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+ 2 What Is Your Favourite Lifting Equipment to Use?


What Is Your Favourite Lifting Equipment to Use?

Hammer Strength Machines
20% (10 votes)
Olympic Barbell
20% (10 votes)
Fixed Dumbells
43% (21 votes)
Bodyweight Stations (Dip/Chin)
0% (0 votes)
8% (4 votes)
2% (1 vote)
Strongman Type (Stones/Yoke/Farmers)
0% (0 votes)
All Round Machines
6% (3 votes)
Total votes: 49
RazorRambo24's picture

T Bar w/ handle

Jeepman78's picture

I do get a lot of use out of the cable crossover machine, chest, back, bi's, tri's, ab's. Standing, sitting on the floor, drag a bench over, plus all the various bar and rope attachments so many exercises can be done. I use it everytime at the gym.

press1's picture

Have they got stones at your gym? I'm curious to try them but the amount of strongmen I have seen pop biceps on them is crazy - thats what put an end to Larry Wheels strongman career attempt lol I bet sleds are great for fitness/strength.

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UncleYoked's picture

Dumbbells of course. I know people love hammers and they're alright for some things but I've never been a huge fan.
I do love big stupid ass tires, sledge hammers, sand bags and atlas stones. I've moved away from heavy lifting in a rack over the years and started focusing more on functional training and movement.

press1's picture

I've never had the opportunity to try any of the Strongman equipment - is flipping the tyres over and carrying the sandbag as exhausting as it looks on TV? More demanding than a set of deadlifts for example?

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UncleYoked's picture

for me it's just more enjoyable, I feel rewarded when the tire flips but I've never pushed myself harder than I have with deadlifts. Deadlifts are strength depleting exercises, once that can leave you dry heaving, flipping a tire is more like working hard and feeling good about yourself after.

Forgot3times's picture

Definitely dumbbells. Can't go wrong . Like machines but machines brake. So if I were to pick only one dumbbells it is

Strengthinme's picture

Squat rack with a bench seat would be my choice. You can do the big 3 and more with just that

press1's picture

Absolutely, basically a power rack with slide able bench in it. Someone needs to invent a machine that can do bench hand outs!! Lol

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Prophetic's picture

THIS is a very cool idea, lol:

kekomagnon's picture

Unfortunately with Covid, I have had to workout at home for the past year. But, I can guarantee that I will be salivating at my first glimpse of a cable machine.I love working with them, given their ability to provide CONSTANT tension while you lift or lower the weight.Because muscles get stronger and grow bigger when there is more tension placed upon them during any exercise, the cable machines will fatigue muscles much faster and will result in greater muscle gains

Prophetic's picture

I remember when, after the lockdown, I reached the gym, I walked straight every day, I trained like crazy. And yes, I got straight to the simulators, otherwise at home there were only racks for squats, a bench for bench press and did traction. Worked with free weights.

JakeKO's picture

Check the following link. I bought two of each and now a can do most of my cable exercises at home. What a like saver.

Bill1976's picture

Dumbbells. You can manipulate them so much.

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Makwa's picture

Thigh abductor/adductor is my favorite to watch

blackjack115's picture

I prefer to watch reverse hack squats. I also suspect the gym staff of this as the hack squat machine is suspiciously located in the center of the gym where it can be seen from most angles.

press1's picture

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Prophetic's picture

And can I have this simulator with this girl, I just got carried away with this exercise.

Makwa's picture

Wish we had one of those at my gym

Greg's picture

Me too... The machine would be nice to have too.

simonmagus84's picture

You know, we have that machine at our gym and I used it both ways to feel if there’s a difference on the angle. I never understood why it’s used the other way considering the original positions contains back support. Can someone point out what the actual differences are using it face towards the pads vs standard use?

Makwa's picture

You can't see their ass using it the right way.

simonmagus84's picture

Lol but is there a legit reason why they face the other way?

Makwa's picture

The hack squat was designed to maximize contraction of the quads by allowing you to place your feet further out in front of you. Reversing it like that takes that emphasis away and makes it more or less just leg a regular leg press. No reason to do it that way unless you want to show your ass off.

Bill1976's picture

Im all about the hack squats. The other one idk what it’s called but the powerliftera use it for weak spots. You put the weights on different parts of the squat machine and you get all your week spots. It jumps your squat like crazy. You will hit PR every time you use it. I’ll look to see what it’s called next time

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mannip24's picture

I can't really tell if that picture is a power squat or hack squat machine. But most power squat machines have the padding so you can face in either direction.

Bill1976's picture

It’s a hack squat

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mannip24's picture

Maybe it's the picture but I never seen one on that angle.

simonmagus84's picture

Ahhh, then my speculation was correct. Thank you for confirming.

press1's picture

Now THAT gives a whole new meaning to going to train eh Mak?!!

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Makwa's picture

Now I am motivated to go to the gym

press1's picture

HAhaha I can imagine that's a pretty good sight especially when the woman has a great arse!!

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press1's picture

Not SLDL's??! LOL

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blackjack115's picture

I find dumbbells to be the most versatile but if we're talking about my single favorite piece of equipment it has to be a good pullover machine the back stretch and pump I achieve with has to be my favorite workout moment every week.

mannip24's picture

My gym has had the whole arsenal strength plate loaded line. If you haven't used it you are missing out. It's so adjustable and customizable it makes hammer strength look primitive. It's Flex Lewis company. It also has a lot of prime strength machines and attachments. Prime strength allows you to put the force on a particular part of the range of motion which is very useful for various reasons.

press1's picture

Sounds great - never seen this stuff before!

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mannip24's picture

It's legit. It's little innovations like on vertical chest press you can change the arm angles and it hits completely different. The pendulum squat is by far my favorite leg machine.

press1's picture

That squat machine looks like a right contraption!! Lots of different leg and back machines too, posterior chain also - Is your gym in the UK or US with it being Flex's line?

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mannip24's picture

It's in the Southern USA. Last I heard he opened up a gym in Las Vegas and lives there. My gym is very similar in design to how his is here.

HanginLow's picture

Press is the master of good polls

Personally, as a bodybuilder I love the Hammer Strength series for back and chest, two areas that need constant attention. Of course I use a variety of barbells and dumbbells and other machines depending on the bodypart but HS makes up a good percentage of the machines I use.

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press1's picture

Biggrin Biggrin

I must admit when I was over in the States years ago when they were just coming into the gyms I loved the Hammer strength machines - Esp all the different chest variations. Kinda felt like you were still doing free weights but with some great angles and still with the safety element. I'd say they work the muscle better than barbells for size.

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