Theresultsarein's picture
  • 42

Weight loss


Hey guys. It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and Lao some time since my last cycle . Usually I take bulk cycles but this time is totally different. As far as my arms and legs , their in pretty good shape. My diet has been shit and I work 14 hours a day so it’s hard to get to the gym but I’m pushing myself for at least a hour . So I need to know the best way to get cut. Especially my stomach . I’ve never had a big belly but ever since getting clean and sober I’m eating like a mad man and now I got a big stomach. I need some help though on a good cycle and some good meals, honestly I need something that’s quick to make or already made that I can just buy from the store. I want to get bulk but get cut. That’s my main goal this time around. I wanted to try some Anavar this time around . I need a good starter to get bulk and then cut. Or do I? Just let me know what’s best and good workouts as well. I would gladly appreciate the help.

Whimpering's picture

There is research that confirms the connection involving HGH and weight loss. However, negative views and some difficulties are encountered.

albert1122's picture

Figure your every day calories for those weeks, that will be your day by day caloric admission, on the off chance that you cut 500 calories per day you should free generally a large portion of a pound seven days, 1000 calories cut day by day ought to avg around 1 lb seven days, keep you protein high while eating fewer carbs to keep muscle, that is more or less straightforward, will yield significantly more noteworthy misfortunes...

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Cameron.swink's picture

Congrats! Looking forward on a new post with your progress.

Sobernstrong777's picture

Congratulations man keep up the good work keep me posted on things

Sobernstrong777's picture

I too have gotten clean and sober and gained a lot of weight they just put me on trt and I'm grossly overweight LOL not even sure if taking testosterone when I'm this heavy is proper thing to do but they said the low testosterone causes excess weight gain

Theresultsarein's picture

Thanks man and yeah I know I got low test. I got no energy whatsoever I was never like this. All I do is eat like shit and drink soda. But I’m starting to watch what I eat and drink lots of water. I’m trying to figure out a good cycle this time and I’m going to do this right and take my time before I start. I need to study and get back in the gym .i was in great shape last year when in a program but something happened I won’t say on here but it messed me up . Never thought I’d lose this family member . But I’m staying positive and grateful and pushing myself to stay strong and clean cause I know he always wanted that. And I’m beyond sick and tired of that lifestyle .

jack_wade's picture

''My diet has been shit'' I think this pretty much answers your question. If I were you I would fix the diet first before wasting your hard earned dollars on Anavar, as this will not help you presently.

I also think you should focus only on cutting for the moment, in order to lose the big stomach you have acquired from overeating. Trying to bulk and cut simultaneously, in your current state might be counter productive. You will need to be in a caloric deficit in order to begin shedding that excess weight/fat!!

Well done for getting clean and sober:)

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Theresultsarein's picture

I was really confused for a minute on understanding calories. I see I should consume 2000 a day which is a lot but if I’m not burning more then I’m gaining weight. So hopefully I sound right saying this cause I’ve been doing a lot of research . Right now I’m trying to lose my gut and waist so I’m staying away from sugar and bad fat and carbs. I’m not eating too much calories so I can burn more to lose the weight. Does that sound right ? I seen as long as I stay away from the processed foods and sugar and carbs and bad fat I can lose weight eating less calories and burn more doing cardio and whatnot . Before I was eating a lot and wasn’t burning much at all so that’s why I gained a lot . My diet was shit. So that’s what I’m going to do. So I’ll use the fitness app to see how many calories I take in but I’m not going for the goal of 2000 for the day. I work crazy hours as a tow truck driver so I’m not going to burn that much. Do I sound right guys?

Makwa's picture

2000 cals is really low. Keep an eye on your weight and if you are dropping more than 2-3lbs/wk then bump your calories back up.

Theresultsarein's picture

Thank you bro

Christophany's picture

I don't know if I am misunderstanding your post, although is sounds as though you first want to get big and then lower your body fat afterwards. Is that what you are asking advice on? That is something totally feasible, and diet will be key in achieving both goals. It sounds as though you got the exercise part down.

Assuming you are eating adequately for each training goal--eating a surplus of calories to build size; a slight deficit while cutting body fat--it should be rather simple, not necessarily easy. You first need to know your TDEE (see and then adjust your caloric intake accordingly. Nutrient partitioning is an amazing thing! If you want to achieve your goals the proper way, eat whole foods and avoid processed and sugary garbage. Also, this (free) application -- -- can help you track your calories, aiding in the development of your meal plans.

The two applications I mentioned are some of the best (free) tools around to help you on your fitness journey. Eroids vets refer people, who are pursuing weight loss or weight gain goals, over and over again to these applications. It's also not wise to attempt bulking and cutting simultaneously, much less think that your goals are unachievable without the aid of AAS. Drop the idea of using Anavar to achieve your weight loss, and weight gain, goals.

Foods you should consider: Steel Cut Oats, Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Eggs (or just the whites), Broccoli, Lean Beef (e.g., 93--97%), Tuna in Water, Turkey Breast, and... You get the idea. Just ensure you are consuming these foods in the correct proportions to achieve your personal goals.

Foods to avoid: Bread, Pizza, Fast Food, Store-Bought foods that are either heavily processed, loaded with refined sugars, or are loaded with fats and simple carbs, and... Need I say more?

You can, of course, have the occasional cheat meal. No, I do not mean a cheat day. Once every week or two, depending on what you feel you can get away with, treat yourself to one cheat meal. Have an ice cream cone, 1--2 slices of pizza, or a cheeseburger. Just make sure not to go overboard on the amount of calories your cheat meal contains and you should be golden. It's all relative to your personal goals and what you can eat without having a setback to all your hard work.

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Theresultsarein's picture

I appreciate the time for you to help me . I got the apps so I will start working on that. As far as the cycle goes . I would love some advice on what is best for what I’m looking for . I would like to gain mass and burn fat. I want this belly gone and my abs back . I’m studying a lot from the forums but I’m not sure what’s the best way to go yet . Any advice on that would be much appreciated. And I just got payed so tomorrow on my day off I’m going to buy everything I need for my diet.

IrishWOLFhound's picture

If your diet is shit like you said you'll never lose weight. Anavar won't help you lose weight if your eating too much calories. So sort your diet out and you'll lose weight naturally.

Sam I Am's picture

True dat. Eat to live don't live to eat..

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Sam I Am's picture

Anavar isn't a diet drug. It's simple you need to burn more calories than you take in. Get a my fitness pal app. Its free. Eat your regular diet for two weeks. Figure your daily calories for those weeks. That will be your daily caloric intake. If you cut 500 calories a day you should loose roughly half a pound a week. 1000 calories cut daily should avg around 1 lb a week. Keep you protein high while dieting to keep muscle. That's as simple as it gets. Cardio will yield even greater losses. Good luck

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Theresultsarein's picture

Thanks man. I’m looking into a app now. Any you recommend? And I’m starting to eat a lot better . I feel like it’s more psychological for me to make it happen and push myself to eat right.

Sam I Am's picture

I find if I have to log it I think twice. My fitness pal is gtg. Fr excepted.

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Christophany's picture

Just saw this, after referring OP to myfitnesspal, lol. Oh, well. I suppose it is better to be redundant at times, even if it sounds as though I am echoing others' advice, which, in all honesty, I am, as it further corroborates the soundness of said advice.

Anyhow, +1 for the solid advice. OP is well on his way to achieving his goals, should he follow your suggestion.

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Sam I Am's picture

The fact that so many of us use this app speaks its effectiveness...

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Christophany's picture

No doubt about it!

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