Gymmomma's picture
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+ 2 Question about var and muscles for the bro scientists


Now that ive completed what to me was the most important research for my cycle and am in the process of tying up a few loose ends before I start whichever one I choose, I'm looking into a little more of the vanity side of things.

Now while reading through one of the invaluable stickies on this forum (I believe it was the awesome maximizing your workout, 1-10, bible styled one), i got to thinking. When we feel the burn, the muscle science kicks in. The post said something along the lines of when we feel the burn, our bodies are triggered to produce hgh. Sweet!

So lets get to my history prior to question (sorry, I know I'm winded. It's from talking to only children). 4 years ago I was on home/hospital bedrest and a super high calorie diet for 30 weeks. I wasn't sick or in a deficit, or even imo under 26% bf when this started. This diet was for me to gain as much fat as possible in order for the baby to gain fat. In the end I was left with a perfect little man, atrophied muscles, diastasis recti, vertically and horizontally cut abdominal muscles and a super high bf%.

So after 3 pregnancies, similar to this, there has obviously been a lot of ballooning up and deflating leaving loose skin. I'm wondering the following questions. With the diastasis, my work outs end up suffering a lot due to pulling those muscles putting me back at square 1 for core.

Will the var really help with healing those muscles quicker so that i can finally build them up to a point this won't happen so easily? And has anyone found that with the var, the extra hgh excreted from being able to push harder, has helped with loose skin from weight loss?

On a side note, if anyone wants to offer me advice about the abdom muscles separating so easily I would truly appreciate it. Everytime it happens I'm laid out for some time with a hernia that I need to pop back in. It leaves a 4 finger gap in my stomach (normally 2.5 finger gap)

giardap's picture

if you cant heal without AAS, using AAS and higher levels of food consumption will make things worse in the ab area

this is the wrong venue and wrong audience for questions like this

Get thee to a doc

Gymmomma's picture

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I have seen my doctors about this, numerous times actually while injured. My question isn't so much about the injury I guess at this point. I trust my doctor on it, but more about the aas part.

I am "healed" as much as I can be without building that muscle up. But my old trainer explained it to me like this (correct me please if it's wrong). He told me to think of the muscles being pulled like that as a balloon. Each time it stretches as it's blown up over capacity, it's easier to blow up the next time. That I need to get the muscles built to a point where they are stronger than they were to start off with so that they won't do that. That in order to do that I need to keep building them without injury to them so to do it slowly but consistently. I'm just curious since I plan on cycling it and it builds muscles quicker, if I could do this "slowly" quicker.

I really think Im just going to have to get a belt and accept it.

giardap's picture

I understand, but.... you dont just magically build muscle from a pill... you break it down and it rebuilds bigger stronger. you dont need to do that, you need to strengthen your core, not build muscles... I doubt you've atrophied
You are going down the wrong #route and its a big mistake. I would speak with the right doc/specialists and perhaps even consider surgery.

So, let me rephrase.... Get thee to the right doc

Gymmomma's picture

Thanks again. I get what you are saying. However, there are requirements that need to be met to be approved for surgery under Canada's healthcare system, and my problem simply isn't severe enough to meet it. I was told that there is no need to do more than stick to the machines that don't cause the extra pressure to be healthy and then it wouldn't be a problem. That having surgery because I want to work out a certain way doesnt meet the requirements. It doesn't matter how many opinions that I get, the fact is that this is true.

I appreciate everyone's recommendation to see a doctor about it. That's what I would have recommended, and that is what I have done. My questions here are meant to be directed in the use of an aas and I've included my history to provide a clearer picture.

Makwa's picture

pre-existing injuries are usually exacerbated further when starting a course of AAS since you tend to push it harder and then bang your injured again. Best to work and strengthen those muscles naturally first otherwise I think running AAS is going to heighten the injury risk.

Gymmomma's picture

Thanks for the input. A followup question if you don't mind. I'll definitely be looking into it further but respect your advice as some of the best information I got in my research was from your posts.

Is this strictly because of of pushing harder or a combination of both? Obviously core strength is crucial to my main lifts, so if I get injured, it would really put me back. If making it worse it is strictly from pushing harder on aas, would it be wreckless to act on the thought that a wearing a belt would suffice for a cycle?

Gymmomma's picture

Literally I'm a case of, I thought I knew a lot because I made the choice to believe my trainer and bb friends knew a lot. But in reality while coming to research things, the most important thing that Ive learned is that I don't know Jack. So if this is common knowledge, I apologize.

Makwa's picture

I am really not familiar enough with the injury to recommend if a belt would be beneficial or not. As a general rule of thumb though, I think that wearing a belt would probably not benefit healing the muscle. Belts can be used to help prevent injury but I don't think they would be useful in healing an injury. You could essentially be taking all of the stress off of the muscle and not allowing it strengthen on its own. Also using a belt may give a false sense of security and things seem to be feeling good with it so you end up pushing it to far and once again are injured. I guess I am more of a proponent of training without aids to allow the muscles to strengthen naturally according to their own limits.

Gymmomma's picture

Not aas related but forum related.

