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+ 32 Basic workout principles for bulking


Going to be getting my next bulking cycle going so I thought it might be good to throw out some the basics for a good reminder to help set up a successful training routine when bulking. This is just going to be the guiding principles when setting up your own routine. I am not going to be outlining specific exercises/sets/reps etc. but the basics for you to consider when designing your own specific program. This is what I am going to touch on here:

  1. Cardio
  2. Tempo
  3. Volume
  4. Frequency of workouts
  5. Setting up your split
  6. Types of exercises and order
  7. Reps
  8. Rest intervals

To build the muscle we are after we need to hit each part frequently with lots of volume. You need to be eating right for this also. This works well with the cyclic bulking approach I have talked about. You should be smashing the cals, carbs and protein which will allow you to train longer and get in the necessary volume you need for growth. Time to get on with it!


Let’s get this cardio business out of the way first. Many may disagree with me here but that is fine. Cardio really has no place for a bulk when our goal is growth. Instead of cardio increase your volume and frequency of your workouts if you feel the need instead. Save the cardio for your cuts. LISS really serves no purpose during your bulk since it isn’t going to improve your insulin sensitivity and just uses up cals that are need for growth. The opposite of what we are trying to do here. If you are gaining too much fat to fast then you are eating poorly and need to adjust diet, not cardio. So bottom line, skip the cardio. Just use that time to rest and recuperate from the high volume/frequency or if you are really hell bent add some extra volume/frequency to your workouts instead. That is where the muscle will come from, not from cardio.

Exercise Tempo

I keep harping on this but you need to slow the tempo down to grow. Don’t just bang out your set. Keep that eccentric phase slow and controlled. 3-4 seconds/eccentric are what you should be shooting for. If you can’t complete your set using that tempo then you need to lower the weight and get rid of the ego. This is where you will grow. Slow controlled eccentrics and contract your muscles on the concentric. Get that mind-muscle connection going.


This is a biggy here and kind of the meat and potatoes of your bulk. You need the volume to get the growth. The extra cals/carbs you are eating will support this volume so make use of them. I would be looking at hitting up to 20+ sets per body part depending on your experience in the gym. Smaller body parts like biceps would be fine with 12 or sets. Don’t go crazy though with the volume. If you can’t get your workout done within 60-80 mins you need to decrease the volume. Your workout becomes to catabolic if working out much longer than that at the appropriate intensity you need to be.

Workout Frequency

The other part of the meat and potatoes when bulking is the frequency of your workout. So volume is meat and let’s calls frequency potatoes. What we are talking about here is the number of days between workouts for the same body part. You need to be training these body parts frequently enough to take advantage the growth potential that all those extra cals are giving you (see the importance of diet once again!). These extra cals/carbs will allow you to recover faster so you can obviously train more frequently and hence the more frequently we train the muscle the more potential for growth…..see the pattern here.

So here is what we do. Many of you are probably hitting each body part like once per week. I find this pretty typically. Well now it is time to actually grow. Start decreasing the number of days between workouts for each body part. Hit chest every 6 days now instead. When you have adapted to that hit it every 5 days for example.

Now you are probably thinking about hey, wouldn’t twice a day training increase frequency? Yes Sir! If you have a lagging body part this is truly the optimum way to go. Hit it once in the morning and once in the evening. There is a lot of science that goes into making 2x/d training effective so here are the cliff notes and I’ll leave it at which would deserve a full post on its own. You need to have at least 4 hours between those workouts and be sure to get in at least 2 good meals in-between those workouts. It goes without saying that you should be having intra-wo and post-wo shakes for each.

Couple of different ways to train this way and they both have merits so pick what suits your routine. Hit the same muscle group/s both workouts is one way. Go with low and heavy reps in the morning and higher reps in the evening (there is science backing up this is the way to do the same body part 2x/d….once again deserving its own post. The other way to go about it is to train a large muscle group like chest in the morning and then hit triceps in the evening. Pick your poison. They both work and I have had my best and fastest gains when I could fit in 2-a-days.

Setting up your WO Split

I talked about frequency so how do you go about setting up your workout routine to optimize that frequency. This is where you get to prioritize a specific lagging or body part you want to hit. Regardless of what you want to target I would really recommend at least training 6d/wk to accommodate the frequency you need to grow. If you are hitting 2/d then you could be looking at up to 9 training sessions/wk. *Keep in mind though that you probably can’t maintain this frequency for much longer than say a month at a time without a deload phase or you will start regressing. * I wasn’t going to put up any workout splits but after thinking about it I think I need to, to help get the point across.

