sunamcaxa's picture
  • 96

+ 1 stomach inflate after whey


does anyona has this problem? its a big problem for me, my stomach inflates like a ball after protein,

how to deal with this problem? any suggestions please?

excuse me for my bad english

Makwa's picture

I used to slam down a couple scoops of whey immediately after training. Puffed the belly up a little bit but not bad. Now I just do one scoop of a good quality whey with some fact acting carbs immediately post workout to stop catabolism and within an hour I have a well rounded whole meal after getting home.

If I am making a shake for a meal replacement I'll typically put in about 50g of whey or time released protein along with a bunch of other things, such as fruit, nuts chocolate chips, peanut butter, milk, graham crackers, pudding etc. I tend to avoid oats because it turns everything into a sludge. Point being only time I drink my shake solo (protein and water and carbs if not cutting) is immediately post-wo and I just need a little bit to stop the catabolism until I get home and can have a proper meal.

Whipping up a shake with all of the extra goodies in it I think helps slow down digestion so I have no problem hitting 50+ g of protein in that shake. I am also not chugging it down in under a minute, and more like savoring it like a good meal.

Two times during the day when fast acting whey isolate is beneficial. Immediately upon waking and immediately after training to help put your body back into anabolic state. Doesn't take a lot either. Get the quick slug of protein in there and then get a good whole meal shortly afterwards.

sunamcaxa's picture

great read as always thank you.

one question about 50g of protein, does your body gonna use it all? isn’t it too much?

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Makwa's picture

Is 50g too much? I really don't know, but I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to protein and anabolism. I think a lot factors could be at play here in terms of digestion/utilization of liquid protein. We all know that AAS provides for increased nutrient partitioning and nitrogen retention. Could this be a factor with enhanced athletes and utilization of protein? My shakes also have other ingredients in them besides just protein. So could this help slow down the digestion for better utilization? Again, I don't know but I have a suspicion it does. Consuming slowly over a peroid of time provides better absorption also. Probably the overriding factor for me is that 2 scoops produces the best flavor when making the shakes. So in that respect if the additional protein is passing through, no big deal because the shake is real tasty that way. I really see no harm in it and like I said I would rather err on the side of to much protein than to little.

alwaysmassive78's picture

That theory has been disproved- don’t worry about protein intake being over the old 25-30 grams previously advised, it should be absorbed eventually

Greg's picture

Wrong. You are confusing the argument of digesting protein, v. digesting liquid protein like whey.

Food protein (chicken, eggs, fish, etc.) can be entirely digested. What isn't used for muscle growth is used for energy.

Liquid protein like Whey is limited to the 20gm range. This is even pointed out in your link in the section titled: Speed of digestion/absorption on muscle anabolism

A total of 80 g of whey protein was ingested in one of the following three conditions: 8 servings of 10 g every 1.5 h; 4 servings of 20 g every 3 h; or 2 servings of 40 g every 6 h. Results showed that MPS was greatest in those who consumed 4 servings of 20 g of protein, suggesting no additional benefit, and actually a lower rise in MPS when consuming the higher dosage (40 g) under the conditions imposed in the study. These results extended similar findings by Moore et al. [4] on whole-body nitrogen turnover.

sunamcaxa's picture

thx Greg

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alwaysmassive78's picture

Thanks for clearing that up- so all those whey protein drinks that you mix to get 30 grams of protein are just overstating their effectiveness...

Greg's picture

High quality whey has amino blends and probiotics to help get from 15gm absorption to as much as 25gm.
I haven't seen any makers of Quality whey isolate claim to offering 30gm servings.

If you're seeing a pitch for "30 gm per serving" and you're trying to compare if you should buy the 20gm per serving ON gold standard or the store brand 30 gm per serving and each 5lb tub costs the same. Yes, it's hype, go with the quality product.

Food is always the best source of protein.

Using tactics Makwa pointed out are good ways to maximize your protein uptake in a shake.

3nh4nc3dathlete's picture

Enzymes are a bit of a waste considering the low bioavailability of whey in general. Seems that one must go through quite a bit in order to try and absorb what little amount we can in order to increase intake. Best forms you can take are actual food base ie: beef,egg white ,chicken, bone broths(homemade is loaded with collagen! ), turkey, fish, pea and brown rice are a good combo to go plant based as well due to its complimentary nature in certain aminos. The bloating is usually from fermentation of the undigested proteins from the whey so essentially it turns to boiled milk, you get gas and bloat out.

3nh4nc3dathlete's picture

I do agree with a very large portion of your advice and beliefs on protein as we are all going to have conflicting views when when science is involved.

Im speaking from personal experience over a 10 year span. Given that the study was done by the us dairy counsel i cant help but feel its swayed to an extent. That would be like a src lab testing their own quality saying it has highest potency,etc..

Granted there are MANY variables (many of which you mentioned on the topic) My point is simply this.

When a protein contains the essential amino acids in a proportion similar to that required by the body, it has a high Biological Value. When one or more of the essential amino acids are missing or present in lownumbers, the protein is has a low biological value.

Biological Value vs Absorption is mainly what I was getting at.

Gram for gram...when i got off whey and went with other sources i mentioned i saw way more gain in lean body mass than in 7 years straight on isolate. Not calling it law, just chiming in on where I may be able to help.

The need for enzymes without a correlating food quantity should back up even further as to the inability to utilize whey isolate to a large degree.

