym and the Muskel looking really nice . I dont need so much Recovery time after Gym. Put IT can be from Testosteron enant and bolde this IS from other source, here im Review only the hgh.
My skin IS looking more Young and Hair more Beauty. And my Finger nails growing very fast.

Customer service

Friendly and answer very fast

Shipping and Delivery

Litlle Pit i was scared IT was international Put the package was silt very good and No Problem from custom

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will come again

I recommend shopping here!
Stan32's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

My experience with these guys was amazing. They answered all my questions in a timely manner. TeamRoids is my new go to.

Products, effectiveness and results

Ordered four bottles of Testosterone Cypionate 250. I haven’t tried it yet, but I have had close friends that have, and they love it. Looking forward to my cycle

Customer service

Customer service was amazing. These guys answered all my questions. Have to say they’re on top of their game.

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging was discrete did not have to sign for it which is awesome. Took roughly 10 days which was expected. No complaints here.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Keep up the good work guys. It’s always nice to find a reliable, trustworthy source. I highly recommend shopping here.

I recommend shopping here!
Ruslan3003's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

The best experience ever with customer service and products . Placed my first order overn1000K quick TAn. Pumps were n great and sex drive through the roof

Products, effectiveness and results

Excellent quality no pain injections

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

2-3’days provided tracking information

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/30/2023 - 01:10
  • Jrblh2 » All that gear and this is your review horrible review I should neg this but maybe you'll edit this review and tell us about what the products did what side effects you encountered strength increases weight gain or loss aggression if any or anything other than I spent a grand on gear
Woogs's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great overall experience. I’ve purchased several para pharma products from TR…all solid. This review is for para pharma winstrol 50.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

So, I’ve been running TRT dose of Test C (200mg) and Mast E (200mg) for about 6 months. I felt/looked great but have always wanted to try winstrol. Wow! I just finished 5 weeks. 50 mg split twice a day. Winstrol is insane! Motivation increased. Strength gains were incredible. Fat loss. I was lean before, but now I’m bigger and super vascular. My arms and calves look like fucking road maps when I get out of the sauna at age 42.
Even my dick is veiny…crazy bro.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Super helpful. Helped to navigate my first BTC purchase

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always get a shipping # quick. Total time to arrival is about 21 days. It’s been less and more by a couple of days…just depends on customs/carrier.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you’re buying across the pond, I definitely recommend TR for your para pharma products. Legit source providing great products and service.

Also, I was concerned with cholesterol and liver toxicity levels. I took a large dose of niacin 3x a day and milk thistle daily. I got blood work done a week after I finished the cycle and my lipid profile is only slightly elavted…crazy considering the significant body transformation in only 5 weeks.

I recommend shopping here!
Nenedemoda's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Big surprise with the promo that Para Pharma sent me. 4 x Long Stack 300 For Pharma
1 x Dianabol 20 For Pharma
excellent products

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4X 300 long stack and Danabol
That was my cycle last year by the end of the year .I apologize beforehand because for personal reasons I had to stay away from the forum for a while, but during the cycle I kept 3ml a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1ml every day no pain when injecting super soft for 10 weeks and 30mg Dianabol every day for 4 weeks. the results were amazing when i went to check the levels of test 2718 my doctor got mad at me lol. He told me that I had to lower it to 1000 and stay at 700.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I dont have nothing to complaint about . always on the lookout for any questions that I had , He sent me the tracking number immediately

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

discreetly packaged, 17 days and it was at the door of my house

Price to performance
Additional comments

I'm going to upload the results of the tests but I still don't know how to edit to hide the personal information and I also need to know what else I have to hide from that information, like the name of the clinic, my name and what else I need to know, if anyone can help me I thank you.

I recommend shopping here!
robb's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para pharma long stack 300 test tren mast enanthate each compound had 100mg per ml.
A great product, one of my favourites by far, a great overall experience.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ran as before at 4ml per week, doing 2 x 2ml shots a week is really easy going and straight forward and easy to remember Mon/Thurs schedule. The oil itself is pip free using my glutes. The results are always impressive with the added benefit of having tren and mast in the mix, as opposed to just running a test cycle. Tren and mast give me the extra drive, strength and the visual impact it brings always keeps me satisfied in my gym goals and ideal image of how I want to have my physique look.
The quality of para pharma is extremely good, i have nothing but confidence using their gear they deserve all the praise they get. The consistency has never dropped from trying for the first time some years ago to present day.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always top service, little communication needed just the basics. Always received a reply within 24h so never left hanging. Very easy order process, arrived safely and posted without the need for a signature which is always a big + in my book, a lot of people especially those where gear is illegal don't want to have to sign for packs coming from overseas.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Yeah as mentioned, arrived real quick. About a week only to the UK. Very safely sealed up, nothing damaged or anything that may indicate what was enclosed within. No unnecessary packaging meaning it was flat enough to fit through a typical UK letter box, which are pretty much the same size nationwide and avoiding the need for the postie to knock on the door.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Absolutely love para pharma, the TTM blends are great products from a very reputable source and couldn't be happier. I'll be leaving the tren alone for probably the remainder of the year. Can get a bit much at times but it's an expected side effect for myself, very typical. Fortunately I don't suffer with trensomnia or soaking the bed with sweat.
Other than that keep up the great work guys!!