Everybody like a nice set of arms so let’s prioritize that for now. Recommending working out at least 6d/wk, here what we would be looking at.

Here is what we got:
Arms….which means both bi and tri (we are prioritizing them)
Upper back/shoulders
Rest day
Quads/abs (could hit abs every day if so inclined)

Let’s go 2/d with 9 workouts: ( I like to start this on a weekend to help accommodate the 2/d)

Sat Am: Back
Sat PM: Bi’s
Sun AM: Chest
Sun PM: Tri’s
Mon: Legs (quad dominated)
Tues: Should/calves/abs
Wed AM: Low rep/heavy weight arms
Wed PM: Hi rep arms
Thurs: Legs (hammie dominated)
Fri: rest

Lots of ways to set up the routine so pick the body part you want to focus on and that will get the most frequency. After a deload, pick a new body part to focus on or just do the same one, whatever floats your boat.

Picking exercises and ordering them properly

Well, we have lots of volume so we can do lots of exercises but there is more to it than that if you want to set up an effective program. I would pick at least 4 exercises to do per body part. Pick more if you like but we need at least four. At least half of those exercises though need to be the large compound movements so you can fully load the muscle to make it grow. So this is what I mean. Let’s take a look at legs. Your big movements are going to squats and something like leg presses and hack squats and you can finish off with some leg curls or leg extension. Don’t make the bulk of your exercises something like leg curls, extensions and lunges with some squats thrown in the mix. That is not an efficient use of all the volume we are doing to try build muscle.

It should go without saying that you need to prioritize these big compound movements first in your routine. You essentially want the exercises to become easier as you fatigue and progress through your workout. So don’t start your leg workout with ham curls is all I am saying.

How many reps?

We are trying to build muscle here and not necessarily strength, that will increase also too, so stick in that more hypertrophy range of 5-10 reps. Our focus here is volume (lots of sets) with heavy weight relative to bodybuilding standards and not powerlifting standards where we would be in the lower rep ranges to accommodate the even heavier weight. For your finisher exercises it is perfectly acceptable to be up in the 12-15 rep range and feel free to hit those higher rep ranges with the smaller exercises for muscles such as the delts and abs. We also don’t need to be doing supersets and giant sets, running the rack etc. Our main goal here is lots of sets at full capacity when we are our strongest. Maybe add one in here or there at the end but don’t go crazy with them.

What about rest?

Well, we want to be adequately recovered during all these heavy sets we will be doing. 60-90 seconds should allow enough rest to maintain the intensity we need. Squats/deadlifts may require say up to 2 minutes but don’t be sitting on the bench for 5 minutes between sets texting. For the smaller muscles like bi's and delts 45 seconds may be plenty. The point is don’t sandbag it here.

Hopefully this is enough to get you going in the right direction for setting up a successful routine for your bulk. Up next will probably be something to get your cut routine going in the right direction.

Update. Here it is if cutting is up next on your plate

RonDax's picture

Does core and flexbility doesnt have a reference for you ?

Makwa's picture

Core and flexibility, what's that? Lol

BroadwayBulk's picture

Absolutely fantastic read, thank you!!!!

MurderHornet2020's picture

Any considerations enhanced vs natural around the two a days? I remember when I was on 500 MGS of T I felt like my recovery rate was through the roof.

Makwa's picture

Not really, as long as your nutrition and rest are good. Any DOMS will let you know if you need to back off a bit, although AAS will definitely help and allow you train harder.

MurderHornet2020's picture

While engaging in triathlon training, the book I read suggested incorporating several two-a-day training sessions due to the nature of training in three sports. Many of the endurance training days are considered easy or for maintenance, while scheduled breakthrough days push you to test your limits. When it comes to muscle development, do you believe it's wise to include three or four stagnant sessions per week compared to the previous week, reserving one day for an intense "balls-to-the-wall" session? The underlying idea is that the body's nervous system can only handle so much intense output before risking overtraining.

Makwa's picture

Going on a daily basis the wrong approach, , I set up my workouts in 6wk blocks. I keep ramping up either volume or frequency each week which prepares me for an overreaching phase in week 5, and a supercompensation phase in week 6 for the final finale. Then I will usually take 3-4 days off and restructure another 6 wk training block. You don't want to have so called stagnant session each week. You need to be continually pushing your muscles to their limits for them to respond. Ease up on the training to frequently and there is no reason for them to grow. Progressive overload is the name of the game when it comes to hypertrophy, which means each workout should be continually more grueling for that body part then the last workout for it. You should be continually challenging your muscle each and every workout. If it feels like you have been hit like a truck then take a day off and let your CNS recover, but otherwise it should be pretty much balls to wall each training session.

