JT113's picture
  • 23

+ 3 HGH Price Tiers


I've been researching price points for various "tiers" of HGH. I figured I'd share some of my observations.

Please note: This analysis comes from my own research and understanding. If there's something I'm wrong about or is simply missing, let me know in the comments and I'll update the post.

Below are some of the lower prices per IU you can find for various grades of HGH. The prices may run higher -- sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for no reason.

Quality tier and price per IU:

  1. HGH in walk-in US Pharmacy: $25 per IU and up
  2. FDA-approved manufacturer through eroids source: $4.15
  3. HGH approved by foreign FDA-equivalent: $2.50
  4. Reputable AS labs/brands HGH: $2.00
  5. Generic from HGH-only source: $1.30
  6. Generic from reputable source: $1.15
  7. Cheapest you can find anywhere: under $0.75

What's the difference?

  1. HGH in walk-in US Pharmacy: Here you're buying the gold standard. If you make enough money, go for it.
  2. FDA-approved manufacturer through eroids source: Usually the same product as above but you have to deal with sources, shipping, possible fakes, etc.
  3. HGH approved by foreign FDA-equivalent: I generally trust medical experts regardless of country.
  4. Reputable AS labs/brands HGH: Available from resellers, these are probably repackaged no-name generics that have been thoroughly tested by the lab/brand. You can probably trust them.
  5. Generic from HGH-only source: These sources either manufacture their own HGH or buy and test no-name generics. A single bad batch puts them out of business, so you can probably trust an established source.
  6. Generic from reputable eroids source: These come from the sources you know and love. Reputable sources often independently test their stuff --and post the results-- but their name is not tied to the product.
  7. Cheapest from anywhere: I'd ask sources to show independent lab test results before ordering. I'd also do bloodwork to verify it's the real deal. Avoid if possible.

2 things I'm suspicious of:

  1. Shiny packaging and original names, usually something like "Megatropin" or "RxTropin." These aren't necessarily bad, but they're probably dressed-up generics selling for twice the price. Often times they are sources' house brands, but if the source name isn't attached, there's no real incentive for rigorous quality control.
  2. High-priced cap colors (e.g., greencaps, bluecaps, etc). There's no way to know if a more expensive cap color is any better.

In the end, it's almost impossible for somebody doing casual research on the internet to really understand what the generic HGH market looks like. My guess is that 80% of generic HGH comes from just a few labs in China. In other words, it's mostly all the same stuff. What you're paying for is quality control --weeding out bad batches, verifying dosage, etc.-- and it's hard to know who actually performs rigorous quality control. The best I can do is analyze the incentive structure for each source and determine who is most likely offering a non-inferior product. It seems the market is pretty efficient: Those with stronger incentives to offer non-inferior HGH tend to charge more. I personally think generics from dedicated HGH sources offer the best value, but that's just my opinion. The next tier I would probably go to is something approved by a government regulator (FDA or similar). My guess is you can probably do fine at any tier if you're diligent enough.

tl;dr: Unless you're getting your HGH from a walk-in pharmacy, do plenty of research. Think more about why a source might be trustworthy rather than how shiny the box looks.

gary1234's picture

Hi James can I ask you a question regarding CENSORED can you please tell me how much bathwater do you add per vile as I have 3 boxes coming 720 iu .so am I right in thinking its 2mil per vile .

regards Gary

JT113's picture

Hey Gary, I accepted your friend request and sent you a PM. The forums aren't the place for discussing individual sources. I'd delete or edit your post before you get your karma dinged.

I've found in my short time doing this that you're looking for about 2 IU per 0.1 CC. I started at 1 IU per 0.1 CC but I just get weird about injecting more fluid than necessary.

11chuck88's picture

Great read. Appreciate the post!

Owes a Review × 2
Achak's picture

I was given information from a high level executive from Gensci about the truth concerning Chinese hgh. He stated most of the hgh coming out of China is fake. He stated Gensci's manufacturing cost for hgh is around $1.20 per iu. He said it isn't possible for a source to sell real hgh to consumers at anywhere near a dollar per iu price point. The equipment needed costs over $6 million. Requires highly trained personnel to operate. UGLS don't have the capabilities to pull this off. Think about this for a moment. How can a source sell a hgh kit for less than a $100 when it costs more than that to manufacture? The answer given was it isn't real hgh. What Chinese manufacturers do is make growth releasing peptide blends and label them as hgh. They will even add hgh fragments to fool lab analysis tests. He further stated these products are dangerous. There have been numerous confirmed cases of people permanently damaging their pituitary gland. It is highly unlikely you are doing real hgh at anywhere near a $100 per kit price point.

JT113's picture

That's interesting to me. What you heard is absolutely possible. I get that spectrometry is very easy to fool. If you add the right mix of amino acids to a peptide blend, you can easily mimic the wavelength signatures associated with rHGH. Further, a blend of growth hormone releasing peptides would also explain the blood tests eroids users show.

Another side of me is skeptical. I'll take everything you are saying at face value. I'll assume you're an honest eroids user who has no affiliations with any sources who sell HGH. I will also assume you've had some type of connection with an actual high level Gensci executive who speaks English (unless you speak Chinese). Here are the few points of skepticism I have

  1. Because Gensci's HGH is approved in several countries and Gensci is seeking FDA approval for their product, they are constrained in ways that an underground lab is not. They will have to invest in all sorts of production and testing equipment that will indeed cost millions. Further, they will need to follow stringent FDA protocols that require thousands of hours by highly paid scientists and technicians. Were they to streamline and do only what was absolutely necessary for producing legitimate rHGH, I'm sure they could more than halve the cost. And to be quite honest, $6 million can be recouped very quickly given a moderately sized operation.