So then I could use a belt to avoid injury so that i can get a decent work out with my heavier lifts, and then when I'm backing off without, I would be doing both while not sacrificing the rest of my work out? If I low weight high rep my lifts, I'm still at risk without a belt because the core will tire easier than the rest, and if I go past 50% low reps without one, I'm at risk then too.

Makwa's picture

In your situation I wouldn't even be considering heavy lifts. Belt or no belt that is just a recipe for injury. You need to train at the intensity that your injury allows. AAS does not allow for that and a belt doesn't either.

Gymmomma's picture

Thanks for the perspective. What would you recommend I be looking into?

For the record on the off chance you hadn't read everything posted here, I'm not injured at the present time. In fact my abdominal muscles are at the best that they have been since the first pregnancy. I'm just at a higher risk of injury that lessens with strengthening them.

mini muscle's picture

Have you thought about doing something like Pilates or yoga? Now I know you're probably thinking "how stupid is this guy? I want to get strong and lean" but yoga and Pilates will strengthen the stabiliser muscles all over, they'll help with balance and mind muscle connection in a low risk / low impact environment and most importantly improve breathing and core strength. There's a ton of other benefits to these activities and you could do them along side your high rep, low weight gym routine.

Also doing yoga and Pilates will be far more be beneficial than tying to do standard gym core work with an already weakened mid section.

Gymmomma's picture

That actually sounds like a great plan. I really never even thought of this since I really hate yoga. The few times I tried it, I got more angry as we slowly did each move. To be fair I never tried Pilates so I shouldn't judge something I've never tried.

And I never think someone is stupid. I may think some people are assholes and think they know more than they do, or I may think even think people are stubborn and refuse to learn...but I never think someone is stupid. When someone doesnt know something, they just have not had the opportunity to learn.

There's yoga in the p90x series I believe? Maybe I could try an at home video routine for a bit while I'm getting my ass kicked by yard work the next few weeks. Any recommendations?

mini muscle's picture

I'm not familiar with the p90x series but I can say in Yoga's defence that the session really varies depending on the instructor and the type of yoga (yin, hatha, rocket, de rose, vinyasa, ashtanga then you have the power versions, and the flow versions). I have currently got about 6 different instructors and I only really enjoy 2 of them. After having so many instructors I have decided to stick with the two I enjoy. Also I am very very very lazy with stretching and mobility work so having the structure of a yoga class keeps me focused.

Gymmomma's picture

I'm not truly familiar with any work out series other than the yoga part in p90x. I don't believe either of the gyms here offer classes like that. I know one of them used to do Zumba, body pump and spin classes, but I think it's down to just spin classes now.

I also had no idea that there were so many types of yoga.

LMBO I came to an aas bb message board to research my goals of stepping it up and am being converted to a.... yoga.....person. I'm not going to lie, it's not how I saw this going when I signed up.

mini muscle's picture

See the yoga as a tool and a stepping stone to strengthen the core and like I said you can do it with your high rep light/moderate weight training and once your abdominal region is strong then you could possibly embark on an aas journey.

This also gives you more time to research and ask your questions to make sure you are 100% comfortable and confident about what to do when you do your cycle/s.

Gymmomma's picture

Thank you for taking all this time to help me out.

giardap's picture

x2 on this

research shows that chronic usage of belts, decreases core strength

CBBurrr's picture

Why are you trolling?
She is just another new member who is full of questions and is putting in the research?

Gymmomma's picture

You're kind. But if a strange woman on the internet stresses him out to the point that instead of just scrolling by, he feels the need to actually take the time out his obviously exhilarating life to keep tracking me to contribute nothing but negativity, he can fill his boots.

Gymmomma's picture

Actually....thats exactly what the dietician, multiple high risk obstetricians and multiple neonatologists at the hospital with the best nicu in Canada had me do soooo...ya... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you don't have the 15+ years education/training involved in becoming a neonatologist and just leave this here.

I may not have the same experiences, therefore the same knowledge as you do, however you don't have the same in either as I do. But at least I'm not rude when I have no idea what I'm talking about. When I don't know, I ask. Like I did here. I would rather not know something and ask than be rude and pretend I do. Stay classy bud

Gymmomma's picture

I was saying I was already over weight when the doctors adjusted my meal plan in the hospital to the high calorie meal.

I was using the term sick as in hyperemesis. That sentence was explaining that it wasn't high calorie because I was throwing up or not eating enough as it was. And yes, it was suddenly required when I got my first blood transfusion and my water broke at 18 weeks.

As for pushing an umbilical hernia back in, since i was instructed to do it to my smallest preemie when she had one, and hers was much larger than mine, I had assumed it was fine. Also when I've mentioned it to my doctor, he's never said anything to the suggest it wasn't okay.

Look, I was explaining so you'll get off my back. But when you are talking down to me about things I've discussed and been advised on by my doctors, you're the one needing to be educated. Also, you seem to want to have it both ways. To crap on me for lengthy posts and then to make me explain why you're wrong.

Why don't we just agree to disagree. I really would have loved to be able to learn from you as you seem to be a wealth of knowledge in regards to bodybuilding. Best of luck bud.

