Beach13's picture
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+ 1 Wondering what program is best


Been training for a long time and on this site under a different but similar screen name since 2013. This site is the best source of information out there, hands down. I remember reading Vikings coke zero and tuna and thinking that guy is a genius. So recently I started wondering what program would produce the best results. You guys are brutally honest imo and never disappoint.
My normal routine is
Chest. ,Flat,incline , cables , dips
Legs. Front hacks , 45deg hacks, leg press , extensions , leg curls , calfs
Shoulders and tris Press , shrugs, dumbell uprights, laterals all around
Back and Bi's. Pullups , pulldowns , rows , t-bars , 1 arms About 12-14 sets curls
However , all these push pull legs 3 on 1 off seem attactive but i wonder if they are enough to grow . Im on trt , eat fairly clean not 100% but close .

GrowMore's picture


Gamma bomb or creeping death 2 especially.

Owes a Review × 1
Beach13's picture

He's got some insane workouts, rest in peace

Makwa's picture

If you want to get stronger quicker than train like a powerlifter. If you want to get bigger quicker then train like a bodybuilder. I am hypertrophy focused, Ie bodybuilder. Here are the basics if you want to set up your own routine.

If you want to follow some premade routines that I have developed for hypertrophy training, take a look through my forums. May also give you inspiration for making up your own routine.

BroadwayBulk's picture

Amazing read, thank you soooo much!

Beach13's picture

That link is an encyclopedia of its own. Thank u . Im gonna study it as soon as i can get the free time. I follow alot of yours and rustys comments and links . I religiously followed Viking , where'd he go?

JBsuperman's picture

I agree with Rustyhooker. Pyramids, don't rest too long, 10-12 reps. Work your reps. If you stop at 12 but could have done 5 more, you aren't working hard enough. I like to go to failure, then push beyond with burns, static holds, etc. I also use rest pause and drop sets. I mostly stick with compound exercises. For example, one day I used every leg machine in the gym. Worked it hard. They couldn't touch 5-6 tough, heavy sets of squats. And I mean get your ass to the ground squats.

Beach13's picture

I had eased up on legs for a long time due to my back but now im back loving them . I wont do squats free weight anymore though. Cant risk another disc herniation injury tgats why ive been machine squatting .

JBsuperman's picture

I've had lumbar fusion surgery, but I refuse to stop squatting. You just have to be smart and not go to heavy. Usually, I rotate lighter pump workouts with heavier workouts. And I can't do a lot of heavy sets. I make up for it with intensity.

Beach13's picture

I did injections and so far im ok. Always thinking about just throwing on 135 and doing four sets of 12 on the squat rack to finish out my leg day. Maybe I'll give it a shot

Beach13's picture

Hardly ever do declines , i should add them. Usually have to utilize the smith since i lack a spotter unfortunately

Beach13's picture

My workouts change a little over time but the core exercises usually stay the same with the variations being the secondary exercises. Ie spider curls instead of concentration curls. That injury is part of a congenital anomaly in my lower lumbar and the only thing that would fix it as a fusion which I have thought about but really really do not want to do