Jay1987's picture
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diet plan


Hi just wondering can any one shine a little light on the diet plan i put togeather (with the help of eriods) for my first cycle looking to gain some quality muscle

Meal 1: 8 a.m.

5 egg whites

1¼ cups oatmeal (dry measure) with honey and skimmed milk

8 oz. orange juice

Meal 2: 11 a.m.

8 oz. chicken breast

1 small to medium potato*

Meal 3: 1 p.m.

Whey protein shake (2 scoops)

6-8 rice cakes*

Meal 4 (postworkout): 3 p.m.

8 oz. turkey breast

2-3 cups cooked pasta or white rice*

1 whole-grain roll**

Meal 5: 6 p.m.

8 oz. ground beef (95% lean)

1 slice low-fat cheese

2 slices whole-grain bread

1 piece fruit**

Meal 6: 9 p.m.

Whey protein shake (2 scoops)

Thanks guys

Bill1976's picture

I never gain eating that clean. my meal I just ate was home made Mac and cheese with chili on top. It was one of those I ate too much meals and I need a nap.

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Makwa's picture

No clue if that diet will suffice. Need to know macros and cals. Figure out your TDEE and eat 1k cals above that. The AAS will serve as a nutrient partitioning agent so most of those cals should go into building lean tissue if workout is sufficient. Protein amount should consist of 2g/lb and the rest of cals from complex carbs and healthy fats.

anton_dev's picture

You have more experience in this than I do but do you really think the changes while on AAS will let you utilize almost 1k extra calories daily? I haven’t done a proper bulk on gear but I’ve generally limited my weight gain to 1/2 pound per week when bulking which is about 1800 calories extra over the week.

Makwa's picture

The fastest way to build quality muscle is with cyclic bulking. You have to shock the body to make it respond. Start with lower bodyfat (10-12%). This gives you great insulin sensitiivity and will utilize most of the excess cals for lean mass. The AAS will also help with this. Hit 1k over TDEE. Track progress with calipers. When fat gain outpaces lean gain then do a mini cut to reset insulin senstivity and continue with bulking again. The leaner you are the longer you can bulk for. Should easily be able to get at least 5-6 good wks in. Then 1-2 wk mini-cut will reset everything and take off any fat you gained during the bulk phase leaving you with just lean gains.

anton_dev's picture

I’ll give this a shot on my next bulk. I went from 195 to 260 over 8 years going low and steady while I was on TRT (my total levels in the 500s). My advice below is based on that experience.

Makwa's picture

Here are a couple of forums I put together that go into a little more detail. I personally like the cyclic bulking approach now and track body composition with calipers. Starting with low enough bodyfat and get a pretty long bulk in before having to reset. This is best to use on cycle since the AAS will help with nutrient partitioning with the excess cals. The more protien the better. 2g/lb is ideal but I wouldn't go below 1.5g/lb. More protein and less carbs will also help prevent insulin fatigue.

The second method works great when off cycle and want to put some quality weight on. They both work though. One way may work better for some so it is good to try both out at some point in time.



ONESICK's picture

To me your total carb intake is a little high. Really no need to keep that high if you're on a cut. I would add a bit more good fats. Protein intake should be good. I'm not sure what you're maintain calories are but maybe add another protein shake in the mix.

anton_dev's picture

Track your actual macros. If you’re trying to gain muscle then you will need to eat around 1g of protein per pound of body weight and your calories should be at least 300 calories higher than your maintenance calories. If you don’t know what your maintenance calories are, I would start figuring that out before your cycle. Tbh, diet is way more important than gear and if you’re not tracking then you’re just guessing

ONESICK's picture

Other than telling us what you're doing, you're missing the important info. All the macros of each meal. What's the approximate calories, protein, fats, carbs...? This doesn't really tell us much.