a73840's picture
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-1 Dont frontload eq?


I used to think frontloading eq was a good idea. Been reading a bit and most of what im coming across says its a waste. What do you guys think? Why?

giardap's picture

When frontoading, the end goal is the clinical outcome (what happens to the body), so for an AAS user it is muscle building or retention.

The question is, if you frontload; will you achieve extra muscle, or faster built muscle from that dose?
The answer is no, not really. (Most people who frontload do so and gauge by certain side effects like water retention and assoc. strength increases rather than actual myotrophic action (in muscle action).

Also, despite what people think, EQ is not a magical mystical compound that has a magical longer lead in time or voodoo-like 18 week on switch, with regard to building muscle. It is merely a poor muscle builder so results take longer to accumulate, whereas sides, including those from frontloading, appear relatively quickly.

It is more complicated than just lashing in a few extra ml's. Nutrients and proteins all matter too, as do limitations like the muscle-full effect etc. Strength is probably the one exception, but even then it is better to build that slowly over weeks rather than risk injury. Gotta check that ego.

a73840's picture

Great explanation, much appreciated man.

Makwa's picture

Unless you are fairly experienced with AAS and have ran plenty of successful cycles you don't want to frontload. You can wind up in a bad mess in real hurry. There is alot more to actually doing a proper frontload than taking an extra shot or two so it is best left to experienced folk.

dimi4p's picture

This is so true

Owes a Review × 1
a73840's picture

Appreciate the input man, Ill steer clear of frontloading just isnt for me right now.

addicted.to.pain's picture

There is Bold Cyp also as an option. it's not widely available , but a few trusted sources carry it

Bold Ace has a very bad rep with pip, though I have never used the compound myself so I can not say for sure.

a73840's picture

Yeah i read about bold ace sounds horrific. I need to look around and see if i can find that cyp. Pm me if you know of anyone who carries it.

addicted.to.pain's picture

search through the domestic sources not in the top 10 bro, you will find them.

I think its the amount of solvents used with bold ace, though again I've never used it.

Soulja's picture

I've frontloaded EQ before and it was just like some of the guys said below, it makes the side effects worse. Especially with EQ. It caused my blood pressure to skyrocket which lead to intense headaches and lethargy. Basically it made me feel like crap. I've found the best way to get through that wait for EQ to kick in is to incorporate another compound. Tbol works great because you can use it at a moderate dose for 6 weeks. NPP is another good option. You start with the quick onset of fast acting Nandrolone, then drop it 6-8 weeks in and let the EQ do it's thing. Or as other's have stated you can just wait for it. I wouldn't bother frontloading.

Soulja's picture


cmryan's picture

Well, I'm still a noob here (so take my thoughts with a grain of salt), but the concept of front loading (not just EQ) makes sense to me. Loading doses are used quite often in medical settings with other drugs that have long half lives.

dextetherdog's picture

The way I look at it, body will only observe certain amounts of it anyways so don’t see the point of front loading.

RVWolf's picture

Why only EQ? The purpose of the frontload is to have the same amount released in your body as if you had waited several weeks (obviously depending on the ester / frequency of injection / quantity). The undecyclenate ester is a long ester, so the it takes time to reach optimum level and also to go down, there are two periods of time were the levels are not high enough or low. The advantage of the frontload, I see, is I think to be quickly at an effective level without the wait, and the default is probably that we no time to get used to the side effects and correct (change injected quantity or periodicity) if necessary.

a73840's picture

I guess it applies to all long ester compounds really. Just looking at eq right now cause im considering running it. I see so the body does better when it has time to adapt instead of going full throttle out the gate and trying to adapt.

Kgp's picture

A fucking shit show, I tell you.

I guess I could see both sides.

Is the OP curious about front loading EQ in general, which is a mid AAS with a long ester that needs to be run for a longer cycle. Would there be any benefit in general for doing so. Legit generic question. Cookie cutter I do say.

Or is he asking about his cycle, if he should do it, and the pros and cons of doing so which you could never answer without knowing stats.

Sending holiday cheer to all you grumpy fucks out there. 12 days till christmas. Better to be on the nice list than the naughty list when the jolly old man comes down your chimney.

addicted.to.pain's picture

I am not seeing how bringing up a past discussion about aspirin is helping the OP make a decision about front loading EQ bro.

Whats the point in starting a fire dude?

a73840's picture

Sorry to bother you man.

a73840's picture

Dude your on a power trip calm down. Im just trying to have a casual conversation and your getting all serious. If you dont want to talk to me then just leave the thread. Your just looking for conflict man grow up.