Dets's picture
  • 17

+ 2 Drop in Test levels after baby is born - Study


Hello Gentlemen and Gentlewomen of

It's been a while my brothers, hope all is well. My son was born earlier this month and I've been sleeping in three hour shifts since then. Happy to report he is healthy and strong Smile

I came across this article today and wondered what you guys thought.

Also the actual study itself.

After I finished my cycle in May of last year, (first one, 250e x 2 per week, 12 wks), I tested my levels and all was well, even a little better from before.

I'm thinking I might just get another test to see if this study holds water in my case.

Any thoughts?

Hope all is well with you guys

Drillit's picture

I attributed it to my wife having a new female in the house to try to suck out what’s left of my soul.

Greg's picture

lower t = less aggressive behavior.

That is to mean; lower t = less aggressive behavior = less dead babies.

It'd be interesting to find out if that is a primitive response to make men more paternal and caring.

Carlos Danger's picture

There’s definitely some evolutionary primal purpose for this. I wonder if as we became more domesticated indoors and became more civilized/sophisticated it was natural progression. While attracting a mate our ancestors had to show alpha qualities pre and post baby for proliferation and then for survival. Now in the last couple hundred years I would think the alpha quality loses its purpose post baby as child rearing is no longer a survival of the fittest but now more nurturing and sophisticated and success based. I’d even go so far and say it’s been even more pronounced since the late 60’s and 70’s. Child rearing has changed so drastically that for the male species to succeed in our primal need to proliferate our success in doing so has called for us to become more nurturing and domesticated/sophisticated. That’s just a shot in the dark guess but it does make sense as the male species is suffering from lower test levels overall.

In a promo × 1
giardap's picture

There's nothing like a nesting woman with post-pregnancy - my man is evil I want to kill him - hormone sh!t, fighting with the inlaws and demanding everything to be brand new for the baby.... to ruin a man's life

zeusmarada's picture

Thank you for a good laugh! So true, on so many levels.

To all young men reading this thread, all of us men who've come before you will advise: ENDURE.

Giardap, it's good to know you've been through hell & back too, brother! Of course, it's totally worth it in the long run. In the moment, especially being sleep deprived, it's misery. Just endure, brothers. Just endure. Day in, day out, ENDURE.

Greg's picture

especially being sleep deprived, it's misery.

I read this as, "being sheep deprived."
For an Irishmen, it works either way ;-)

giardap's picture

hehe, it most certainly is an endurance sport big ZM!

I remember my first kiddo, I was so high on the magic of it all, what a game changer, great days.... I was happy to go sleep deprived for months on end. It really was amazing! Hopefully this is OP's first!

But the second time round the merry-go-round............ ughhhh

yes.... ENDURE lol!

Greg's picture

I stumbled upon a show on netflix called (london) Derry. I practically need subtitles to understand the irish brogue. It's a period piece probably during the time you were growing up. How reflective is that show to life in Ireland during that time?

Makwa's picture

I'd blame it on lack of sleep

zeusmarada's picture

Makwa, Rusty, I second the motion!

Sleep deprivation literally ruins a man. (Or woman.)

My wife and I joke, "if your baby sleeps through the night, your marriage will be fine. If your baby is a bad sleeper, you'd better double down on your marriage, cuz it gets rocky." Sleep deprivation is poison that kills us quite quickly. In this case, it's tangible, measured by seeing test levels drop.

Makwa's picture

First thing the doc asked me when I went in to be evaluated for TRT was how was I sleeping.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Same here...I replied: 'In bed with my eyes shut.' He looked at me sideways and asked:"How do you feel?" I answered: "With my hands." Didn't get TRT....can't figure out why. ;-)

zeusmarada's picture

Congrats on being a new parent! I joke that "being daddy is amazing. Being a parent sucks. I just wish I could be daddy forever and leave the parent stuff behind." You'll feel the same. Snuggling with your kiddo is awesome. Changing a blown out diaper, not so much. Soak it all in, brother. It goes fast.

fusebox's picture

Yeah brother. One day you're changing a diaper. The next day you're sending them off to college. Time flies

zeusmarada's picture

My kiddos are still in early elementary school, but already they've grown like weeds and time has flown. It was funny when my youngest went to kindergarten. A gal I know said, "you'll miss having them at home!" I replied, "nah, I've been mentally and emotionally present every day of their lives. I'm soaking all of this in with pure gratitude in my heart." I really feel that way. Time flies indeed, but it's ok.

We all have a terminal condition called life.

We're gonna die someday, so why worry about death itself? Get your lift in, turn the news off, crank up a record that you like and sing at the top of your lungs as you cook your next meal.

When we're on our death beds, we'll have regrets, but listening to good music, being consistent with lifting, and being committed to our loved ones won't be on that list of regrets. (There are obviously plenty of good decisions that fit this context! I just grabbed those cuz they're some of my favorite good decisions.)

Chappy747's picture

dude congrats!