  2. Gensci would have a lot to gain from exposing these posers. Gensci has the expensive equipment to do real analyses -- not just simple mass spectrometry. If they released an analysis showing that the generics were actually just peptide blends, the cost of their product would skyrocket. Why just whisper anonymously? A PR arm that continually exposes scammers would be a boon to their business.

  3. As I understand, although both rHGH and Growth hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH) will increase HGH, they do so through very different pathways and users will experience their side effects differently. Yet over and over people switch back and forth and they never report a difference. Further, the rare side effects that people experience with high doses of HGH I'm unsure would be felt with GHRH. There is no limit to the amount of HGH you can put into your body with rHGH. With GHRH, it's really just what your body can produce. Would I currently be feeling the tingling in my feet that starts about an hour after I dose if I were just using GHRH? I doubt it.

I'm going to message some HGH sources myself to hear their rebuttals. What you are saying is serious: perhaps millions of people are being scammed or worse, being physically endangered. It's important that we get to the bottom of this.

Achak's picture

I do work in the medical industry legitimately. I have no affiliation with the pharmaceutical industry. I am not a source nor am I affiliated with any sources. I'm just a knowledgeable user with many contacts. I know UGL operators and TRT clinic owners which gives me an insight into the both worlds.

I have a close friend who is a large TRT operator. He has over 40 clinics throughout the United States. He was one of the key people in getting Gensci into the Americas. Gensci isn't allowed to be sold in the USA. Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies along with the DEA put a stop to it. They argued that Gensci is primarily used for medically unnecessary purposes such as sports enhancement. It came down to money. The major pharmaceutical companies sell their products for a lot more. They didn't want a more affordable option available to US consumers.

My friend had a working relationship with Gensci until they were denied licensing renewal in Mexico. The Mexican authorities got greedy and wanted exorbitant fees for renewal which my friend and his partners didn't want to pay. I now believe they're working on a deal for Colombia. The executive has nothing to gain by lying to my friend. "Generic" hgh can't be sold in pharmacies. Every country has something equivalent to the FDA. There is an approval process that medications must go through to be sold. Gensci isn't competing with the black market since it is a legitimate international pharmaceutical company. Furthermore, the Chinese government banned the manufacturing and distribution of steroids the end of last year. Any source now operating out of China is doing so illegally. I find it doubtful that any legitimate manufacturer of pharmaceutical hgh in China will make products for the black market. That leaves unregulated products being produced and sold. Personally I no longer do generic Chinese hgh. I only do pharma. I'm well aware that 90% of the world's drugs are produced in China. I don't have an issue with China. I'm just weary of cheap hgh. The potential health risks outweigh the benefits in my opinion. No Chinese source is going to be honest about their hgh.

JT113's picture

Agreed. The underground pharmaceutical world is a really shady place. I bet there's a lot of dishonesty and unscrupulous behavior. My main concern here is whether HGH sold through sources is actually a peptide blend. For other reasons I mentioned, I suspect it's real rHGH, but your point is well taken. Users here really should really pay the extra money for pharma grade products. If not, they should be super diligent in their research

I'm a little more cynical regarding the legitimate pharmaceutical's relationship with the black market. For example, Pfizer knows full well that probably half the rHGH they send to some of these countries is destined for the black market, but it's all the same to their bottom line. I assume the same holds true for Gensci, though I get your point about not making it seem like they are competing with other black market products.

Achak's picture

I got further clarification today. I asked about the Roidtest kits for hgh. I was told they would give a false positive. What manufacturers in China do is put around 3% of actual somatropin along with peptides and/or igf-1.

Achak's picture

I was debating about sharing my story. I can't back up what I'm saying with proof. Non of the parties involved in the conversation want to discuss this in an open forum. As you said, the Gensci exec my have ulterior motives. My friend wouldn't lie to me. He doesn't sell hgh to me. I can't believe that all the generic hgh is fake. How do we determine which brands are real? I honestly don't know since blood work can't distinguish between peptides and hgh.

I believe pharma companies look the other way when it comes to who they are distributing products to. There are plenty of countries with lax laws. The black market is flooded with named brands of hgh.

It is an interesting issue to explore. Maybe I'll send one of my vials in for testing to see what comes back.

BJ's picture

Even pharmacies in different spots in the world have different grades! For example a walk in USA Pharmacy HGH seems to to work better than the same brand at a walk in Turkish pharmacy! Don’t believe it...try it! If I had to guess it’s the American one is made in America and the Turkish one is made or outsourced in China! I don’t know where the ones are made in Colombia, But the walk-in HGH in Colombia is also better than for example some of the walk in pharmacy ones from some parts of EU/Middle East. All are legit pharmacy grade but because where they are made or outsourced they are a little inferior to the others...even same brands! I’ll take Humatrope from an American pharmacy over foreign Humatrope with some crazy writing on it I can’t read any day!

JT113's picture

Hard to know without clinical studies (i.e., double-blind, randomized, etc.). There's always a placebo effect, so people who pay more for their gear will report that it's better.

giardap's picture

love the way you put the tldr at the bottom!!!! lol

Good post