NYBX01's picture
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Does test rise on other roids?



I’m currently on TRT after years of running underground testosterone. I wanted to add either some oils that I already have on hand like Eq or an winny for a short cycle to tighten things up. I need to stay at a certain level of testosterone ng/dl in order to continue to receive the pharma grade test through my doc. My test levels are currently at 850ng/dL
I’m wondering would my test levels rise if I add either EQ or Winny with my test?
Any feedback is appreciated.

NYBX01's picture

Hey Rusty, Been a while! Hope your good man during these crazy times.
Thanks for the advice.
What are your thoughts on the Winny vs the Var? I have the winny on hand plus it’s been really tough trying to get LEGIT Var. Unless I can get my hands on legit Var I’ll just cycle the winny.

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NYBX01's picture

Yeah, experimented with Npp several times. Ive actually ran it with Winny just for the joint lubricant purposes. The old timer is right, joints do feel a bit better.
I’m just not a fan of Deca though, I have several vials just collecting dust...lol
I just want to ensure that nothing I take sky rockets my Test levels. At least not yet as I’ve just jumped on trt about two months now and happy with my dosage and doc.

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maddogg's picture

They won’t from that, but it will affect all your red blood cell related levels. If you want to up your test add prop to it and then drop it before testing that’s what I would do. Mine only wants to test me every 6 months so it is easier to get around. Or I just tell her I’m too busy at work the next couple of weeks and I can’t come in or my work performance will be negatively evaluated

maddogg's picture

Most won’t affect your total, but many will affect your free. My Dr. seems to only look at the total and so did my last one but they aren’t specialized they are just GPs

NYBX01's picture

Great advice man, thanks

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Bjmoney85's picture

Well when is the last time your doc did bloods? Next question when is your next appt with your doc? I’m assuming your wanting to hide your use of other compounds from your Dr.? Not smart but whatever

NYBX01's picture

Doc took bloods last week and results have me at 800ng/dL, not due for more labs in another 3 months.
Honestly I don’t care if my doc knows about the other compounds, that’s something I can discuss with him during if necessary if bloods are out of wack. I just don’t want to take the EQ and the winny and then my test levels go to over 1,000 and the doc says he has to lower my test dosage.

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Bjmoney85's picture

I mean if he/she is a smart Dr. and knows their pharmacology then they will understand the synergy of whatever compounds you are running together. I don’t think anyone will be able to tell you 100%, and if they can I would question their expertise! Good luck bro hope it all goes well for you!!

jrod91384's picture

Not everyone has doctor's that you can openly talk about aas use with either. Take that into consideration when you say. Oh just let them know your on eq and whatever I disclose to you. You can't March into your doctors office and just say. I'm on steroids, are my numbers right.

Pumped_'s picture

Also every symptom from then on will be blamed on your AAS use so you will never be diagnosed correctly. A blood clot could be giving you migraines and your doctor will tell you cut back on your injections and come back in a month etc. Everything will be associated with your illegal AAS use. That's why i wont tell my doctor. What if i really have osteoarthritis and its not the winny giving me joint pain? Or have a heart condition and its not the EQ or tren giving me super high blood pressure?