BFG's picture
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+ 4 List of members who don't review promos

This is a list of members who joined a promo(s), received their item(s), gave their word to the community to review, and never reviewed. The purpose of this list is to prevent these ungrateful freeloaders from further taking advantage of this community. Members of this community read reviews when making informed decisions. Those who give their word to this community to review and then do not review are taking advantage of us all.
Flagged user Flagged by
Shoug17 76
TheChampIsHere313 76
AD19358 76
brainflex 76
cmccann79 76
eyezneverlie Gorillakingz
sniffi123 UncleYoked
SneakySnake UncleYoked
KMLplumb1 UncleYoked
countertop UncleYoked
sal4275 UncleYoked
FewExtraReps5 UncleYoked
CMB02 UncleYoked
BlindAlligators BSOstore
CHIMAIRA75 Steroidify
Syntax 76
ExtraGramSam Steroidify
Mfitzy101 PompsPlace
mustaf58670 Steroidify
Andre1102 Steroidify
Smalldood eighty7
Astrobnomical UncleYoked
Dubbs2 76
Floridagators2433 76
S3rbishop eighty7
Johnnymak UncleYoked
Meek88 xlpharmastore
rottiescottie 76
AussieGuy ausjuice
Bchamp UncleYoked
Sprinkles Catalyst
Yankeesuck teamroids, Osgear
2Ton88 eighty7
Arroyo80 76
DonSanchez 76
Flipiv NapsGear
SC72785 UncleYoked
Caddy1 UncleYoked
MTPapi 76
Kaizer_One eighty7
Jaws ugfreak
Datsun23 eighty7
Cayjutlerlol PompsPlace
Lyn1987 ugfreak, pctshopcom
Deadlast Steroidify
Uncrownedking13 eighty7
salo4618 eighty7
Tungsten083 eighty7
buuddha77 Steroidify
Butterthetoast teamroids
DbolDonk eighty7
Xaicvx 76
ctgtommy99 teamroids, Steroidify
Big gains 777 pctshopcom, Osgear
Dillofit UncleYoked
ChickenFedMonster teamroids, pctshopcom, Osgear
Avon321 teamroids
handle36 eighty7
Guy Wilhurt eighty7
gabrielrobinson0796 eighty7
BrofessorChaos Osgear, teamroids
Mcginger69 Steroidify, Osgear
Quadrasaurus teamroids
40mikemike UncleYoked
Growhulk teamroids
luy88 GDRoids, pctshopcom
TeeArrTee eighty7
YouputyourDecai... eighty7
Gainsgainsgains1989 Steroidify, pctshopcom
ctfx eighty7
Complexed BSOstore
Henry978 teamroids, pctshopcom
Frdmn teamroids, eighty7, Osgear
ToughGuy92 pmroids
Direwolf71 eighty7
IndianaBRICKIE eighty7, Osgear
Sebas26 pmroids
Klunfky ugfreak
Slimhagrid UncleYoked
Axzel69 Osgear
manofsteel96 pmroids, SteroidHub, teamroids, ugfreak, pctshopcom
Hillside86 teamroids
WILDCARD1 pctshopcom, ugfreak, teamroids, Osgear
JhonDoe teamroids
BMamba1216 UncleYoked, eighty7
Lapdog Osgear
morningstaar97 Osgear, teamroids
SavTac teamroids
Jyo-Fwl BSOstore
grogu pctshopcom
b00sti Steroidify
Drpepperstorm pctshopcom, teamroids, ugfreak, eighty7, pmroids
asidphreak DomRoids
SamMed Steroidify
Stan the man Osgear
Billdunn pctshopcom, ugfreak, teamroids, Osgear
TBF teamroids
T1 UncleYoked
Max_lifts teamroids
MakoShark UncleYoked
Fcoes teamroids
Bodybuilder85 UncleYoked
gamejiachex teamroids
JohnConner1776 teamroids, Osgear, ugfreak
WhySettleForLess SteroidHub, DomRoids
Termanator ugfreak, pmroids
NinjaAssassin Steroidify, NapsGear
11chuck88 Osgear, pctshopcom
Iyeromen steroids-ukCOM, Osgear, ugfreak
Moraku teamroids, pctshopcom, pmroids
Dezmondleon pctshopcom, Osgear, ugfreak
keithkirby90057 myroidshop
Mightymike Steroidify
Drol 250 eighty7
Failuretobreathe33 Steroidify
jaydan UncleYoked
Voodoo4312 BSOstore, Osgear, pctshopcom, ugfreak
Bigcory802 Osgear, teamroids
PolskaPower DomRoids
meskwakindn UncleYoked
MangoPlatypus pmroids, Osgear, pctshopcom, ugfreak
Gators3756 CRAZY DOSER
Jonny_Thunder_76 Osgear, NapsGear
Edreli Driada Medical
Zgoff2828 76
Bigjfmb teamroids, pctshopcom
Gatekeeper teamroids
Shearzyy pctshopcom, Osgear, pmroids
Shitforbrains NapsGear
Muscleneck DomRoids
dj_aango Greg
Shannz1086 pmroids
BigReps Nutrition-power24
Docsunshine23 76
Juiced_23 UncleYoked
norevolution UncleYoked
Armwrestlingfiend Steroidify
Thebully teamroids
TrenLiver BSOstore, pmroids
november1 pctshopcom
professer X pctshopcom
Brozowski265 eighty7
Readytodeploy eighty7
heavymetalmonsterD teamroids
Brickiemuscle teamroids, pctshopcom
