Halsey's picture
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+ 9 Have you had Covid


Just curious as to the general numbers of who has had covid or not, while being vaccinated or un vaccinated.

Covid status

Had covid, vaccinated after covid
22% (26 votes)
Had covid, while vaccinated
28% (32 votes)
Never had covid, vaccinated
26% (30 votes)
Never had covid, unvaccinated
24% (28 votes)
Total votes: 116
Joe Mariasi's picture

I had covid twice. Both times, it felt like a common cold and i was shaking slightly. Almost like i took clen but had a cold. It was bearable. But I'm also in my late 20's. I'm double vaccinated, so I'm sure that helped. I wasn't on a cycle when i got covid, so i'm not sure how it would feel for someone on cycle as they're studies that steroids reduce the activity of the immune system and pairing this would covid, how it would turn out.

press1's picture

If you haven't had the Booster vaccine I would advise getting it mate - I didn't get it and have just had covid again and it has been horrific this time!! This latest strain is not affected by the first 2 vaccines and will bring you down like a tonne of bricks.

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Jrihard89's picture

wheres the I had covid, unvaxxed and will NEVER be vaxxed!

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Musclemem's picture

Jr I’m with you but I have a little girl with type 1 diabetes so I did it to keep me from infecting here. But I still became infected. I think the government needs to read the meaning of Vaccination.

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Musclemem's picture

I had Covid 2 times. I had 3 original shots and one booster. I lost my Vac card from CVS after receiving my first shot and they wouldn’t replace it so I went to Walgreens and started all over. It’s been 6 months and my taste is still screwed up and I just started getting my libido back. My doc said so don’t get there libido back. I was hospitalized with the Delta variant and was on a respirator for 6 days but ended up pulling through. It was touch and go for a little bit.

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press1's picture

I am just getting over the BA.5 variant that is rife over here now, on day 5 and beginning to feel human again. This has been so much worse than the previous times I have had it, it has obliterated my throat and nose passages and now I have zero smell or taste now the other symptoms are going. Throat felt like I was swallowing razor blades for days to the point of putting me off fluids, and I couldn't stop choking/gagging on mucus coming up. I made the mistake of just getting the first 2 jabs but not the booster thinking I didn't need it. Pure Evil shit

How did you end up being on a ventilator with it - did it attack your lungs badly?

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Musclemem's picture

Hey brother I’m happy to hear you are getting better. My blood oxygen saturation dropped to 78% so I had to be put on a respirator. I always said that shit won’t take me down. Big guy ego! Well I learned my lesson.

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press1's picture

One of the annoying things I kept noticing with it was when I would take half a glass of drink down and have no choice but to hold my breath as my nose was blocked, I was breathless afterwards lol The reason for why you cannot breathe as well is because all the mucus that goes into the lungs to protect them makes the lungs much tighter so they are not able to work as well as there is no space. Humans are the worst creatures on the planet for making things like this to use on one another.

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Musclemem's picture

Polio and all those vaccines are a huge and safe success. I personally feel this shit was a big money grab.

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press1's picture

I was meaning humans making Covid 19 bud - I think the vaccines are good whilst they are the relevant ones for the appropriate strain. They defo minimise the attack of the virus on you at the time.

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eighty7's picture

Polio vaccine was safe? SV40 killed a lot of people.

Musclemem's picture

They are today. What I really was pointing out is you don’t get polio when you get the vaccine. Covid everyone is getting it with vaccine and boosters.

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eighty7's picture
Musclemem's picture

Polio vaccine in the 70 and 80s saved millions from contracting the virus. That link is just mainly talking about that person in NY. They took the oral vaccine. Not a good choice of administering.

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eighty7's picture

No it didn't SV40 which it was contaminated with did the opposite of saving lives. Cancer blew up because of it. Funny how vaccine companies only talk about the positive side of their products.

Musclemem's picture

That’s very true. I know SV40 was causing non-Hodgkins. Just like new drugs. They are marketed like a miracle drug then 2 years later you see commercial after commercial about lawsuits if you took the specific drug.

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ArkReunion's picture

I got covid in January of last year. Honestly didn't even think I would make it through it, but I had my fiancee there to support me. She was very attentive and got me everything I needed. It was honestly the worst 5 days of my life. After day 5, I started feeling a little more like my normal self. Day 10 everything was about 90% back to normal.

genericguy223's picture

I got COVID few months after my second dose and it has ruined my lung capacity so I'm just trying to build my function back up slowly

manwhore's picture

Had covid in 2019 never got vaccinated then didn't get covid again got vaccinated 1st dose 2022 2 weeks later I pretty much died pneumonia lungs failed I will never get vaccinated again

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manwhore's picture

Yes but they will resolve in time weakened lungs stamina etc now long term I'm not sure yet have blood work coming up and a few other test

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manwhore's picture

Thanks man I really appreciate you

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manwhore's picture

It's great bloodwork is solid I just gotta build my muscular strength back up it went to shit

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Rush's picture

Two times vaccinated, tested positive, for the first time, last Sunday while routinely testing for work.
Had three days were I felt very exhausted, now I'm feeling better but still don't feel like my lungs have fully recovered.

Backdoorpass25's picture

I've had covid 3 different times December of 2019 I got my shots in May of 21 got my booster shot in December of 21, lol and got covid in January of 22 of this year. All the basic symptoms but each time I recovered faster especially in the gym

eighty7's picture

Every single time someone told me to put a mask on while I walked inside a store or restaurant it was a fat person saying it.

Mcginger69's picture

what if I had covid and didn't get the vaccine? there's not a response on here for that

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wanted's picture


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MurderHornet2020's picture

Bruh that vaccine is trash! Hornet, why would you say that?? Great question let me drop a little story on you. Best friends son infects both me and said best friend at the same time. Best friends entire family is not vaccinated. I am vaccinated. Also let me preface by saying my best friend believes a balanced diet consists of Taco Bell and dominos pizza. So on day one of us both being sick I’m like this mother fucker is going to die, poured a little whey on the floor, RIP. 3 days later… I’m sitting at home with a 104 degree fever wondering if I should start asking Jesus for forgiveness. And there’s my best friend…. Fuckn fine. Tells me the family is all good bro, how you feeling? you good? WTF telling me I had mystery government sauce injected into me that made me sick AF for a week to be worse off then captain Taco Bell??? Get fucked. I feel safer doing test then I do about getting any kind of booster. Your telling me it’s illegal to shoot anabolic agents but I have to take DNA altering mystery drugs… thanks but no thanks.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Bruh, my man I couldn’t agree with you more. And fuck those one person in a car mask wearing sheep. It’s all about government control.

Pink Marine's picture

Marine - got the shot and booster and still got COVID. My symptoms were pretty bad!

Jjohnbubby5's picture

Had covid. Still Unvaccinated.

wanted's picture

Mine screwed me for 3 full days of laying in bed in a pool of sweat. Felt like tren shots.
Lost weight and had the worst boogers ever. Had to dig at them. And ruined acouple sirts do to sneezing them out

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Jjohnbubby5's picture

Sounds like you also developed a sinus infection. Hate the nose shit.

Jjohnbubby5's picture

First time small headache, that's literally it. Second time "Omnicron variant" I was sick 2 days and shitty another day. Fever got up to 104. It felt similar to the flu mixed with a upper respiratory infection.

YouputyourDecainmyTest's picture

Had it twice. Didn't know the first time, the second case was a runny nose. My girl works in the ER (RN) and I'm pretty much exposed on a daily basis. Only took the vax because I couldn't attend school due to govt but had already had covid once previous and got the second after the vax.

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