Doublebi's picture
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-4 Ephedrine Source


Hey swollgers,

Anyone know of any source selling ephedrine by the kg, looking to stock up and have it for awhile.

PM me a source would be appreciated


Greg's picture

Looking to resupply my meth lab is what you meant.

bushwog's picture

I think he saw a few too many episodes of Breaking Bad and has some pipe dreams.

0newheelup's picture

Whatever happened to a nice good ole clean calorie deficit diet and exercise???? The magic pill is in the macros..

Doublebi's picture

Magic pill, I already have 100grams of yellow in the cupboard

0newheelup's picture

LMFAO!!! Most of these kids are in there twenties, metabolism shld already be astronomical.. Maybe it was their parents faults, feeding them fast and processed foods growing up. Probably mutated their lil peanut sized brains to make them the idiots they are now.

META99's picture

...but you do know its been banned in many countries right? henceforth the rules of this open forum

Doublebi's picture

Stop being a karen

Doublebi's picture

Haha it’s legal where I am, I just need a reputable source because I don’t want an Indian selling me sand

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