MurderHornet2020's picture
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Current training protocol


Good morning everyone I thought I’d share my current training protocol with ya’ll. I’ll start by saying my arms are my strongest feature so for symmetry sake I don’t go overboard training them. Must be all that wacking off post divorce.

The meat and potatoes:
PPL 8 day split. This is broken up Pull Push Legs Off/cardio Pull Push Legs Off/Cardio. We got the pull leading off so there is always a rest day between legs and back due to Deads.

Cardio Session (Off day one) HITT 40 Minutes (Running)10 Min jog warm up 1 Minute Sprint 4 min jog x 4 sets for a total of 20 minutes followed by a 10 min walk.

Cardio Session (Off day two) 1 hour low to moderate intensity cycling.

Cardio on training days 20-30 minute walk the dog pace.


Each day has 3 workouts to rotate as you go changing the starting focus. For example one push day starts with chest and the following starts with shoulders. We have two hypertrophy days with 10+ reps as our target followed by one power day with 6+ reps as our target. The power day also gives us a break in volume. Hypertrophy days should be entirely focused on time under tension. To mirror @Makwa training principles we are looking to do 4 seconds eccentric 1 second explosive up. I personally like to pause and flex the shit out of my muscle at the top and bottom of each rep. As you can imagine this calls for light weights. 40-60 seconds rest between sets!

Intensity: Set 1: 3 RIR, Set 2: 2 RIR Set 3: failure Set 4: failure and beyond if your feeling froggy

(RIR reps in reserve)

Pull Workout A Hypertrophy

Warm up Sets: Cable Row x 2
Dumbbell row x 4 sets
Lat Pulldown x 4 sets
Bent over barbell smith row x 4 sets
Barbell Deads x 4 sets
Standing barbell curl x 4 sets

Pull Workout B Hypertrophy

Warm up sets: cable row x 2
Spider Curl x 4 sets
Concentration Curl x 4 sets
T-Bar Row x 4 sets
Hammer machine Row x 4 sets
Dumbbell Shrugs x 4 sets

Pull Workout C Power Baby! Bring the heavy!

Warm up set: cable row x 2
Warm up sets: cable row x 2
Deads x 3 sets
T-Bar Row x 3 sets
Barbell Curl x 3 sets

Push workout A Hypertrophy

Warm up sets: push ups x 2
Incline bench x 4
Flat Dumbbell Bench x 4
Cable cross over x 4
Side lateral raise x 4
Rear fly x 4
Skulls x 4

Push workout B Hypertrophy

Warm up sets push ups x 2
Military Press x 4
Front barbell raise x 4
Rear Delt dumbbell raise x 4
Pec machine fly x 4
Bench press x 4
Rope push down x 4

Push workout c power heavy!

Warm up sets push ups x 2
Bench press x 3
Military press x 3
Close grip bench x 3

Legs workout A Hypertrophy

Warm up sets leg press x 2
Leg extension x 4
Hack squat x 4
Seated calf raise x 4
Donkey calf raise x 4
Lying ham curl x 4
Hip abductor machine x 4

Leg workout b Hypertrophy

Warm up sets: standing leg curl
Seated leg curl x 4
Straight leg Deads x4
Seated calf raise x 4
Donkey calf raise x 4
Leg extension x 4
Leg press x 4

Leg workout c power heavy!

Warm up set lunges x2
Squats x 3
Leg press x 3
Seated calf raise x 3

Makwa's picture

Kind of confused on how you have this set up. This what I think you are doing. All the (A) workouts are done in one session. Then the next day the (B) workout and then the (C) workouts. Day off/cardio and then repeat?

MurderHornet2020's picture

Oh I could see how that looks. I was trying to say you do one of the workouts for a given day then the next time it’s pull day day for example you move to workout b and so on.

For example it would be day one pull workout a, day two push workout a day 3 leg workout a, Day four off cardio, day 5 pull workout b, day 6 push workout b and so on.

Makwa's picture

I think you are way beyond this routine. If today was your first day in the gym that would be a good workout. I don't see enough daily volume in there to really spur on growth for someone with some gym time under their belt, unless you are doing alot of intensifiers like drops/partials etc each set. I would probably be supersetting most of those exercises and be out of the gym in 25min. For example I would combine your Pull Workout A Hypertrophy and Pull workout B Hypertrophy into 1 day. That would be a workout more on par with where you are at. Superset A and B exercises with drops on the last set of each exercise and now you have a real workout.