Bigpoppapropionate DomRoids
Sneakerzilla Osgear
stolentoys ausjuice
Calrizzian DomRoids
Barbarian Muscle pctshopcom
C_swole BSOstore
Rick Von Osgear, pctshopcom
baol pmroids
Mr.D62 pmroids, BSOstore, Osgear
Juicey239 eighty7
daksmack pmroids, pctshopcom
barbell50 PhxStore
Aesthetic_One 76
dazedchef teamroids, Osgear, pctshopcom, ugfreak
gabrielkilmister Steroidify
dallastx007 Steroidify
Jayzgainz Steroidify
Jthee35 Steroidify
Mstrong724 pmroids
Smalldawg11 eighty7
purechaos77100 godtropin
jimbo1825 UncleYoked
Sam I Am eighty7
Sosa123 Steroidify
redneckfreak Steroidify
natalijka teamroids
Allinthafood BSOstore, Osgear, ugfreak
giants59 Steroidify
sprint1234 teamroids
HEViX teamroids
Trenhead85 Steroidify, Osgear
AllGains UncleYoked
gratsi Osgear
DonutMan eighty7
killakali teamroids
dimi4p pmroids
BiggTrae Steroidify
Machinegunmac Steroidify
Rogie2004 76
felony teamroids
Warrior1028 pmroids
Cade35 Steroidify
Jpfity Steroidify
HanginLow ugfreak
Viking23 teamroids, pctshopcom
TheFatKid pctshopcom, DomRoids, Osgear
Lean75mean ugfreak
Charlieboy69 teamroids
whoremoans BSOstore
Chefsolo90 Steroidify
kibby pmroids
Jacked82 pctshopcom, teamroids, Osgear, Getsteroid, steroids-ukCOM, ugfreak, myroidshop
Biggdaddy81 pmroids
Satote19 pctshopcom
Superman74 DomRoids
Brbry pmroids
Poetdrifter teamroids, Steroidify, Osgear
Flexingmerg ugfreak
Steezy Steroidify
gymrat83 NapsGear
robxl12321 BODYROIDS
JohnnyBravo ugfreak, teamroids
ckgains89 eighty7
manwhore teamroids, eighty7, NapsGear
SteakNlobsterli... pctshopcom, ugfreak
chris67 teamroids
BrosephChops eighty7
ss007 eighty7
jjpabich godtropin
Steveking1980 SteroidHub
Swellafella Osgear
Cochise DomRoids, Steroidify
Aramis pctshopcom
swoleB UncleYoked
shaun1 eighty7, DomRoids
lkj23 pctshopcom, Steroidify
trenjunkie2901 DomRoids
Top_Price77 teamroids
jack_wade teamroids
gameofarms DomRoids
Gh0st DomRoids
Testbeast200 DomRoids
hooligan16 DomRoids
badda12 76
bakkeboy pctshopcom
BenightedBodybuilder teamroids
BrolicBruce Osgear
2tonstony MuscuLex
avery830 pmroids
SoldierEM2 BSOstore
T-Rex pmroids
big rock24 UncleYoked
paulc2011 Osgear
Dans-ripped Osgear
c heagy 76
Mikevc550 teamroids, Steroidify, Osgear
Swole eighty7
John_doe britishroids, teamroids
REBUILD teamroids
Tombs Steroidify
catkinson pctshopcom
Daddylopez Steroidify
Supradude19 Steroidify, ugfreak
baha UncleYoked
awagz eighty7
sic26 pmroids
Bulkdaddy MuscuLex, Steroidify
ManOfKrypton eighty7
Gragil181 ugfreak
GibshredderR DomRoids
kingme101 DomRoids
romangod DomRoids
wanted eighty7
stew909 teamroids PompsPlace
kalel Steroidify
markopolo1982 76
Peppone Osgear
Beta Alphanine pmroids
boz645 SteroidHub
cthangorilla pctshopcom
geoff26 Osgear, Steroidify, pctshopcom, NapsGear
eclipse35 DomRoids
Rasputin_Omega Steroidify
ash48 pmroids
NYBX01 Steroidify
Steelers77780 BSOstore
561boi teamroids
Rayan ugfreak
GrowMore Steroidify
cwgarza eighty7
TheFunkeyMonkey pctshopcom
banginblue Steroidify
www ugfreak
BalanceFighter eighty7
GRIMEY ugfreak, teamroids
androq Steroidify
Foreal4 PompsPlace
gatorbits Osgear
surgelogic DomRoids
White Bolt teamroids, pctshopcom
Jc74s Steroidify
necc.diver pmroids
MITCH 23 Osgear
raw lifter Steroidify
Ironforged teamroids
jaywall Steroidify
Drock3611 Steroidify
ScripthookV ugfreak
Ekalb567 teamroids, Steroidify
cj0cj0 teamroids
nvasatysfd 76
stardog eighty7
killroy eighty7
Carleros Osgear
reloaded87 pctshopcom
hollywoodham Steroidify
K.Juic3d DomRoids
bodybuilder1983 UncleYoked
PhillyEagles teamroids
bigjimmy83 UncleYoked
Mr.flex Steroidify
BlakeHeartsRoids NapsGear
wolfpak4o2 teamroids, Osgear
juicechase Steroidify
tootallslim Steroidify
druski teamroids
JakeRoids Osgear
frank the tank pctshopcom
xrayoptics eighty7
TylerDurden7810 Steroidify
e5te8an Osgear, DomRoids
bosuj Steroidify
chicoimpala teamroids
jhendo DomRoids
upndown Steroidify
keepitreal NapsGear
sami1980 pmroids
KMC Osgear
House teamroids
popeboy1 Steroidify
jse222 Steroidify
mrmanip Steroidify
miggymig NovaPharma
Trenabolic pmroids
Big Tone36's picture