MurderHornet2020's picture

That makes sense! Let me ask you one more question, what’s in your intra-workout shake!

Makwa's picture

I use a scoop of each and a scoop of clear whey isolate. If I am really trying to gain some muscle and my bodyfat is low I will also add a scoop of cyclic dextrin.

hogwild's picture

Great info, very motivational too! Gona step it up the next few weeks and hit them 2x/d bangers. Lots of sets at full capacity. Been hitn 5 sets of 20 reps now for awhile. Excited to change it up and freak em out.

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JBsuperman's picture

Doible split training. Reminds me of Arnold's routines in Education of a Bodybuilder and his Encyclopedia. I'm an old guy, do you think there's an age cutoff for training this way? Or, do you feel age does not matter?

Makwa's picture

Age is just a number, 51 yo and I still train that way. Just listen to your body, it will tell you if you can handle it.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Good information about 9training sessions per week. Like that!

Makwa's picture

Best gains I ever made were when I lifted 2x/d consistently. Hard to do with work and all but I like to schedule them in on the weekends every once in a while

Nick1984's picture

Back to 2 a days it is makwa. I'm with you

Keepmovingforward's picture

Great post thanks for always taking the time to explain stuff it’s much appreciated.

Protein4breakfast's picture

No ass kissing here but I get something out of just about everything you post so thanks for always taking the time to go into detail about the topics you post and spreading your knowledge! I would like your opinion on a bulking routine I’m considering. I’ve been hitting the gym really hard lately starting to hit a plateau. The routine I’m considering is doing upper body day then lower body day 6days on 2 off. The upper body day would a 5x5 rep/set and 3by12-15rep set for each upper body part then the same lower body part with alternating abs every other day but for abs two heavy sets two light burn out set on weighted 180 crunch machine and oblique machine 2 sets leg raises and 2 sets crunches to failure. What do you think of this routine? I will be on test e 400mg wkly 20mg dbol and 50 mg proviron daily cycle when I plan to try this routine. If you think this routine could help push past plateau. My current routine is pretty similar to what you suggested above training most major muscle groups more than once every week

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Makwa's picture

You may have enough volume in there since you will be doing each bodypart EOD. So essentially 8 sets/bodypart EOD. I haven't tried anything like so I can't give you personal experience on that type of routine. Give it a month and you should know for sure by then if it is working out for you or not. You could throw some intensifiers in there on your higher rep sets if your recovery is going well .

Protein4breakfast's picture

Thanks for the reply. What type of intensifiers are you thinking?

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Makwa's picture

With how you have it set up drop sets would probably work best. Either that or add in additional sets if you feel your volume could be higher if you are recovering rapidly.

Protein4breakfast's picture

On my heavy sets from what I’ve read from some of your volume building posts is that it’s better to press 100lbs 3-4 seconds each rep then 200 lbs 5 times quickly?

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Makwa's picture

For maximum hypertrophy it is time under maximum tension that makes the muscle grow. Banging out a quick set is not the ideal way to train for size. 40-80 seconds TUT is where the growth is at. So use the maximum amount of weight you can with proper form and match your reps and tempo to land in that range. Strength training is somewhat different if that is what you are after so remember what your goal is.

Protein4breakfast's picture

So if I’m understanding you right your saying my entire set of 5 should take 40-80seconds. Let’s say I’m doing preacher curls I do them slowly without taking tension off the muscle by not completely straightening my arms. Volume is the goal here.

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press1's picture

How many years have you trained for before starting a steroid cycle? Your profile says you are 177lbs?

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Protein4breakfast's picture

ive Been training since middle school. I played all sports but wrestling was my thing. Had a scholarship quit after a year in college and got into AAS. Went into a 5 yeAr cycle of addiction so when I started back training about two years ago I was at 0. Trained for 2 years before getting back on the AAs train started at 145 got up to 160 then got on a cycle ended up at 185 since have been dieting to get to where I’m at now. I was reading an old post from Viking that described a similar workout and liked the sound of it. I’m 5”6 so 177 11% is pretty big in my opinion

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press1's picture

Ahh right - Sorry man. I kind of jumped to conclusions and wondered if you had just been training for a short period of time just with some of the basics being discussed that was all, my fault. So literally you found then that when you came off for such a long period of time it all was lost - or was it more because you stopped training? What compounds was it you were mainly addicted to? I'm genuinely interested not just making small talk mate.