Slowly's picture

A new life on earth. Brother wishes, God will protect you

Kgp's picture

Interesting. I wonder if this has much to do with primal reasons. The primal reasons we are attracted to a certain type of woman would be ultimately for breeding purposes. Instinctually trying to create the strongest, smartest, healthiest offspring we can. I wonder if when we do reproduce the natural feeling is "job complete" lowering our own hormones.

Edited to add: congrats on the new addition.

zeusmarada's picture

Kgp, remember it's not "survival of the strangest," but rather "survival of the most adaptable." A species can be strong as shit, but if conditions change that favor different traits (like being smaller with less muscle tissue, requiring less calories to eat on a daily basis) then the species with the most adaptable trait wins.

For humans, our greatest evolutionary advantage is the stuff between our ears. We are primates that have a problem solving computer in our skulls. When we use that computer to actually solve problems instead of create them, life sure is a lot more fun.

Alas, part of being human is that we simply don't all get along. Sad. The less energy we spend on bad mojo means the more energy we have to party. I'll be the guy with karaoke mic, in case you need me. God bless Tom Petty. "I feel summer creeping in and I'm, tired of this town agaiiiiin...."

Kgp's picture

And I quote "strongest, smartest, healthiest"

I'm not sure where the rest of this fits into my reply unless you're just trolling me.Its too early for that. Maybe later when Im hangry. Enjoy your day.

zeusmarada's picture

Shit brother! Nope, no trolling here! I have much respect for you. You're trying to add bits of good mojo to help men make better informed decisions, regarding their own health, both mentally and physically. That's the point of this site, and I'm trying to play my part too.

If I came off as being a dick, please accept my very sincere apology!

I just realized that I put "survival of the strangest" instead of "survival of the strongest." Holy shit, I'm a mess. Did NOT see that typo as I hit "reply." Unreal. My apologies on that one too! Yeah, i can see how you'd read this and say, "shit Zeus, you're trolling! Fucker!" (You'd be right calling me a fucker! I've been called worse, and probably deserved it of course. I simply hate people who make comments to derail the productivity of a conversation, aka-trolling. Ugh.)

I admit, I can be A.D.D., and I had the radio on as I was writing my comment yesterday. Tom Petty, rest in peace, is/was one of my favorite song writers. He was singing on the radio as I was posting, and I just added that nugget at the end cuz I literally was singing along. Tom just had his own vibe, and his music still gets me fired up. Apologies, again!

Regarding the sentiment of my comment, I added "survival of the most adaptable" because that's good advice to remember for personal context too, not just adaptation for evolution discussion. Let me elaborate, if I can!

As men, IF we think "the strongest survive!" then we tend to concentrate on JUST building physical strength. However, when situations arise in our lives that strength doesn't matter, especially personal situations like disagreements or miscommunication, it's how we ADAPT to those situations that lend to survival.

KGP, you NAILED this sentiment about adaptability in one word: "Smartest." +1 for stating the obvious that went right over my friggin head. Sheesh.

I'm sorry I missed that. Again, I won't blame my own blurry eye sight combined with A.D.D. for missing your elegant statement. I'll blame Tom Petty for writing good music as an excuse for me not paying attention. (Note that I appreciate your good mojo, big time. Sheesh.)

When I talk about "adapting to survive," I'm including a lot of things, not just biological survival. I want people's marriages to survive. I want our businesses, our communities, our clubs, our churches, our tribes, I want all of this to survive, AND thrive.

Kgp, you'll get this instantly, but I share this thought with/for other men reading this in hopes that it gets us thinking in problem solving mode for our own personal situations that need adaptability. (Thus, the "grey matter" comment.) We're problem solvers. Sometimes problems need strength. Sometimes they need listening, understanding, letting go of expectations, etc, to "survive," not just strength. They need "smarts," and you nailed that already, so I'm beating a dead horse. Typical me. Sorry, brother. Again, much respect.

Kgp's picture

Respect back to you, brother. Thank you for the thought out reply and you sound like a stand up guy for sure. +

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Congrats brother..

Owes a Review × 1
johnmarshall12's picture

Congrats on the baby. Thesis interesting for sure. I really never thought of it, but I suppose there is validity to it!

CBBurrr's picture

Congrats on the kiddo!

Did you see the joe rogan podcast a couple weeks ago with William von hippel?

Studies say test drops as soon as we get a girlfriend and even more after a baby.

Joe had a cow, said it was dad lifestyle and lack of sleep.

I think the studies are correct. We do all sorts of things can increase testosterone like competition with other males. Why should we be surprised that it drops when we don't have to compete for multiple mates again?

Dets's picture

Ty CB, I'll download the podcast now.

Yeah and you are right, I've been feeling different as well. I'm curious as to how much it drops and whether or not it gets worse with more kids etc. or it balances out.

CBBurrr's picture

It's at the 30 minute mark

The podcast is 3 hours long, but really interesting talk on human behavior and evolution

333's picture

Congrats bro

Dets's picture

Ty brother, its a trip