helloBrooklyn's picture
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Gotta get something off my chest (pun intended)


Cliffs: Looked up regional non-tested raw bench record. Saw it’s a number I’ve repeatedly smashed with meet legal technique on whims just casually at a lighter bodyweight than the upper limits of the weight class. Signed up on a whim for a meet (my first ever) less than 3 weeks out.

Ego got the best of me. Took too big of jumps too fast. Wanted to put the record out of reach, not just edge it out. Stupid! Approached it like a quick and dirty prep to hit even bigger numbers instead of just maintaining and comfortably setting the record.

First I strained my left pec major. Healed fully in 6 days. Then I strained my right pec major because, again, I took too big a jump between my mock meet attempts. It’s been 4 full days since. It’s definitely not healed yet. If it isn’t healed within the next 6 days, I’ll have to withdraw from the meet. That’ll be $150 in sign up fees down the drain, not to mention the embarrassment factor, which will be humiliating, since I’ve been talking with people in my personal life about how excited I am to compete.

And the irony of being as lean, full, and dense as I’ve ever been, but sapped of all my explosiveness off the chest because of an injury that can’t even be seen. In my mind, it’s doing a number on my self esteem. I can’t stop thinking: “What’s the point of looking like a superhero if I can’t perform like one?”

So there it is. I’m preparing for the worst possible scenario. I’ve accepted it. But I’m staying positive that I’ll be just fine and still break the record, even if it’s only by a smidge. So damned what?

In the meantime, what would you do if you were preparing for a bench only that’s 9 days out and you’re dealing with a minor pec strain? I’m thinking daily light dynamic stretching for the chest to warm up the muscles a bit followed by some light static stretching for the pec major and pec minor to maintain mobility and promote healing. Jeez, I’d never thought I’d see the day when I’m watching Jeff Cavaliere videos learning how to stretch my chest to rehab a strain, but here we are.

Any thoughts appreciated

junkyarddesiel's picture

I'd wait till next meet, heal up and move sum real weight.

helloBrooklyn's picture

That’s the plan if I’m not healed. I should be, though. Truthfully I haven’t taken 6 full days off in MONTHS, so I should heal very quickly if I do that. IF I do that, meaning I need to keep the ego in check and stay tf away from the weights, no matter the temptation! That’s been a serious problem for me, not being able to take time off even when I need it just because I’m so passionate about training. Something to work on, for sure

However, the plan has changed. I wanted to obliterate the record by at least 10 kg when I signed up. If I had 8 weeks, sure, I could have peaked for that. But I had less than 3. This is baptism by fire, to dramatize it. I would be content breaking the record by .6 lbs and going home. That would certify me international elite level, too, so I’d officially be able to call myself a world class competitive athlete, technically, as silly as that seems to me haha

We’ll see. I won’t cry if I can’t compete. Day by day here

junkyarddesiel's picture

Sum federations you have to break the record by 2.5lbs. I believe ipa is 2.5lbs

helloBrooklyn's picture

Oh, for real? This is USPA. Do you know? I haven’t seen anything about that in the rules as far as I’ve looked

monsterD996's picture

Nah uspa doesn't do that. Just 1 pound will break the record

helloBrooklyn's picture

Glad to hear it. IPA sounds like a major pain in the ass with all their testing and arbitrary rules. I may be new to this world firsthand, but I’ve been hearing grumblings about the disdain for the IPA for years now, that they’re doing more harm than good to the sport with their overzealous crusade against PEDs.

junkyarddesiel's picture

Your talking about the ipf.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Oh jeez. You’re absolutely right. I totally just mixed those up. Maybe I was thinking about beer, I don’t know. Thanks for pointing that out.

monsterD996's picture

You need to get some work done done either with a chiropractor or a massage specialist not regular massage place but some who knows how to get the muscle to relax properly. If not you could definitely tear your shit. Recovery work is the most important thing in powerlifting man. If your tight, banged up, hurting, and you do nothing for but stretch your shit won't get any better. Been powerlifting for 6 years now bro and nothing good comes from tight bowned muscles. Get the recovery work down by a professional or drop out and don't risk tearing a pec. Seen that shit happen way more than I like too

helloBrooklyn's picture

Not to be overconfident but the weights are submaximal, since the record is only ~95 of my best 1RM not done long ago at a lighter bodyweight with a pause, and the pain so minimal. It doesn’t even hurt unless I move it a very specific way and stretch it to its terminal range of motion. I probably made it sound waaaaaay more dramatic than it is, tbh, just because I’m an anxious person and I think the worst the second something goes even a little wrong. I truly think 6 days will be overkill for recovery, if anything. If I even had a thought that tearing a pec were a possibility, I’d drop out. We’re talking a 1/10 setback here. I don’t think it’s time to push the panic button yet. If I can’t bench a measly 425 by Wednesday pain free, I’m pulling the plug. I’m 99% sure I’ll be fine. I’m just over-dramatic and putting this out there made me feel better in the case of that 1% coming true. Clinical massage is something I’ve been considering, though. Thank you

monsterD996's picture

Well that's good then lol but just a tip all weight training is cut out 4 days before the meet for maximum recovery. Some people even take 2 weeks off through their peaking phase leading to the meet. Stay safe man!

