AnabolicLife1992's picture
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Abcess drain or not?


I have an abcess in my right shoulder...1 week with it, i feel pain, lost of mobility, edema, a bit red and hot but not too much...a 2 days ago i feel like with a flu now i feel better I start with "diclofenaco" and have less pain and feel better, no fever in procese someone drain one with a needle? or I should wait a bit more and see if gone alone??

AnabolicLife1992's picture

Up...just for information the abcess ends in surgery. And 1 time of 9 days of antibiotics and another one now 7 days with stronger one...the surgery was simple but the process of draining disagreeable... today i hope its the last dose of antibiotics. Im feeling better now the shoulder cicatrize no pain at moving it this i believe im starting g2g

kibby's picture

Glad your on the mend and not dead ;)

Just FYI bro if this ever happens again just go to ER not eroids. This stuff is deadly

Best of luck

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shawn0712's picture

I don’t use an ai unless I’m running dbol. I still keep it on hand and run bloods. The same for caber with 19 Nors. It’s in the drawer just in case, it I guess I’m weird and never feel better than when my prolactin is slightly elevated.
So I treat antibiotics the same, and keep doxycycline on hand. It’s widely used for puncture wounds and im infections.
I’m not advocating that we take an abscess less serious, but if you’re doing a few thousand injections, I think it’s wise to prepare for anything. I can also say I’m sure I avoided a bad situation reacting early on.
It’s also good for the clap. Not that I’ve ever been there....
We preach to keep everything else on hand, but I think it’s a base we should cover. And I never use antibiotics. I think they’re too widely abused, and people’s immune systems are weak because of it. But I’m rather fond of having 2 arms and 2 legs, so if the first sign of something is wrong, I’ll start a course, and then drag my ass to the doctor and say I took a finish nail to the leg helping my drunk buddy do trim in his nascar themed basement.

Darkhorse777's picture

Ive successfully drained them at home with an 18g needle i pulled 20cc out of my left bicep. That being said it swelled up and was red and painful but i didn't have all those other symptoms you said in your case id leave it to doctor infection like this can kill you ... you need it drained and put on antibiotics dont mess around

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Porkbythapound's picture

I had a infection several years ago after a ventro injection. Knew sometimes pip hurts like a bitch so let it go a few days. Shit kept getting worse and was walking with a limp. This was a 1.5 ml shot and ended up sticking a pin in the site and pulling out 15cc of nasty pinkish/tan fluid just so I could walk and headed to er. They scanned it and put me under and woke up with a huge hole in me which had to stay open and packed with tape for about a week. Not fun at all. Take shit serious.

press1's picture

I bought a cheap RIP blend from an unknown new source about a year ago now - 1ml into my quad and the thing blew up into a golf ball sized lump overnight. Felt ill the lot, woke up in the middle of the night 48 hrs later and had lost about 2/3's of the feeling in my foot from loss of circulation due to the massive swelling in my knee cap. I was scared sh**less, luckily it died down over the next 24hrs but I was on the verge of going to A&E thats for sure. This is why I'm so hesitant of unknown labs & gear nowadays...

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giardap's picture

Flu? total infection

you might die, you know? Of course people will say

he took steroids, that dude... the dead fella...musta been the steroids, yeah steroids made him stooopid

wanted's picture

I think people are watching to much youtube. Why would anyone want to open themselves up for a more severe infection draining it yourself instead of just going to the doctors..
Is it an abcess or a hematoma

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johnmarshall12's picture

Go to an ER! The will drain it properly and give you the right antibiotics. Don't mess with these things yourself! There are reasons there are doctors!

Protein4breakfast's picture

You never drain an abscess yourself. Good idea to go to a doctor and get started on anti biotics if the abscess is severe they will lance it but more then likely try to do antibiotics first. If you used proper sterile injection protocol then I think you should toss the gear. You said you had the flu sounds like test flu from dirty gear I’ve had it before and I tossed the gear ordered from another source and never had the problem since.

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AnabolicLife1992's picture

I going yo the emergency qmbulqtory now..the doctor scared And told me go away start now with the antibiotic Andrés wait yo supurate yo open this i Will start and un a few days go to surgeon

Thebully's picture

English please

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kibby's picture

Can't believe your on a bodybuilding forum asking what to do in this situation.


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press1's picture

That's immediately what I thought!! Can you imagine what a 3ml of oil plus Abcess fluid filled shoulder even looks like?!....And you could be getting poisoned as we speak.

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Christophany's picture

If you have an abscess, get to a hospital immediately! You can die from sepsis if the infection enters into your bloodstream... Don't gamble with your life, man!

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AnabolicLife1992's picture

i have amoxilicin on hand but the last doctor put me like optional because its not clear it is infection for him.

Dont know exactly hoy much oil becausa i rotate the pin sites, but not more than 3ml per inyection

Makwa's picture

3ml into your delt?? No wonder you have an abcess.

herpjunkie111's picture

Lol, dude must love pain, 1ml in the delt for me and it hurts to raise my arms above my head for a few hours, no way in hell I'd pin 3 anywhere other than a glute.

333's picture

Go to your doctor or even a walk in clinic and just say you have a infection on your shoulder most likely you will get penicillin and it will go away don't wait to long you don't want it to get worse

stairmaster's picture

Talk immediatel with your doc, no fever doesn't means no abscess! Diclofenac is not the best option for this medical issue, either mucopolysaccharide polysulfuric acid ester (available in every pharmacy)

Sam I Am's picture

How much oil did you inject in your shoulder?

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Goose24's picture

First off all...fill out your stats bro.

How about schedule an appointment with your doctor? Why take the chance and possibly give your self an infection? If you end up with a blood infection from that you'll regret your decision immediately.

Maybe I'm just getting old but there's certain things I wouldn't mess with and that's one of them.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Lol goose you’re one cold customer.

Guys on the steps of the hospital like “let me in!”

Goose is at the door like “fix your stats”

I love it

Goose24's picture

Take no prisoners!

junkyarddesiel's picture

The last thing he is worried about is filling out his stats right now. Come on man...

Goose24's picture

Come on man.... what.. buttercup?

Sam I Am's picture


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AnabolicLife1992's picture

26 y 1,73 90kg

I went to 2 doctors they not have clear it is an infection or not but they believe not...not fever and the color its only a bit red, the mass its fuffly. I have date with the surgeon but i think if ill wait to that they going to open the abcess with more agressive techniche and going to be bad for many weeks. Its that dangerous the self aspiration techniche? maybe not the rightest decision but ...

thomas33's picture

Your doc will handle it if need be. Dont do it yourself and make it worse.