Jimmy..'s picture
  • 33

Hitting plateau during fat loss?


Hi everyone im new to eriods joined to meet new people with similar goals and hopefully learn some stuff from you guys

Basically im trying to cut my bf% down and wondering can anyone advise on a fat burner that does not have a hudge list of sides that come with it ..ive tried clen about a year ago but that stuff made me feel terrible so just wondering if anyone has any experience in fatburners could they advise if possible please

Thanks guys

SuperBrish's picture

If over eating and/or too big an appetite is your problem, semaglutide will help. It kills your appetite quite bit. Sides early on can be nausea, constipation and mild lethargy but other than that sides are non existent. It doesn't help burn fat at all, just reduces appetite.

Jimmy..'s picture

No over eating is not a issue for me anymore bro
Although i could have done with using something like that mid last year during my pig out eating sessions lol.
I was just unsure why last few kgs of fat was not shifting and i was preparing to start eating less but
Thankfully i joined eriods and got the advice before making that decision.
Thanks for letting me no all the same tho buddy

JEX30Sex's picture

Every body here told you the gospel truth. No "fat burner" on the planet so far is going to solve your BF issue like a badass diet. Numbers my dude. Get a kitchen scale and download an app to count your intake. You don't even have to be religious about it. Eat like that for 3 mos in a deficit then come back here and report.

JEX30Sex's picture

Every body here told you the gospel truth. No "fat burner" on the planet so far is going to solve your BF issue like a badass diet. Numbers my dude. Get a kitchen scale and download an app to count your intake. You don't even have to be religious about it. Eat like that for 3 mos in a deficit then come back here and report.

Edit: Read through some more comments here 18% is a lil high I'm a year older than you give or take. Can I ask candidly? Do you drink too much? Eating is one thing but a lot of cals can be consumed that way. Honestly I had that problem and had to limit myself to Saturdays which if I'm being honest I don't always follow.

Lastly didn't mean to double post. Interwebies glitched on me somehow.

Jimmy..'s picture

Thanks for your reply...yea im going to religiously follow the advice giving on this post from here on in
Im at 18% now and about 2.5 months ago i bet i would have been in at 25%+ ..97kg i was...no i was never a big drinker bro ..but around mid last year i completly let my self go and was basically eating dominos,,mcdonalds ect everyday so obviously the weight flew on,i just try to stick to one cheat meal a month now tho

press1's picture

You need to adjust your diet to get your BF down & add in more cardio, if you feel it is still too high then you are consuming too many carbs and calories over the day. Try decreasing these and upping the protein in place of it, a lot of guys on here use diet apps on their phones which track these and much more.

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Jimmy..'s picture

My diet is fairly good..calroies and carbs low but its just the last couple of kg im struggling with,
Ill just get far more consistent with cardio

Thanks tho bro

Makwa's picture

Fairly good diet sounds to me like it needs improvement.. Where is your BF% at now?

Jimmy..'s picture

Hi makwa,
I dont have a set of callipers just yet so cant say exactly
But if i was to take a guess i bet it would be 17 or 18%

Id be eating roughly 1300 to 1400 calories a day
Mainly chicken and veggies
And oats in the morning before work
But last few kg proving to be very stubborn to get gone

ONESICK's picture

The older we get the harder it is to cut weight. Especially if your calories are too low. Your body goes in survival mode and slows metabolism down. It works even harder to keep body fat.

Jimmy..'s picture

Thanks for your input also bro....i had it all wrong im supprised i did not end up in hospital lol
I was eating those calroies and was preparing to eat less as no fat was burning.. im definitely going to follow the advice giving here now

ONESICK's picture

Yeah man, it's kinda opposite of what one might think. Seriously follow a lot of the older guys on here do. They'll steer you in the right direction.

FJB's picture

Dude your calories are way too low. Your basically starving yourself and the body ain't having it

Makwa's picture

Those calories are way to low. You will for sure experience a slow down in your metabolism with that few calories. Which appears to have happened if you can't lose anymore weight with those few calories. If your stats are right your TDEE should be somewhere around 2700. You knock 500 cals off of that and you should be dropping a pound a week. 1000 cals will have you dropping 2lbs a week. At that high of bodyfat it should be melting off you like butter so I am pretty sure you have damaged your metabolism if it isn't. You need to do a weekend where you refeed. Eat 3000+ cals everyday for a few days to reset metabolism and then slowly cut cals. It should be easy until you get into the low teens bodyfat. That is where you could consider implementing a fatburner. Not going to do you any good right now at that high of bodyfat and with a slowed down metabolism. This is the progression you should be following to lose fat the most efficiently.


Jimmy..'s picture

Im definitely going to give that a go and thank you for taking the time in explaining that to me
I just also had a look on your profile and your very knowledgeable in all aspects..
I was not expecting this from all you guys on this website
Thanks fellas

Jimmy..'s picture

Im definitely going to give that a go and thank you for taking the time in explaining that to me
I just also had a look on your profile and your very knowledgeable in all aspects..
I was not expecting this from all you guys on this website
Thanks fellas

SuperBrish's picture

The veterans here are awesome. I've been on other forums and definitely feel I get the best advice on this one. If you're serious and not too big of a dick, they will help you. I do wish it was a little easier to navigate and such as there's definitely a learning curve in finding the info you need. That aside the community is great IME. Need to pool our funds to buy these guys a round of tren every so often.

Jimmy..'s picture

I no bro the guys one here are like libarys full of knowledge,ITS CRAZY,,this is the first forum i ever joined and im delighted that i did to be honest.... and agreed bro its a small price to pay for the knowledge and experience thats passed out to less experienced guys on here.

Makwa's picture

I have alot of dieting related stuff there so that is a good place to start.