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+ 5 Milk thistle underrated—liver health


5-6 weeks back I found my ALT slightly out of range, so I decided to take action. Went to Walmart and picked up some cheap milk thistle (175mg/cap). I took 3 caps with breakfast, and 5-6 weeks later, my ALT has fallen by over 25%, and back within range.

15-20 years ago we used milk thistle while on (especially orals) to keep the liver healthy. For the price, I’d encourage anyone ‘on’ (oils or orals) to throw it in the mix. Perhaps not as fancy/effective as tudca or liv52 but it definitely works!

Protein4breakfast's picture

Milk thistle can do great things if your liver enzymes are elevated it’s one of the few supplements that stay in my regiment year round. One of my friends had hepatitis c and brought his enzymes to normal from almost liver failure in 6 months with a lifestyle change and milk thistle. I believe he was dosing 3000 mg seed extract daily.

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Hunter2400's picture

Milk Thistle is an awesome supplement. Far worth its weight in gold imo

TheFlash85's picture

Ive always sworn by milk thistle.
I dont really know why its marketed as a liver supplement though but it definatly does work.
It is a powerful antioxidant so its good for all over health not just the liver.
It definatly helps boost appetite aswell.
I reccommend it as a daily staple.
I take the high strength 35,000 mg capsules 3 a day when not on, split morning afternoon and night, double that when on.
Never had any liver problems even on anadrol/ dbol etc etc.
Under rated supp.

dextetherdog's picture

What dosage do you stick to when on and off cycle Rusty??

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dextetherdog's picture

Would you do it all year round? Thanks

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growthman's picture


johnmarshall12's picture

Milk Thistle is and always has been very effective. It should be extracted to 80% Silymarins

giardap's picture

Nice work, well done.

It's all about the silymarin content

I had same after some liver values raised last year, used MT and off we went happy days. same as you back in the day, it was all we had/knew about. +'s

Makwa's picture

Are they required to list from plant extract or seed? Will it be clear on the label? I have never paid much attention to this.

growthman's picture
