MurderHornet2020's picture
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Competitive Bodybuilding In Your 30s???


Hi Guys,

Wanted to pose a question to the community. How reasonable is it to get into competitive bodybuilding in your early 30s. I’m coming from a triathlon background so I have a good base. Been lifting hard for 6 months and I’m really seeing results. I love competitive environments. But I know age can be a limiting factor in bodybuilding due to hormones etc. just wanted to get the community’s thoughts.

BigLuke's picture

Hell, Bro, I've seen guys in their 60s compete. And they looked amazing. I don't think age is limiting, unless you have tons of loose skin or something like that. Most contests have classes that'll put you in with guys that have similar experience.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Thanks Big Luke! Yeah I’m ready, been working hard approaching month 7. Loving the grind!! I know I’m getting a lot of Newbie gains but I’m thinking in a few years if things keep going well I’ll be a force!

MurderHornet2020's picture

So here’s a question. Your goal is to add 50lbs of muscle in 3-4 years. You want to run two 12 week cycles a year. The end goal is at 36 or 37 to get on stage for classic as close to 230 lbs at 6 feet. Your driven and willing to put in the work and pain. What compounds am I looking at??

Makwa's picture

Steak and chicken.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Don’t forget the rice haha

MurderHornet2020's picture

We know cycle two is Test E & Var (GW, maybe need to read more)

Makwa's picture

You mean the hair and pretty smile division Lol

MurderHornet2020's picture

Focusing a lot on time under tension and hypertrophy. Timed rest periods, 1 sec concentric 4 sec eccentric, intention feeling the contraction etc. I have a mentor ^^ lmfao

I’ll tell you what, I did legs today.
540 (+platform) on the leg press x 4 sets slow down w/ 40 second rests had me straight growling in the gym reps 16,14,12,9

MurderHornet2020's picture

And I ain’t got no hair lmao

MurderHornet2020's picture

I’m putting to much dam work into my legs to hide them lmfao but it may be the move I’m thinking I’ll do a cross over in my first show see what way the wind blows.

MurderHornet2020's picture

I know, what do you think of classic for tall guys??

MurderHornet2020's picture

6’ to 6’1” 230lbs, man 230 shredded. Sounds like I need a tren-a-butter & jelly sandwich

MurderHornet2020's picture


UncleYoked's picture

Dude you have a killer 'base'. I came from a similar background so my advise may not be the most popular on this site.
Because you are coming from a triathlon background you're probably a lifelong health nut. Getting in to competitive BB can take a toll on your physical health, people don't like to talk about this but as you get older, you start to think about things you did when you were younger and wonder if it was all worth it. I know, I'm a source and I'm over here advocating for second thinking dumping a couple k per cycle in to yourself but really, you should.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't or couldn't compete but now could be a pivotal moment where you choose HOW you want to accomplish these goals. Maybe running hard tren cycles will get you bigger and stronger than you've ever been but your endurance will suffer and maybe even your health. You're a beast already, so really look in to the side effects of these drugs before you take them. Learn what you can take to keep your lipids in check, what will greatly hinder your endurance or has increased risk of left ventricular hypertrophy when combined with certain types of activity etc.
Again, I'm not saying don't do it, in fact, with just looking at your profile pic, I think you would crush in the amateur div with just a little help but if I could do it again, I'd have done things much differently. My first tren cycle raised my RHR from mid 30's to 80's and I've never been able to get it back to those levels. Even now I'm sitting at 67 just sitting around and I 100% attribute that to abusing tren.

press1's picture

One of the best and truthful comments I have ever read on here especially when its coming from a source that is selling the stuff. I am just running Test now for the first time in a looonngggg time after my BP and other levels began getting stupid despite running gods own supply of supplements to try and mitigate the sides and keep me 'healthy'. I feel well and healthy now rather than toxic and numb, BP is back within normal levels and other things are recovering. Everything is great whilst you are running the tren, dbol etc lifting like Superman and looking like a greek god but remember that it is only as temporary as the time you are taking it. For as soon as you stop, it quickly goes and you are left with the long term health effects it has inflicted. I know running short cycles 6 to 8 weeks can get round this in theory as well as good periods of PCT duration - but the problem is that often the cycles feel so good along with the results that they bring that you just want to carry on and you say to yourself I'll stop next week or the week after. I thought I was and could be disciplined enough to use like that but it turned out I wasn't. Just try to be as sensible and as disciplined as possible in whatever you decide to take Hornet.

