Achavez805's picture
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Questions on Pharma Test 250/ Winny


I have 3 packs 30 amps of 1Iu
and 2 packs of winny 10mg 100 in a pack

I am in need of how long should this be ran?
How would you recommend running both of these together?
This is my first cycle I am running and my goal is to get extra lean. ( Yes I am eating super clean, and just want a little more.)

If this is a bad combo for a beginner, what would some people recommend. Some people may say research, however I figured asking people who have done it, is a bit better because they know there stuff.

IrishMack's picture

You made a previous post saying you already ran this cycle, now its your 1st all over again, be honest , your 20 years old arent you?

Past I have taken 250 Test E, & Winny 50mg

What would you recommend on staking these two?

My winny is 10mg each in the past I would take 5 total and Test E every 5 days.

Bill G's picture

Won't need a spoon for this one . A bottle feeding is prolly what he's looking for. A trolling we go.....