GaryNichols's picture
  • 24

Body Fat Percentage Meters


Does anyone trust those body fat testers that you hold onto and it sends a signal through your body, or however it works, like the heart monitor things on tread mills. I was at the gym last week and getting a fitness assessment and the lady said,” hold this and squeeze lightly for 15 seconds”, and boom it gives a readout that can’t be right. Does anyone know how accurate these are? Has anyone compared a manual reading with the results from one of these machines?

Thanks for any insight, have a fantastic day.

GaryNichols's picture

Thabks for the replies. They use them at the YMCA where I work out. I used to have a digital % caliper so I may look and see if I can find it. The fitness assessment lady said the best way is done floating in a water tank. Sounds expensive.

Greg's picture

The fitness assessment lady said the best way is done floating in a water tank. Sounds expensive.

The Hydrostatic tank is not too expensive and often gyms and places like the YMCA will organize a truck to come to their place to do the tests.

Greg's picture

reposted from:

Do not waste your money on them. I've tried them and they are inaccurate as hell.

You will get different readings if:
you are hydrated/dehydrated
Skin dry/callused, or wet/clammy
before or after taking a dump.
before or after working out.

They tend to be as far off as 5% to 15% at any given time.

The impedance will show me as being 24% fat
The calipers will have me at 14% fat
Hydrostatic (most accurate) has me at 13.1%

As you can see, the calipers (even with my inexperienced use of them) is within 1% of my actual BF; while the impedance is not even close.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

The electronic tests are somewhere in the range of being within 6-8% I believe.. so not that accurate for when trying to dial stuff in.. there's a lot of factors that come into play like hydration for example.. if your dehydrated its wrong.. If your holding excess water is wrong etc

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wanted's picture

I cant wait to hear guys responses.. i tried one where you take shoes and socks of step on then hold a handle... i asked the guy before the test how accurate it is. He said it cost him 6,000 dollars it better be accurate.. still not sure if it is

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Sam I Am's picture

I don't think any of those electronic things are super acurate.

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wanted's picture


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