That's a big list

76's picture

Damn there’s some good members on this list. How early are sources flagging users? I’d say a minimum of 4 weeks should pass from the promo, or are we able to flag members immediately until they review?

ctfx's picture

Eighty7 will get my review as promised when cycle is ran in full. I hope to get started within the next 2 weeks as due to getting Covid and blood work coming back not so great on certain thing I have to put that first and clear up some things before I’ll start. But like I said the review will be made as soon as the cycle is done

Owes a Review × 1
Becausesquat's picture

Sorry for this no excuses I righted the wrongs got lazy no disrespect meant

wanted's picture

Now what !!!! Shreddy??

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
simonmagus84's picture

That guy @87 is full of excuses on why he won’t review, SMH.

HanginLow's picture

I am really waiting on Toms review of 87s gear:

"took 25mg Var before fucking miss E and my dick did not even budge, shit is bunk"

Owes a Review × 1
simonmagus84's picture

That man, is a treasure to this forum!!!!

NoKarma's picture
iFit's picture

That’s a well written review.

NoKarma's picture

Thanks boss!

BFG's picture

@Makwa, @Shreddd, it's a big list :(

Makwa's picture

That is a long list. Some of them owe reviews for 5 sources.

BeastMoDe33's picture

Wow... im not a promo whore. I've purchased a ton of gear on here for years

simonmagus84's picture

Didn’t the mods and senior members make a list similar to this already? I guess we need a refreshed list.

Makwa's picture

I don’t see why not @Greg @BFG

eighty7's picture

Is this allowed?

Bill1976's picture

Lol I see you have something to say hahaha.

In a promo × 1
More by BFG