Frogcutter's picture
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I’ve read quit a bit about Keto diets and the requirements to reach the point to where your body goes into Ketosis. My question remains can you achieve strength gains while on it for an extended period of time?
I ask this question with the understanding that there are comflicting points of view inregards to the health risks that are sometimes attributed to being in Ketosis for a long time. So I guess I’m asking this question to anyone who’s maintained it for a long period or knows the knowledge im attempting to gain with this question.

ashop's picture

The KETO diet is an extremely popular diet currently. I have my clients asking about it all the time. Any diet with calorie and carb reductions should grant some fat loss and with Keto your carb intake is typically kept under 50 grams per day or less.

bigbob's picture

Weight will drop quick and you will lose fat......but you will feel terrible and your glycogen will be super depleted so you'll look flat and lose significant strength. I tried it for 4 weeks and lost about 15lbs. (assuming your in a caloric deficit)

Christophany's picture

For sure! +1

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Makwa's picture

Trying to get bigger or stronger then skip keto. If sole purpose is to lose fat then give keto a try.

Caeser's picture

Yes you can make strength gains whilst being fat adapted; and when you are in a state of ketosis.

Optimizing fat adaptation is the key....and being able to shift in and out of ketosis. Majority of time residing in ketogenic state.

Unless you are attempting to eradicate cancer cells, I would not suggest staying in a ketogenic state for extended time (e.g. years). It will be very challenging & may cause imbalance resulting in other issues.

The machine that is the human body is perfect at being in fasted states & then feasting... mainly residing in a ketogenic state. We evolved to be in fasted states, then go hunt (depleting glycogen supply)...then feast.

This method is great for weight loss & weight management...but one could argue this is not the optimal diet for Bodybuilding or Sport Performance.

Weaksauce's picture

I've been doing keto for the past year. Dropped 95lbs! I hit a wall in the gym pretty quickly. Had to change eating habbits to get the gains back and added ldg and osta. Day after I lift i am starving and eat maintenance. Every other day I eat 300 to 500 deficient. Used to eat 600 to 900 deficient but was to weak and wasn't making gains.

Frogcutter's picture

Thanks, that’s great information also. Buuuuut, what’s LDG and OSTA

Yuu's picture

Stay away from that crap bro. Sarms are way less effective than steroids, but they shut your balls the same!!! Its not worth it

Weaksauce's picture

LDG 4033 and ostarine MK 2866 are sarms. Weight loss is almost at a stall when I'm on them. It's more of a recomp. This is my second time on them on keto. When you come off them the lbs just seem to fall off.

IrishWOLFhound's picture

For some people including myself if my protein intake is too high it takes me out of ketosis so it can be tricky to find your sweet spot. . When I do keto my aim is to drop bodyfat so I don't really worry about strength gains , I guess if your calories are high enough there's no reason you can't gain strength . Longest I've done keto is around 8 weeks so I can't speak about long term effects .

Frogcutter's picture

Thanks, I’ve gotten a pretty good eating routine; but I’m still trying to dial in the carbs for better results. All of y’all feedback is great. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

dextetherdog's picture

I’m pretty sure if you’re in a calorie surplus you’ll more likely to get stronger

Flidan's picture

Keto is great, I know plenty of people who had done it and lost weight, and plenty who couldnt do it. However, the best diet is the one you can maintain. If you can maintain keto, go for it, if not, find something new!