MantherMan's picture
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MK 677


Any one familiar with MK 677 affects on the heart , I always hear great things about it but had someone swear up and down that it grows your heart. Was searching online and not seeing anything regarding this statement however.

UpN0rth's picture

used the stuff twice, had a shoulder and then a knee injury, put them both right, but cold sweats and feeling like someone tapping on the centre of my head and the gh comes out at random times during the day was off putting, ive not seen anything about heart growing, I only used it 2 months at a time

Da1cop's picture

I love the stuff. In my opinion it takes a good 6 months to get the full effects of MK. I get some of the same sides as GH and stay lean.

Bulkdaddy's picture

I take the real stuff. Read up on gh!

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Phillykev's picture

I read somewhere the hgh grows everything including your organs, so if mk677 effects your natural hgh secretion, I'm assuming that over a large period of time it could effects organ growth, heart included. But again that's over a significant amount of time. That's just an assumption so don't take it as a fact. Me personally, I love mk677 it helps my appetite and even my skin.

press1's picture

Given the fact you'll probably last only a short amount of time on it if any due to the lethargy it causes I really wouldn't think that far ahead.

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PPGfreak's picture

Did it really make you that tired? I take it before bed and I sleep great and then I feel good the next day.

MantherMan's picture

Yea , I have been taking it since January 25mgs a day , there was some lethargy for the first two weeks , but nothing since then . But seeing if anyone knows of any adverse heart issues which I haven’t read about before.

press1's picture

Wow you've been on it for a while then - are you still finding you are getting the benefits from it such as the increased appetite? I've seen many reports that it tends to ween off after a few months of use.

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Muscleneck's picture

I was wondering how long the appetite would be increased as well. Any idea why the affects lose potency over time? Is it something that would need to be cycled every three months let's say a month off and start again? Any reports or blood work on long term use and impact on igf levels? I'm about to start running it from my doctor is why I'm trying to learn as much as possible.

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MantherMan's picture

I’m liking the size I put on ,went from a medium to an xl ..if I had to nit pick wouldn’t mind losing the water weight tho

Muscleneck's picture

Anything to help combat the lethargy? I've been reading into things to help with decreasing Somatostatin during the day. Would huperzine a help with the fogginess the lethargy brings on?

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stairmaster's picture

Definitely less than roids, if any ...