MurderHornet2020's picture

This probably explains why I have been feeling a little stale in the gym. I guess I still see myself as a novice so I have been skewing my workouts that way. I’ll switch to super the A&B workouts.

So I am going to give this a go today:
Pull Day Hypertrophy

Warm Up Cable Row x 2 sets
Dumbbell Row ~>super set-> spider curls x 4 sets
Lat Pulldown ~>super-> concentration curl x 4 sets
Bent over rows ~>super~> T bar row x 4 sets
Standing barbell Curl ~> super-> dumbbell shrugs
Deads x 3 sets.

Now would you push it to failure every set?

Makwa's picture

Go to failure every set. You want to exhaust every fiber. You should have sweat pouring off of you so make sure to have electrolytes in your intra workout drink. It is weird why I am the only one with puddles of sweat under me after each set and everyone else just seems to be in their enjoying their day. that is why they always look the same. You should be uncomfortable. The burn and pump should be intense. You really don't need extra cardio when working out like this.

When supersetting you can extend the rest after the superset. Instead of the normal 40 sec push it out to 90 secs. Another progressive overload technique would then be to shorten that rest by 15 sec each week.

wanted's picture

Makwa true 100 % honest
I was done using a bench doing dumbell presses i got up this goodlooking girl asked if i was done. I said yhea let me just wipe the sweat off. She said ohhh dont worry im just gona sweat on it also. I was like holly hell. In shock

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Oh man lmfao I bet that girl eats ass!

Makwa's picture

Sounds like marriage material

MurderHornet2020's picture

You got me amped up as fuck! I am about to start going all out balls to the wall on this. I thought i trained hard but this is next level! I usually am pretty sweaty been utilizing the 40 second rest do a set till failure tempo and intention with the weights. I’m excited to train like a big boy now! With my light weights haha!

Makwa's picture

A successful bodybuilder knows how to make light weights feel heavy. Lol

MurderHornet2020's picture

Really starting to realize the benefit of ditching the ego and focusing on this!

Makwa's picture

I lost the ego a long time ago.
Funny story: I was using the 5lb dumbells doing lateral raises and then this hot 90lb girl came up to me and asked if I could give them to her when I was done. That was an ego deflator but at least I got to talk to her Lol

MurderHornet2020's picture

Lmfao that’s a good one I was doing barbell curls with one of those pre made ez bars at 25 lbs and a women asked me for that bar!! I know how that feels!

Makwa's picture

This is what I would be doing:

Drop set protocol The protocol for drop sets is to do three drops with approximately 20% less weight each drop. Try to take no more than 10 secs rest between the drops. Change the weight as quickly as possible and get back at it. Try to complete 5-8 reps each drop. So the drop set will include 4 sets - the original set + 3 drops.

DB row 4x10
Superset (SS)
Spidercurls 4x10 Drop set last set
Lat PD 4x10 Drop set last set
Bent over smith rows 4x10 Drop set last set
Concentration curls 4x12
Tbar rows 3x8 Drop set last set
DB shrugs 3x8
Hammer rows 3x10 Drop last set
Barbell curls 3x10 Drop last set

Skip the deadlifts in your pull routine and just do them in your pull powerworkout routine.
Now kind of do the same thing for your push workout. For your powerworkouts I would at least double the sets you are doing.

To help add in progressive overload into this routine for the first rotation through take 1 set off of each exercise and don't do the drops. Next rotation add the extra set in for each exercise. Next rotation add in the drops. If you are really ambitious and on cycle add in drops for the last 2 sets. Lol This type of workout with proper nutrition should puts some slabs on.

As far as rotation I would set it up like this
Pull Power
Legs P
Push Power

repeat rotation Run for 6 wks and reassess/switch up routine

MurderHornet2020's picture

Holy dam I did this workout just like you said!! Next level I was shaking by the end!

MurderHornet2020's picture

I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read and write all this Makwa thank you!! I will report back on it in 6 weeks!