Versatile's picture
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+ 1 Tough one - carbs post-workout dilemma


Hi guys.
I would like to ask what do you think about consuming carbs immediately post-workout?

There are basically 2 ways:

1) probably much more frequent: consuming fast-digesting carbs immediately post-workout

  • The main reason and pros of this theory is to replenish the muscle glycogen and start recovery as soon as possible
  • cons, right after eating of carbs there follow immediately drop in human growth hormone production

2) first carbs at least 1,5 hour+ postworkout together with first meal

  • pros and cons are opposite

There are many articles even supported by studies, but it's very hard to find final answer maybe because as usual everyone is different so i'm more interested in yours experiences.

Which way do you prefer and why? And if you tried them both, which one give you better results? thanks! Smile

johnmarshall12's picture

I carb up immediately after a workout, and if I start to feel catabolic during a workout I hit some carbs. It works for me!

Makwa's picture

Eat your high glycemic carbs immediately post workout when your body is sponge for carbs/nutrients/protein. Here is an excerpt from one of my posts:

Consuming carbs (high glycemic carbs are the best for this) also causes insulin to be released in the body, which is one of the most anabolic substances there is. Get those carbs and protein in right after your workout to put that insulin spike to work. That insulin is going to drive any excess carbs you have floating around in your bloodstream into your muscles where it is stored as glycogen, which is what you need to fuel your muscles and workouts. That insulin is also going to drive all those amino acids from all the protein you are eating into your muscles so that more muscle can be made. All of this is being done naturally by the way. Pretty amazing what just eating carbs at the right time can do.

You also need to stop the catabolic cascade that occurs after training and consuming carbs immediately post-wo does that.

Bottom line eat your carbs whether bulking or cutting right after your workout to take advantage of the growth window you have at time and to also put your body back into an anabolic state and not catabolic. Kind of wasting a workout otherwise.

Dr.BroScience's picture

Just wanted to mention that you Makwa, are The Man!

Posting excepts from your own previous post. So succinctly put on every level. " Catabolic cascade "....
" growth window ". Fantastic work mate. You are a true asset to the community.

press1's picture

90 grams pro shake - Beast! Lol Mind you I'm not too far behind you as I often do 75g with about 40 carbs. Don't get me wrong man I love my shakes too after training, but do you buy into any of this 'Scientific research' that anything over 30g in a sitting doesn't actually get digested/used by the body?

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press1's picture

Very Good point - never thought of it like that. And if it were true the Brian shaw's of this world wouldn't be banging down 80g ones in his vids either would he, on top of his 500g beef mince bolognaise lunch's Lol

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Makwa's picture

Get your slug of protein and carbs before leaving the gym and once you get home have a whole food meal. Best plan.

press1's picture

Christ if I didn't consume a tonne of fast acting carbs post workout I'd be dying on the floor lol Tonnes of carbs and isolate is the order of the day personally. The last thing I'd be worrying about during that very important nutritional time frame is if its affecting minimal growth hormone levels or not - Just pin it artificially if its something that interests you plus it works much better in conjunction with gear etc...

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Makwa's picture

The benefit it has far outweighs any impacts it may have on GH.

press1's picture

I completely forgot about the massive insulin spike they create post workout and all the nutrient shuttling it does, duh Lol - That's why you are tha dawg my man!

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dextetherdog's picture

Offseason doesn’t matter, from my experience whether you eat right after or an hour later makes no difference. If you have super quick metabolism and need to eat 10 meals to grow the size, it would make sense to eat after after the workout simply to squeeze that food in.
When I’m getting ready for a show, I prefer not eat right after the workout, maybe after an hour or so.
Fat seems to be going a bit faster this way but off-season would not care

Beast1988's picture

I prefer and enjoy my Postworkout carbs within 30mins of my training, I use exogenous hormones so I'm not as concerned with raising them naturally

Sam I Am's picture

What does exogenous mean? I'm challenged..

Owes a Review × 1
Dr.BroScience's picture

Challenged ?... Or Special?

Beast1988's picture

Outside the body, endogenous means inside the body

Bearded_muscle's picture

Not natural. Coming from outside the body.

Greg's picture

It means you're really nice, "The man was exogenous when he tipped the waiter 35%"