helloBrooklyn's picture

For CNS recovery, I presume? As you can see, I’m winging it, and I have a hell of a lot to learn. My only saving grace could be my training style, where I very regularly work with doubles and singles, just out of preference. Could just save my ass, but either way, even if I don’t literally wear a belt because I don’t like training with them, I can’t wait to get this experience under it

monsterD996's picture

That and also give the body time to heal from smashing 85-100% of maxs with doubles and singles. Helps the tendons and ligaments recover since they take weeks to heal versus muscles which take 2-4 days. Also relax the mind and ease anxiety. I personally don't wear a belt either only on squat when I get towards 90%. And the thrill is insane man! I'm going to break the state records in squat and deadlift next march for 242 raw and go to nationals. My numbers are already 200lbs over to qualify for national. Close to 750 on dead and 700 on squat. bench isnt my best but it's around 440 right now so in March all my numbers will be at least 30-50 more pounds each. Gonna be a good time man! Also it's uspa as well

Permabulk's picture

Damm you seriously are a monster. Those numbers are insane!!! I hope you keep pushing and break your own records down the road as well. Stay healthy and strong.

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helloBrooklyn's picture

700, almost 750, wow! And a 200 kg bench is no joke. Very impressive! Not that you’re doing this to impress anyone, but I’m impressed nonetheless.

Sorry to bug ya with more questions, but how would you approach recovery right after a meet? Full week off? Deload?

monsterD996's picture

Appreciate it brother! And ask away man. No fan having all this information if I can't share it! Minimum 5 days off. And and keep weights nice and light till everythings feeling back to 100% which usually 3-4 weeks then back to hitting it heavy again

helloBrooklyn's picture

I’ve been thinking. You said take at least a good 5 days completely off before the day of and that some even go as high as 2 weeks off, and that it relieves anxiety. At first I thought that taking even 5 days off would make me more anxious if anything since I’m not getting practice under the heavy weight and I would be afraid of detraining, but having given it more thought, I don’t that that’ll happen. 5 days is nothing. What am I gonna do, forget how to bench press? I’ve done it a million and one times.

Now I’m thinking I won’t lift at all until the meet, and try to come in 110%, even though it’ll be more than 5 days rest. I think that’s the safest course of action. I really hope I’m doing it right. If I bomb out I bomb out, but at least I won’t really be risking injury since there’s no way I won’t be fully healed. I think once you’ve been doing this a while, compound lifts are pretty much like riding a bike, right? Like it’s just second nature at this point and worrying about forgetting the motor pattern of the bench press after just a week off is kind of dumb

Has that been your experience? That the motor patterns of the big 3 are so ingrained that a week or two off doesn’t faze you?

monsterD996's picture

I've taken 2 months off from dead and squats with a starined rectus femoris. And another month for rehab. So 3 months total at the begining of the year. First week back I was only allowed the squat 405 for 2 and shit came up fast within 3 weeks I was back up to 565x3 about 40 pounds of when I started. It's just like martial arts or like play a guitar the muscle memory will be there forever. My be a lil rusty but it doesn't just completely finished. You'll go in feeling crazy good. You'll have plenty of time to warm up in the back meets last like 6-9 hours lol bring lots of food and water

press1's picture

I've never had a pec injury, but thinking back to when I had shoulder impingement when I took a full week off and did nothing but rest - that was the only thing that healed it in the end.

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GrowMore's picture

You know what you need to do.

P.S you impress your internet bros

Owes a Review × 1
helloBrooklyn's picture

I don’t always know what I need to do, but I always learn from every experience, positive or negative.

Why, thanks; impressing the internet bros is what I’m here for. Hell, it’s the only reason I want to do this comp. it provides a more definitive answer to the age old bro question

GrowMore's picture

I was thinking you know you need rest but desperately want to smash the record. Keep us posted

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heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Don't push it bro if your chest ain't healed...the last thing you want is a torn pec...if it were me i wouldn't be embarrassed....I'd consider it a smart choice honestly if your not fully healed...trust me brother in the long run you'll be happy you made the right decision..good luck man either way

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press1's picture

What's the record out of interest?

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helloBrooklyn's picture

Open division 90 kg. Raw

424.4 lbs / 192.5 kgs

press1's picture

Brett gibbs is doing extremely well nowadays isn't he - don't know what he's eating lol.

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daksmack's picture

Charlie Sheen used tigers blood to heal, wait never mind, he has HIV. Good luck buddy! Lol

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Sam I Am's picture

If you dont get it this time do it again next year. It wasnt in vain your much leaner and bigger in your recent picture. I'd let it heal and think long term. Theres no dishonor in that.

Owes a Review × 1
helloBrooklyn's picture

If it’s next year as in a matter of months, that’s perfectly fine by me. But more than a calendar year and I’ll have to re-up my USPA membership, which sucks. If worst comes to worst, I’ll go to the meet just to observe. Learn. Take notes. Soak everything in. That’ll be experience in and of itself.

Even if I do feel gtg the morning of, if I feel a HINT of strain in my pec during warmups, first attempt, whatever it may be, I’m cutting it. No second thought. Not worth a long term injury. Especially on my first try.

Considering I’ve lost almost thirty lbs between those pictures, it’s a hell of a compliment saying I appear bigger! I appreciate that, as well as I do the wisdom

Permabulk's picture

Well after reading this whole thread... what happened? You left us hanging!!! Lol
I hope you smashed it and hold the new record.

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