In a promo × 1
Makwa's picture

Truth to that. Competitive BB is probably the most unhealthy sport there is. I have been in the hospital a couple times already because of the cycles I ran. I won, but is it really worth a plastic trophy??

MurderHornet2020's picture

Very valid point. I’m hoping my conditioning will off set the health risks to an extent. You know what I dig about bodybuilding is the control freak side of it the diet training supplements all disciplines that one could spend a lifetime trying to master. The pain is different to and it sounds fucked up but I enjoy the pain sensation that comes from lifting like being at your limit and trying to get one more is so different from endurance. The AAS I really dig because during cycle I could go through this more frequently and this has been like a form of therapy post divorce and idk health risks and all I love it.

MurderHornet2020's picture

But I will try my best to manage risk which is why I’m very thankful for you guys

MurderHornet2020's picture

Rusty, can you drop the link I went under your forum tab but I don’t see it.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Dude thanks for the advice I really appreciate the honesty! I am taking it very slow. Just test for now I like the idea of Anavar maybe down the line. Tren scares me haha! I have been amazed at what just 12 weeks of test can do. I told myself Id be controlled with this stuff. I do plan to monitor bloods and I will be getting my first test after my PCT is over. I should have done it before and in the middle I know that now haha. I love the science behind all of this and being my own experiment right now but I have but limits on how far I am willing to go.

UncleYoked's picture

Look in to GW501516, it's very synergistic with Anavar. A lot of people say anavar is a low side aas but it has a very strong effect on your lipid profile. GW was created as an alternative to statins and is used for increased endurance and stamina as well as fat loss but the real key is that it will send your HDLs up and your LDLs down and help balance out the negative effects of Anavar.
For the background on GW, it was pulled because it was shown to increase stomach cancer growth in rats that were given cancer inducing carcinogens at mega high doses. So, stick away for the cancer inducing carcinogens. There have been no reports of cancer in humans as far as I know.

MurderHornet2020's picture

I’ll try my best to avoid the carcinogens lmfao.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Clutch TY I read a little about GW after watching a Coach Greg Video about PCT. Had no idea about it balancing so well against Var’s bad sides. I’ll definitely look into this!

MurderHornet2020's picture

I changed my profile picture so you guys can see where I’m at.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Thanks!!! I’m on it!!

GrowMore's picture

Depends how financially stable you are and how much money you’re willing to put into this. I BB on the cheaper end of the scale but I still easily spend £500+ a month on this lifestyle, this includes food (biggest expensive by far), gear, blood tests, equipment, clothes (it’s impossible to find shirts/blazers to fit, they have to be tailored), supplements.. too much to name.

I imagine if you were competing at any level this figure could easily double or triple.

Owes a Review × 1
MurderHornet2020's picture

Good point yeah triathlon was along the same lines, food race fees travel bikes equipment etc. it’s a good point that often gets overlooked.

GrowMore's picture

Damn I had no idea a triathlon athlete would be spending that kind of money. I know average race bikes fetch around £3/4k nowadays.

Owes a Review × 1
MurderHornet2020's picture

Yeah stupid expensive sport… you destroy running shoes like every 3 months just that starts to suck. I’d buy 3 pairs of the same shoe I liked at a time!! Butt… well I have had endurance I have never tested how big and strong I could be. Having the endurance base has been more help then I thought it would be in bodybuilding.

GrowMore's picture

You only realise when you get into these things of course. I listen to lads I work with complain about their food bill per month for a 6 person household and I’m embarrassed that I spend more than that myself alone.

I imagine most sports have advantages towards BB’ing, endurance definitely counts, flexibility also would be a huge one, power, speed and many other things could contribute towards building a good physique.

One thing for sure I’m sure you can bring plenty of intensity in the gym coming from your background and in my opinion nothing compares to that for building muscle in the gym! Look forward to watching your progress bro

Owes a Review × 1
MurderHornet2020's picture

Thanks bro yeah my food bill is like that compared to my friend who has 3 kids!

Makwa's picture

Early 30's. You are still a youngster. There are always the masters divisions once you get older. Never to late to start.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Thanks Makwa! I’m excited I always have to have some sort of competitive thing in my life or Id go mental. Getting into the world of gear has been so cool. I feel like my eyes have been opened to a new world. I can’t believe what 3 Vials of test can do to one’s physique and abilities in just 12 weeks. Mind blown --

DeeMan's picture

I tell folks that all the time. You sound like you react to testosterone like I do. Yea I agree it could be mind blowing