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Protein4breakfast's picture

Well it was pills then turned into heroin even some methand just not eating, training and pretty much doing nothing but selling and doing drugs I wasted away. When I started I was 19 and just did test only cycle first 2x then test dbol for the 3rd and my final cycle before I got into drugs was just test but I quit 8 weeks in no pct( always did nolva clomid pct before) back then no one was really talking about hcg and I think it’s a must for a proper recovery now. Got some bloods done and levels were still ruined at 300 and I got back in the gym turned to get trained for 2 years and it was really hard for me to not immediately jump back on aas. But I went into a little more detail about it in gizmoducks post and I plan on writing out a detailed account of how stupid taking aas at a young age is at some point. As for the basics I’m asking about this routine I’ve always used routines I’ve gotten from coaches or things like German volume training and a few others but Results have stalled and want to try something new. I read a sticky awhile back I think by Viking about trains all upper body one day the. Lower body the next about getting both sarcoplasmic hyperteophy and myofibrilar hyperteophy but now I can’t seem to find it to get exact details so I think I’m going to stick with routines I know more about

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Protein4breakfast's picture

I went into greater detail of the mistakes of getting involved in aas so early in onther post recently so I won’t get into that here again

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Makwa's picture

If you are only doing 5 reps/set then you are not really training for hypertrophy but more of a strength routine. I would stick more in the 8-12 rep range with a 4-0-1-0 tempo. That will put you in that TUT zone that is optimal for hypertrophy. You always want to train with complete range of motion so straighten your arms out all the way just don't stay with them straightened out resting for 5 seconds while checking out a girl. Best way to ensure you are getting full range of motion of your biceps is contract your triceps when straightening out arm at the bottom of the eccentric phase then immediately hit your concentric phase. Just like you don't rest at bottom you should not be holding the weight at the top taking a break. Get maximum contraction then immediately start next rep.

Protein4breakfast's picture

I see what you are saying now I thought by doing the 5x5 an 3x12 I could maximize myofibrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. I think I will stick with a mix up of routines I know more about thanks for all your advice

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Righthook's picture

Absolute gold mak, thank you

Johnny Bravo's picture

Maybe a dumb question but when you say 20+ sets per body part is that per workout or per week?

Makwa's picture

per workout

mlr2199's picture

20 per workout. Meaning chest in general, not 20 sets for upper chest and 20 for lower chest and 20 for middle chest. Just 20 over all? This might seem like a dumb question, im trying to put some weight now.

Makwa's picture

Just overall per bodypart. So if you worked chest it would be 20 total sets which would include all your flyes, bench, dips etc.

press1's picture

So you think he might be suggesting to do 60 sets for chest??..

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mlr2199's picture

I didn’t think so. It was a dumb question, was just double checking. Cause sometimes I’m looking at some of these dudes (no homo) like FUCK how did they get that fucking big....well it must be 60 sets of chest. JJ. Only reason it threw me for a loop is I usually do 25-30 sets. Between flys dips and bench.

mlr2199's picture

What if I mix whey with my cheap vodka? The vodka helps me get proper rest. It’s just 20 didn’t seem like a big number overall, I may be doing to many sets. Doing 25-30 sets, because that’s my most lagging body part. Dbol make my nipples hurt.

mlr2199's picture

Oh I know bro, I just saw a chance to maybe be funny. I guess it failed.

press1's picture

Don't worry buddy - he wasn't aiming the previous comment at you Smile lol

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Johnny Bravo's picture

Just confused me since I remember you talking about extended sets like in the gun show workout and here it says not to. If I’m understanding correctly. 20+ sets plus drops and I can’t move and don’t grow. I’ve been doing about 12-15 with drops throughout. Any preference between less sets plus extended sets or more sets without extensions?

The reason I’m asking is my labrum in both shoulders are torn and higher weight tends to aggravate it. Pushing the volume does the same. Any ideas?

Makwa's picture

Focus most of your sets on just straight sets. You can add in a finisher such as a drop set once in a while once you get more advanced but most of your sets should be straight sets so you can really focus on moving maximum weight for your specified rep range.

Johnny Bravo's picture

Thanks for the advice much appreciated. I usually do a drop set or rest pause at the end of each exercise. There are a few like leg extensions and cable flyes I do drops without but those are more so for isolation finishers

press1's picture

Bet that made you chuckle lol

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Johnny Bravo's picture

I tried his crazy month of arms workout once. Not really I did the 4 sets of 4x drop sets for preacher curls and maybe one other exercise for bi’s. I was a T-Rex for a week

pickle's picture

Awesome Makwa! This will come in handy soon.