I recommend shopping here!
  • DaPump » Did you pin glutes only? Wondering about the PIP in other areas
  • robb » Yes, hit glutes only. 2ml would be to much for delt or quad. Zero pip in glutes, slightly warmed.
elgomero's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

La experiencia con esta compañia es de 10.Llevo haciendo pedidos desde hace 3 o 4 años y siempre sin ningun problema pero el ultimo pedido me lo incautaron en aduana.Me puse en contacto con ellos y sin ningun problema se ofrecieron a enviarmelo de nuevo por otra via distinta al correo tradicional.Me lo enviaron con una compañia privada y ya lo tengo en casa.

Products, effectiveness and results

Siempre pido testo de para farma y les aseguro que es legitima 100%

Customer service

El servicio al cliente es excepcional,siempre que tienes dudas con alguna cuestion te responden muy rapido

Shipping and Delivery

Siempre bien todo muy bien empaquetado

Price to performance
Additional comments

No tengo mas que agradecimiento hacia ellos,y les cuento mi experiencia por si a alguien le sirve de referencia.
Desde luego que recomiendo comprar con ellos por lo profesionales y lo fiables que son.

I recommend shopping here!
  • Nenedemoda » Ya trataste long stack 300 ? Te lo recomiendo , no duele el pinchaso y es super efectivo la calidad de Para Pharma es muy buena .
LaBahia2's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Way overdue review from a Promo: PARATROPIN 100IU, the experience was excellent, shipped fast and arrived safely

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Was taking another HGH from another source when this arrived. I started taking PARATROPIN immediately, I took the same dose I was already taking 3 IUS, 1.5 in the morning, and 1.5 My sleep improved (much deeper sleep with vivid dreams), my skin looked good and healthy, and recovery also improved, and it kept me slim- especially in the abs. I gained some muscle or looked more toned. No increase in appetite. My fingers on my right hand did get some minor tingle-lish.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Fast, discrete, and no need for back/forth communication.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The package was in my mailbox sooner than I was expecting. The package arrived safely and well-wrapped.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This was part of the Promo and would buy more HGH in the future, I have also tried other items from this source and have proven legit with great results.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/08/2023 - 21:39
  • [MOD] Greg » YOU MAY WRITE A REVIEW IF: You have received AND used the products, within the last 6 months.
Big-name-new-account's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Experience was great, got included on a promo , recieved 3 vials Tren ace by para pharma,

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para pharma tren ace was some good stuff, had less sides than usual, pip was very minimal, super smooth stuff, great vascularity and muscle hardness came on very timely as expected, strength and drive increase was also on point

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was quick and efficient , communication was flawless

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very nicely packaged, very discreet, turnaround was quicker than they quoted which is always a plus in my book

Price to performance
Additional comments

Was part of promo , definitely worth the money in the future

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/03/2023 - 01:27
Satote19's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Teamroids has always been there for me. I ordered 4 ParaPharma testó 250.
I am currently running 125 mg every Monday as my trt dose. I recently had a sports combat injury the second week of April. I had my bicep completely torn and just had surgery today. I’m gonna keep my trt dose and added 20 mg anavar to help with recovery. I will be on a cast for 6 weeks and all I can do is work out legs something that I have neglected all my life. After my tear injury I’ve worked out legs 3 times a week making sure I go really slow on all my legs and maxing at only 2 45 plates on each side to slowly build. My physical therapy will start in two weeks and ParaPharma from teamroids is been used for all of my recovery.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4 ParaPharma testó 250
My trt dose has kept me nice and lean. No pip at all and smooth oils.
My legs are nice and tight and I can already notice a little definition on my right quad .

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service and communication has always been top notch. Teamroids has always kept me updated.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Touchdown was 3 weeks which is always super awesome from across the pond. Packaging always tight and secure

Price to performance
Additional comments

Reliable source for me going on 3 years of doing business with this source. You want peace of mind knowing your items will arrive then this is it!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/02/2023 - 23:38
Roostable's picture
+ 2
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Another great experience with the team!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've used a lot of different growth over the years and have to say I really enjoyed the paratropin I picked up. Vacuum sealed vials, helped with my sleep as without gh I notice my sleep isn't great but on this is was consistently good. Also noticed hair and nails grew faster whilst on this too. Pumps in the gym were also very good even though I'm low carb at the moment, makes dieting even easy when you don't feel small haha. No swelling or redness when Injecting which I've had from other brands previously

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Updated me every step of the way and also provided a tracking number which worked which isn't available from all sellers. I feel the site explains how to make payments via crypto easier too than some

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery to the UK was very quick just over a week, very discreet too

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Evanisjacked's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Superb experience, I absolutely recommend these guys!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Para pharma sust 350. Pinned 700mg a week split in 2 shots. Experienced some mild pip which I combatted but running syringe under hot water before injection. Thinking this brand may be a bit overdosed, as I had a lot of estrogen related sides. Oily skin, and gained almost 12lbs seemingly overnight. Great strength gains, but for my goals I may stay away from this product when not bulking.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Secure and fast

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!