300 Savage's picture
300 Savage
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what's yours and why?

Was were the sides that made up your mind to never run that particular roid again?

Mine would be any form of tren..I go freaking nuts on tren..violent dreams..super aggressive..insomnia..anxiety attacks.

i know tren is a supreme game changer I just cant deal..I have a few buddy's that live on tren..and there sides are really not that bad?

zhaomeng0904's picture

For me, it is DHB(1-T CYP). i have usd 2 brand DHB, both are Horrible Horrible PIP! I can't walk for 2wks after shot. it probably a great gear, but i won't use again.

PropSlayer's picture

For me, probably dbol. I get good results on it, but I hate how it makes me feel mentally. I attribute it to its estrogenic effects. Guess I would make a terrible female. LOL

Bulkdaddy's picture

I gave dbol another go but had to lay off after 2 weeks... I started bitching and getting mad at everything. Even at 1mg of Adex mon/wen/fri....

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PropSlayer's picture

Same exact scenario here but after the second week I start to get depressed, over nothing. Definitely isn't the compound for me lol

ziabungle's picture

Eq. Started my cycle and dick was a limp noodle. Stopped the Eq and I was all good. Googled eq and Sex drive and saw so many testimonies about how eq killed their sex drive. So for me , never again.

DfromPhilly's picture

X2. I’d bet a lot of money that EQ didn’t give him dick problems, crashed e2 did. I know for a fact it was the case with me cuz I get bloodwork done all the time


Bill1976's picture

I’m about to start my third cycle. I have some tren but I think I’ll save it for a year. Does it stay good that long?

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Greg's picture

Yes as long as you're storing it properly. Even if the "expiration date" has passed.

Bill1976's picture

Thank you. This is what the source said but I needed a second opinion before I inject it a year for so from now.

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Immortaltech's picture

under what temprature is the best to store vials? for a long period

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Greg's picture

Room temperature roughly between 68 F and 75 F

press1's picture

Is it still unopened - what's the expiry?

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Mean Cuisine's picture

Hey hombres great thread real helpful in what NOT to try, but so I just got shafted by my source telling me Winny is out of stock, so now I have over hundred bucks in cred , looking for a substitute for it to use at the end of my cycle to shred a bit, any recommendations? Last resort might be Var but I think it’s expensive for its lower-moderate results. -Thanks

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Makwa's picture

Saved me a bunch of typing

press1's picture

Ya wanna have a watch of that video I posted up buddy - there are some great tips in there about effective bulking such as going for 10 minute walks after meals etc to keep digestion levels high and contant so you can get more food in throught the day ..

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kibby's picture

Anavar is my favourite!

Love it when I read people using 80-100 mg a day and they train properly......... it's complete bullshit.

40 mg of real and correctly dosed var will be unbearable at best when trining

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I remember the proper stuff giving me nose bleeds on real dosage.

kibby's picture

Never had nose bleeds but I have felt like I've had an elephant stood on my head at times lol

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kibby's picture

Definitely bro......on 30 mg of a certain lab 2 years ago. Back pumps and forearm pumps were brutal.

Var is very underrated Rusty......amazing strength gains but another thing I've noticed people shotting about the forums is it's a "weak and less toxic "oral.
Another parroted load of bull shit.

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kibby's picture

Yes sir I'd pick anavar over any oral for me personally I just respond very well to it ;)

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press1's picture

Its too drying and cramping also ...

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press1's picture

Oh yes, sometimes when I am pressing it can end up feeling like someone is firing a nail gun through my front shoulders at the same time! Thats when I've called it a day on the stuff, shame as it is effective for power.

I think you'll still find after a week or two it will be painfull, I've tried that method before and run NPP higher than normal to counteract it and the winny still got the better of it. Worst is when you are in the shower after training and your forarms and hands start cramping up when washing your hair, and you are having to push your fingers back on the wall to relax the muscle back in again Lol

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Eric Muster's picture

Tren also for me... altough my name has an "A" in the end of it, (miswrite it) i´m a guy, so i really felt tha lack of libid when i got my Tren.. but you´re totally right, it´s really a game changer in gains quality, but i´m just like you, just can´t deal with with.. either type, fast or slow tren

Hunter2400's picture

Tren...in any form. Tried both Ace and E and just can't justify needing or really wanting to run either ever again.

Never tried superdrol or Anadrol and probably wont, same with halo. Just too harsh for me.

Sabresfan22's picture

NPP made me feel like shit physically and mentally. Tren makes me feel like a god

Eagles 2013's picture

Very interesting. It's the exact opposite for me. NPP puts me on top of the world and Tren makes me very lethargic and cloudy headed.

Ryan1007's picture

Anadrol for me. Only used it once and swear I could have started breast feeding...never experienced that side effect with any other AAS. Needless to say never touching it again. Lol

Pale's picture

Gotta be tren, although it will be difficult.

PGA's picture

Any sort of very toxic oral is out of the question for me (halo, superdrol, m1t, methyl tren)

press1's picture

Completely agree on the Superdrol - Feel like complete sh** on it. Lethargic, unmotivated and just awful. However there's no doubt its effective as hell for strength & power gains and quick too. On the times where I've grinded it out for 3/4 days the quick results I've experienced have been phenominal, unfortunately even trying low doses though it still catches up with me.

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press1's picture

Its a freaky feeling as you are so strong on it but at the same time feel so tired and shi*, kills any enjoyment in it for me.

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press1's picture

How do you even want to still talk to the same woman after 17 years of living in the same house together? lol you must have to put on a front somedays...

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