3nh4nc3dathlete's picture

Amen bro! +1 i appreciate it

3nh4nc3dathlete's picture

Man when you do, id love to check it out. Ive been studying on that for the longest. There are proteins nowadays that are hydrolyzed via enzymes which makes them near 100% digestion before hitting the GI tract. I agree with intake chart for sure. Keep me posted man! +1 you the man!

press1's picture

So I guess all the Pro Bodybuilders and Strongmen who hire the worlds top nutritionists/diet coaches have got it all wrong when you see them consuming 50 to 80g whey shakes throughout the day? They should just stick to your advice of 'whole foods are better' and scrap the shakes for better results. Such backwards mentality.

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3nh4nc3dathlete's picture

Again, i said that i agreed with a lot of the method and principles stated. Are you on the whey counsel as well? Im only giving my view of things. Other people (other than myself ) view clinical research on the same. If you want to see why i think 50-80g is a waste. Is the 1.5 hour window we have to get that stuff absorbed.

there are links on there as well to the studies done on the matter.

sunamcaxa's picture

more than 20g at ones is a waste right?

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press1's picture

The post workout window is actually up to 24hrs in total, so you are saying Brian Shaw is wrong when you see him drinking 80g Pro shakes in his video's? Yes I am on the 'Whey counsel' - big protein shakes are very effective alongside good nutritional food. I've seen many of these negative nancy studies, ones even trying to say creatine doesn't work so they mean nothing to me. I try things for myself and if they work I carry on using them.

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3nh4nc3dathlete's picture

Actually, yes. To each their own. Ive never heard nor could i even fathom a 24 hr post workout window even with the best of genetics or even aas use. Crazy thing for you to say "you try things for yourself and if they work" have you ever tried going wholefood based on your shakes? Or using a food based protein supplement? If not then, your logic goes against itself. Im not trying to be negative,just shining a light in a different area on nutrition. Also, not everyone is trying to attain the brian shaw look. Drink your whey and ill keep doing my thing too.

Peace bro

Greg's picture

Broscience bro.
I'm booting you off the whey council.

If you see someone drinking 80g protein shake and he's jacked, then it must be the protein in the shake right?
If he sips on that drink over the course of 4 hours, then sure.

If your shake is a mass builder shake with a ton of carbs added to it. Sure, more mass. Particularly if you're on tren. Is that coming from the protein? No, only 25 grams at best if that shake is drank within the 1/2 hour.
Can you prove that that it's the protein with hard facts and not give me anecdotal evidence?

Scientific studies from Doctor Nancy wins out on this one.

Dope's picture

Try isolate with water and your best bet is digestive enzymes that contain lactase

I sugest ditching the powder and use eggwhites



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giardap's picture

I sugest ditching the powder and use eggwhites

x2. this is what I did. Enzymes only go so far. Humans dont have the enzymes in the right mix/amounts to properly digest milk in general, and about 65% of all people are actually intolerant.

Egg whites, large, ~8g protein per egg. 6 raw eggs, drink em down in seconds
I do this 3 times a day, simple to digest, speedy to eat, almost 50g protein ahead and around workouts

Dope's picture

Yep my brother , i agree

Postwo heaven shake :

500 ml eggwhite
250 ml chocolate milk
1 banana



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press1's picture

Does this actually work out tasting nice mate? Is the consistency not just like a stringy mess when drinking it or does it mix up well?

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Dope's picture

It mix really well ! The trick is to put eggwhite in blender and blend it with banana only , then while blender working add the chic milk slowly !




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sunamcaxa's picture

blender you mean mixer right? how much eggwhite you add? also how can you add milk while mixer is working? It should be closed while working or it gonna throw everything out

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Dope's picture

Yes blender , sory i am not english . Mine has a small plastic cap that i can take out and blender keep working , through there i add the choc milk

500 ml eggwhite usually brother



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Dope's picture

Yep i hate clumping !! :-)

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giardap's picture

Nice and tasty!!!

Dope's picture

Dat dere sugar rush !! :-)



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Slowly's picture

Do an intolerance test, (in hospital) you can find out if you are allergic to milk and much more.

johnmarshall12's picture

Smaller amounts as others have said, plus you can try using digestive enzymes!

sunamcaxa's picture

what is tha digestive enzymes? tablets?

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Ozninjaguy's picture

+1 mate. I have papaya every day in my protein shake. Don't have bloat like before. It's also full of antioxidants which support heart and cholesterol health.

DSTER's picture

These are what I use, they work great.

Source Naturals Essential Enzymes...

Gunnison's picture

Use pills that have multiple cultures of digestive enzymes. If you protein powder is a blend of caseine and whey to take them individualy. I know lot of people bloat on casein.

press1's picture


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stairmaster's picture


probiotics can work wonders.

sunamcaxa's picture

never heard of that stuff

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Ozninjaguy's picture

There are many brands of probiotics available. Yakult is one of them and is sold worldwide - Japan, Taiwan, Shang Hai, Thailand, South Korea, The Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, China, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Belize, North America, Canada, France, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Malta, Switzerland.

I take it because a lot of medications can affect gut 'flora' (healthy bacteria) and probiotics can help restore natural bacterial balance in the gut.

stairmaster's picture

I've the same prob thats why I switched to isolate with water.
Works and tastes fine for me, I don't tolerate shakes - thats why I don't drink shakes anymore. Years ago my main meals were shakes but it's over now only "real food".'s picture

sounds like you have a little lactose intolerance my friend.

press1's picture

What type of protein are you drinking - Isolate, Concentrate, Casein, Soy, Milk powder?

The best and easiest to digest with the least bloating is Lactose free Isolate ...Its the most expensive but easily the best.

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sunamcaxa's picture

I ll try isolate

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