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+ 3 HCG Increases Penis Size! :-))


LOL I am just about to start using some HCG to get some spunk back in the nuts and came across (no pun intended) this article, I have never heard that it increases penis size before?

Has anyone else found this whilst using it?

wanted's picture

The only product that can increase penis size is
Melanotan2 Probably buy an inch

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papa.smurf0311's picture

Melanotan 2 made my libido super high but Ive never heard that it could grow size. also, it makes my stomach upset if I use too much.

AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Doubt its true...but I will say I have the hardest time busting a nut on test. Makes a rockstar when its time for bedroom cardio....frustrating af tho.

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JohnConner1776's picture

Try HCG and Halo. Halo has been know to stretch the man out. I have Read but never experienced. But Frank has a good ducking point that crushed all of our first thoughts on this article.

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frankyfourfingerz's picture

Interesting lol, so Im sure this is a dead post but Id like to point out the obvious from the article: the subjects of the experiment were all of an age where they could still physically grow none of them were at complete maturity. They all also had a micro penis and the growth they achieved was abt a centimeter. So in theory if you were still young and not fully grown your penis could respond to trx like this much like your height would respond to rHGH. However for all of us guys well beyond that time in our lives I would wager nothing would change in terms of length and if it did it would be very negligible. However, this was a very interesting article thanks for posting it, I enjoyed it

UncleYoked's picture

Destroyer of dreams

press1's picture

Yeah - He'd be great to invite to your party!

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Little Jimmy's picture

But Does size matter

maddogg's picture

Is that how you got your name? I'll give you a plus one for me being a dick, but not a micro penis.

Achak's picture

I don't think one will see an increase without stretching the penis

Redmanlfc's picture

Never heard of it doing that Press!? Certainly not noticed myself.....but then it was MASSIVE to start with ;-) lol

press1's picture

Redman I keep telling ya - 5" is nothing to girls these days Lmao

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bigbain's picture

I have taken it a quite a few times , and read that it can increase your penis size.
If I remember correctly it's more apt to do so if you are "below average"

I personally never got an increase....☹️

press1's picture

Well I fall into the 'Average' bracket so its debateable whether I'll see an increase then Lol

Just out of interest when you have taken HCG have you ever gotten headaches at all? I've been getting bad headaches when I have taken quite big doses close together.

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bigbain's picture

Same here haha. I actually did get headaches last time I was taking hcg, but with me it's hard to tell if it's from that.
I have to take migraine medication daily most likely the rest of my life and even taking that I still get headaches often.
Sometimes I can tell the difference in the type of headache it is...I can't remember 100% so I asked my wife and she said she is pretty sure I was consistently getting them at the time. (It was just about a month ago) so probably yes from the hcg.

UncleYoked's picture

Off topic but have you tried botox for your migraines? Better than taking sumatriptan/rizatriptan for the rest of your life.

bigbain's picture

No I haven't, but I'm now just looking into it. It's sounds like it may be something I'm interested in though!
I have had bad luck with doctors and am still hoping eventually to get my issues figured out but it's not looking good.

Halsey's picture

Do you get migraines with aura? Had them my whole life.

bigbain's picture

I'm not quite sure what that means?? I basically just woke up one day 8 or so years ago feeling almost drunk, confused, and literally retarded with a loss of vision.

Took 2.5 years of going to different docs, specialists tests, MRI's etc. For finally my neurologist putting me on migraine medication. It has helped probably 90-95%

If I forget my medication I am completely back to where I was within a day or missing it.
To this day no one seems to know what happened or what's wrong.

Halsey's picture

Yeah, loss of vision is pretty much aura. The confusion retardedness is like a post seizure response of the brain. I get slurred speech ,numb arms, and headaches for days. Aren't they great? I've had them for 45 years( long as I can remember). I dont wish them on anybody, but I can tell you when you've had them your whole life, you just kind of a accept it. You dont know any different or have much choice.

Take care brother.

UncleYoked's picture

That's terrible man, sorry to hear that. Almost sounds like ACS type migraines. At least you know the treatment is working.

UncleYoked's picture

I feel you there bud, luckily botox is usually done by an aesthetician and them ladies know what they're doing better than a lot of docs in my experience.

winmag4582001's picture

If it did increase size every site would be sold out.

Protein4breakfast's picture

Lmao I use it regularly and have never noticed a difference

In a promo × 2's picture

I'm not sure I've ever noticed a size increase with HCG, but it is for sure more healthy down stairs when I'm dosing HCG .

But , HGH on the other hand it for sure increases size at least as long as your running the GH .

Jackie Tony's picture

My penis size increases on Masteron and ofcourse on Cialis. Hcg increases my sensitivity . These 3 combined with clomid creates a nonstop fountain Biggrin

UncleYoked's picture

60% of the time, it works every time

JL's picture

Yep. Straight out of the bro science handbook. Page 12... lol

JL's picture

Can you define adding spunk back into your nuts? Why are you running hcg? Pct? Fertility?

BODYROIDS's picture

good job.....

JL's picture

Yes. You will need to inject directly into the the shaft and head in multiple locations to even out the growth! Add a little overdosed test to the mix to maximize results.

Pxpxp's picture

I don’t think it increases the size.,, HOWEVER, when I take HCG, I feel more sensation downstairs during sex. I believe it helps by bringing a lot more blood to your pecker, which probably makes it look bigger/ fuller.

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press1's picture

How long does it take before you start to notice the boy's increasing in pressure/size again mate? lol You tried HMG?

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BJ's picture

I’ve done lots of HMG! Works good & a great alternative to HCG! Combining the two together is the best nut/sperm stack I’ve ever used!

Jackie Tony's picture

My protocol is taking 12.5 mg aromasin on Wednesday night. Taking HCG on thursday night. And your boy is ready for Friday's night session ;).. This is my recent discover which is working great lol. Daily test injection is understood. This works probably because aromasin reduces estrogen. Hcg increases estrogen. This swing of estrogen from low to higher works for sex

Pxpxp's picture

It usually takes me a few days. But the longer I use it, the better it gets. I have my balls snipped so using HCG is for fertility is not needed. I truly feel that I have an amazing sex drive while adding it to my TRT.

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trash300's picture

no HCG doesn't increase penis size.

GrowMore's picture

Apparently the dosages of HCG in this protocol are high enough to fuck your RBC, I can’t remember if the member/source I discussed it with tried it or not but it ended up not being worth the hassle. I posted this a while ago.

I will say gear definitely thickened the old boy out, just this morning when I was doing the morning ritual of windmilling my member in front of the missus when I’m fresh out the shower she commented on the size change from when we first met.

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Pxpxp's picture

I would windmill my unit, but the last time I did it, I knocked the old lady out cold. Lol.

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GrowMore's picture

I would also but mines tiny, it’s only my shrivelled nuts which gives the illusion that my penis has grown.

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Greg's picture

windmilling my member would require I stand on a chair... takes the spontaneity out of the act.

Pxpxp's picture

I got you beat.. I have to stand on a ladder lol.

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