Bulkdaddy's picture

No it's to much and seem to much of the same shit on a lot of threads. I read the short ones! Smile

Owes a Review × 2
Gymmomma's picture

I see you offer great advice to everyone else but you act so ignorant to me.

Look, I'm genuinely looking to learn. So how about if you think I'm dumb and that's why you're being so rude, then educate me. If reading studies, logs, asking questions and reading forums isn't the way to learn, then teach me a better way to do this too.

Like you are actually putting in effort to be mean to someone looking to learn. You may not like me for whatever reason, but I will never understand why anyone would put down a person for looking to better themselves mentally, emotionally and physically is beyond me.

CBBurrr's picture

Not sure what thread u found the var- intense workout-hgh connection. Can you link to it?

I think you are reading more into what steroids can do than their actual potential.
Var will just help you add a little extra muscle from your workouts.

Gymmomma's picture

Sorry I meant that a person would be notice an increase of strength much quicker.

The hgh connection was on here somewhere. Not to var but to the burn while working out. Which I then was thinking along the lines of if Var allows me to increase my strength quicker, and im pushing it everytime, then shouldn't I see the same thing but an increase there too? I'll find the link when the kids are in bed.

CBBurrr's picture

I've learned that to be the case with testosterone level, but had not heard of the connection to hgh level.
Keep asking questions, i asked my share of noob questions too.

Gymmomma's picture

Thank YOU. I appreciate it

MedDx's picture

Can you give us a run down of your cal/mac plan?

Gymmomma's picture

I currently stick to around 30% c 45% p 25%f. 1900 average for calories varied through the week. 3-4 days at the gym and 5 days at home cardio.

As for a cycle plan, I'll get that planned when I've got my ducks in a row and can start one.

mini muscle's picture

I saw your reply and thought "this is not going well to end well" then I read the post... wow!

Hgh secretion from muscles burning. What? No

Var increasing hgh production. What? No

Var healing muscles. What? No. Once you're off cycle it'll go back to being painful if not more damaged because of the increased demand on the musculoskeletal system when on cycle.

This post stinks of a lot of information that you have cobbled together from various posts to make what is sense to you and in doing so you've come up with this BS.

No orals for a first cycle and most importantly if you're injured prior to starting a cycle WHY start a cycle before actually being healed????

Gymmomma's picture

"Here is the real kicker: Lactic acid increases the acidity of your blood which can cause a dramatic increase in growth hormone. Anybody who has taken GH knows it is one of the best hormones for melting off the fat and assisting with lean gains. So here is your chance to increase it naturally and all it costs you is some hard work in the gym."

Maximizing your gains-The complete series by Makwa

Its in the link in this section. Maximizing Your Gains – Part 3: Embrace the Burn

It has been observed in many of the female logs that var had allowed them an increased frequency of increased intensity within their cycles. If what Makwa says is true, and var does in fact allow for increased frequency, then does this not equate to more opportunity for this "dramatic increase" to happen? Furthermore, if var allows for increased intensity as well, does this not provide opportunity for an even more "dramatic increase"?

Anyways, this is where the information I "cobbled together" came from, and how I came up with this "BS"

mini muscle's picture

There's a long explaination to my answers above about the burn etc but you've found Mark's post and he's a pro at this stuff so what he says is information you can trust.

And because you found Mak's post I have +1 your karma ;)

CBBurrr's picture

I doubted the hgh connection too,
But I was mistaken. Looks like the burn and lactic acid do in fact lead to a ever so slight but still real boost in hgh production.

mini muscle's picture

Yeah! Just goes to show that Gymmomma has kicked our butts a bit with her research - good on her though!

Gymmomma's picture

I am healed up. However I'll likely not start my cycle for some time. I'm not where I want to be yet before

You are right, it is a combination of things I've found on other posts here and I was wondering if it did make any sense because I'm new to all of this.

I've never read no orals for a first cycle. Why is this?

mini muscle's picture

If you read anyone's post who has mentioned an oral as a first cycle almost every memeber has advised against it. The reason is orals are very taxing on the the liver and kidneys and a user should always have a testosterone base rather than an oral as a base. As a first cycle it is advised to only use testosterone to gauge how the body will react. Once you and your body are comfortable with a testosterone base then in future cycles one can add orals. Also it is not advised to run an oral only cycle because they kick in quick but also all gains made are lost just as quickly.

Unfortunately, I cannot advise any more because I do not have a girlfriend or wife so have no experience with females taking AAS and your case with the medical history and underlying issues you have outlined is beyond my medical knowledge, thus I am not in a position to advise more than not to take an oral only / oral first cycle and not to start a cycle before being healed and medically sound.

Gymmomma's picture

I dont know how I managed to miss this in the female logs but I only recalled seeing that recommendation in the male logs. Thanks for taking the time to explain

CBBurrr's picture

Anavar for women is the exception to the rule on oral only cycles.

Good to see that gym mom is getting her ducks in a row before jumping in.
Address the hernia and bf before cycling

mini muscle's picture

Ah, cool. See, I would have thought the "no oral only rule" applied across genders but not having any female counterpart in the game is what I mentioned, and why I'm not "qualified" to give advice to the ladies on the board