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+ 1 Power Naps & Sleeping times


I just read a very interesting article about the footballer Ronaldo Lol

Now I know he isn't a Bodybuilder/weightlifter but he still trains hard and plays sport professionally so he still relies on proper recovery and sleep. BUT rather than sleeping a solid 8 hours or so, he has FIVE 90 minute power naps in a 24hr period! That's the way he sleeps .....

How on earth can he possibly recover from sessions when he isn't even sleeping long enough to enter a proper REM sleep state??

Personally I always have to have 8 to 9 hours every night to recover adequately, curious to see what everyone else needs.

BJ's picture

I think it gets worse the older we get! In the 20's less than teen years...In the 30's less than 20's & in the 40's way less than the 30's. Sucks

BJ's picture

If I was making 80 million a year I probably wouldn't slerp either.

press1's picture

You'd be absolutely buzzing wouldn't you ....permanent high!

In a promo × 1's picture

I wish I could nap bro...

Every time I try to nap in the middle of the day , I sleep about an hour then wake up in a panic my pulse going a mile a minute and then I have to piss like Russian race horse.

It happens just like that every time. Not to mention the lucid dreams so intense its like a bad acid trip, nope I'm just not built for napping.

Pale's picture

Naps aren't supposed to be that long. You are dropping into deep or REM sleep which really complicates everything. My wife laughed when I told her my naps almost always are 30 minutes almost exactly. Then while we were on vacation she actually timed me twice and laughed because it is true lol

Johnny Bravo's picture

I always laughed when people said they napped for 30 minutes because I never thought it was true. I’ve never understood how since I wake up after about 3 hours

Pale's picture

I believe there is a genetic component as well. I am a light sleeper to begin with

ashop's picture

I know that doesn't work for me personally. I don't like naps either, I usually wake up grouchy. Give me a sound 6-7 hours and I'm solid.

Just_The_Beginning's picture

I've read about "micro-napping" and how if you train your body to micro-nap you can theoretically function on less sleep overall. It was a technique being pushed in productivity articles and all that. As far as recovery goes for lifting...I just don't see how less sleep could ever be beneficial for growth.

press1's picture

Its just not long enough to get into proper deep & long REM sleep is it - 90 mins is normally about the time taken to reach that stage I believe.

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Pale's picture

Download that pillow app if you have the apple watch. It will show you some interesting things about your sleep, or in my case lack thereof. My naps look excellent, a nice even mix of deep and light sleep versus my overnight sleep which bounces around from light, rem, awake and maybe 20% deep sleep. Now in fairness I have been also recovering from a facial surgery whilst suffering bronchitis so it has sucked.

press1's picture

I bought a cheap imitation of one of these Fitness watches sometime back that monitors BP, Heart rate, Oxygen levels and all of your sleep patterns though your wrist. I know what you mean about the sleep analysis - it's quite scary how it evaluates and knows it all just from a few basic body functions. I found the BP and Heart rate a bit scary to look at though when working out so I actually stopped wearing it! lol Of course with it being a cheap copy it now no longer charges or works. The app part that you download to your mobile phone also managed to get $20 out of me over a month which I never even realised it was doing so quickly took it off - thats how these guys make a tonne of money it would seem.

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Pale's picture

I have been tracking for like 40 days now. To be honest I wish I had never started. The most I have ever gotten was like 6.5 hours, usually I am around 5 or less. I dream to goddamn much and the watch thinks I am awake. It shows me awake at times when I know I wasn’t

Greg's picture

I micro nap while driving, at home it depends on how long the chick flick is that my wife is forcing me to watch. At night, about 7 hours.

press1's picture

Hahaha Lol :-)

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wanted's picture

I dont believe him. With all those hot woman throwing themselves at him. He has no time to bap or sleepnfor that matter. Lucky guy

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
Bulkdaddy's picture

I love naps

Owes a Review × 2
DfromPhilly's picture

I need at least 7 hours or i don't recover and i'm a mess. weekends i try to get 9-10 (no kids, wham-o!)

not counting the 30 minutes i usually get on the train in the morning on the way to work lol

I do love a nap though. I always take at least 1 on the weekend for about 60-90 minutes. It's rare that i miss one of those.

blackjack115's picture

Personally i sleep between 6-8 hours a night. I tried taking naps at several different moments of the day with different lengths but somehow my apetite always gets ruined for at least 1-2 hours after i wake up from a nap so napping isn't optinal for me.

Pale's picture

The other factor is genetics. Some of us are deep sleepers and some of us are light sleepers. My genetics are light sleeping. We don't often go deep and we wake up frequently. I suspect he is also a light sleeper if he can pull this off.

Strangely enough during my power naps I do not dream, unlike at night where I lucidly dream from the moment I close my eyes

press1's picture

Very true, I've known some extremely light & heavy sleepers compared to myself. You assume we all sleep the same but we don't. I can lucid dream also - It's awesome being able to control your own dreams isn't it! lol Trick is to try stay as relaxed as possible when its happening.

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Pale's picture

I used to get a kick out of dreams but now I would rather not. It is too much and it effects your actual rest

TheFlash85's picture

Except the tren dreams where the misses is off plotting, scheming and cheating every second apart lmao!..

Im tossing up between tren and npp next cycle.
Everytime i think ill control that shit but never do....

WelshNmad's picture

7 hours usually, I feel like shit with 8+

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Diesel-1's picture

6-7 hours a night and a 1.5 hour nap after work before the gym

Dudeman24's picture

Yeah doesn’t make much sense 7-9 hours plus a nap mid day if I can get one and I’m good to go

IrishMack's picture

Not everyone needs 8 or more hours of sleep. I found my body recovers and functions on 6.5-7 hours a night. Check out how to do a sleep study test on yourself. A quick article on sleep here.

skydancer4's picture

6-7 hours and a 1:30hr nap in the middle of the day.

stairmaster's picture

I need a good, deep 7-9hr sleep too , no matter how this guy can recover his body with 90min "power" naps.

I need also a night and day phase, to sleep 5x90mins per day would make me crazy, after the 4th nap I'd have forgotten which day it is. lol.

press1's picture

That's the thing isn't it - After falling asleep and waking up again for the 3rd or 4th time you'd be going nuts! I'd feel really out of sync with the day and feel really shitty.

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