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Have you achieved what you wanted in Training?


All of us had different goals when we first started lifting weights natty, then I'm sure things changed massively once we realised that what we previously thought was impossible is now within grasp thanks to those beautiful man made hormones.

Some want to lose weight whilst others want to gain it, others want a certain body fat level or just purely to get healthier, others chase lift PR's / Totals and some just want to meet new friends and enlarge social circles.

Thinking back to when I started and what I was after, getting on gear I hit the numbers within a year which no doubt were impossible if I were still natty. But as we all know those targets soon change and you soon strive for bigger and better.

Have you reached your dreams or targets, or are you happy just to be training and enjoying yourself?

MuscuLex's picture

For me, target is just a starting point of becoming a better version of myself. Every time I'm hitting my goal, there will be another one waiting to get accomplished. This is what really making me happy and make me fall in love with this lifestyle again and again. No cutting corners or taking an easy ways, just a pure dedication and enthusiasm.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Yes. But not until I enhanced and blasted for 3-4 years. It makes sense because my ideal was put together by men taking gear but it took me a while to come to terms with that. At this point im actually finally happy. Even though those bitch ass npc judges may not always agree ;)

Halsey's picture

My training/diet is focused on health, athleticism, endurance, and physique, in that order. Basically it's a trade off, if I change the order of the 4, my training/diet has to change. At 46, my goals are to stay relevant active and healthy.

To each their own.

Scroungy_Phukker's picture

I'm definitely happy just to be partaking. Honestly, running a cycle was always a goal of mine in itself and I'm happy that I waited until my mid-30's to start dabbling. It has honestly probably led to improved health, as I am very disciplined with keeping my bloods and diet in check, which I never did as strictly before, even though I've always been health-minded. I also no longer drink. The journey is the goal! If I HAD to set a concrete goal for myself, it would be to crush my all-time best lifts, which I did at 21 and 190lbs - 345x2 bench, 455 squat, 565 deadlift, before becoming more interested in martial arts, stamina, and injury prevention for the next decade. As long as I stay strong and athletic and able to keep up with my kids, I'm satisfied, regardless of if I ever achieve new PRs.

SL's picture

Forever unfinished

november1's picture

You answered your question for me, "But as we all know those targets soon change and you soon strive for bigger and better."
That's happens, in life, in general with everything.
As we advance in life we want more comfortable things around us. Safer. Bigger. More secure. More expensive.
With me and my jobs and advancing true Ranks i have noticed it so much. Let's say 10 years back i wanted JUST a car, then just a appartment to Rent, and body wise just wanted to be skinny, then things scjanges money wise and job, i wanted more from life.
I have achieved my own goals, and they are not the same as anyone else, and that's ok. We all.differ, from race, income, gender, salary, education, location ECT. We are different, and we want different things.

So to sum up, i have achieved my Past self goals, new ones are forming every step i take.

That is for the post brother.!

Let me put it this way..

Everybody congratulates you but nobody knows how many times you got fucked to achieve it.

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0newheelup's picture

Ive been happy just hitting my goals and training. I always set new goals also... For ever the longest I just wanted more weight, I was the skinny kid. I achieved that naturally. Then after I saw my mass, I wanted to be sculpted. I achieved that. Then I wanted to hit 200+ club, got on gear and hit that goal. Now I'm in my 40's and I'm learning how to train and diet differently to stay the healthiest I can be at 210 and low teen bodyfat. That's my new goal. As of today I'm 205 at 15%, but been battling a few little health issues. Getting some bloodwork done next week to see how I can achieve this goal..

Serrajitsu0876's picture

I won’t be satisfied until I have to turn sideways to fit through a doorway.

press1's picture

In reality though can you imagine how much of a pain in the arse that would become? Lol Having to walk sideways through every door you go through

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blackjack115's picture

Physically, no I haven't and I probably never will. There's always something to improve but that's what keeps me going and I'm content with it. Mentally, definitely. I've developed discipline, perseverance and a healthy escape from whatever problem I may have at a certain period of time.

GrowMore's picture

It goes against the grain but I’m more than content, I’m over the fucking moon with what I’ve accomplished, especially in the last 3 years. My health, physique and lifts are all improving. I’ve put a huge amount of effort into studying dieting/training and it’s slowly paying off. 10 years+ of this lifestyle has taught me qualities like accountability, discipline and dedication to name but a few. These characteristics have made me more successful in all endeavours. Training is more than eating protein and lifting, it’s a positive mindset that’s always striving for self betterment, I want more, I want to see how far I can take my ever changing goals and I want to be the best role model I can to my children.

What about you fella?

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Bearded_muscle's picture

A decade is a minimum of what I think it takes to start to master something. I agree with that ten year figure. Till you hit ten you’ve still got your head in the sand.

GrowMore's picture

It would have been 20 years if I didn’t have members like you and other bros giving me guidance on here.

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GrowMore's picture

Purpose over pleasure

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wanted's picture

Grow you should be pleased bro you have accomplished so much and STILL MOVING FORWARD just awesome

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GrowMore's picture

We are all going to make it bro.

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steroidmen's picture

This path is full of surprises and difficulties. But I'm going to my goal and I like it. The gym is my anti-stress and incentive to stay out of shit.

In a promo × 1's picture

Never .

I want More separation , More definition , harder , grainier , more vascularity .

I want a smaller waist and wider shoulders , I want my Lats to scare people when there at the store in line behind me .

I want my Quads more separated , and my calves to get that marble look .

More! bro. Ill never be satisfied.

Roider007's picture

So true one is never satisfied in the moment.
I think the only time you do feel alittle satisfied is when you look back at what you achieved or old pics taken at your best.

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press1's picture

Nice ;-) Still hungry bro ....

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