tonytulo's picture
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+ 14 Rep ranges and quality of your work out


I've seen a few posts off and on about rep ranges and workout plans and what not so I figured id drop a little knowledge here, for some its common knowledge for others it will shed some light and help you achieve your goals and speed up progress into warp speed. In my opinion rep ranges mean fuck all the more important thing is how you execute the reps. Another thing is muscle fiber, different rep ranges and weight do different things as far as growth , strength and functionality go. Volume is key here , more volume = more blood pumped into the muscle , more blood means more breakdown and fascia stretching. Now do not confuse volume with light weight either. There isn't really anything magical about rep numbers if your not struggling for the last few reps , or if your not doing full range of motion ,slow on the negative part of the motion pausing for a bit on the end of the negative , forcing the rep back up and squeezing/flexing at the top of the positive part of the rep. Cheat reps also have their place , right along with a drop set to failure. If you aren't utilizing drops sets and a cheat rep here and there your missing out on critical growth. Most people do not push themselves to the limit in the gym , they think they do but in reality they do not push themselves past the limit. That burn you feel while hitting those reps , that's the shit that matters I go until I cant , until it feels like the muscle is going to explode or rip right off the muscle, that's where the magic happens. I could kill someone during an arm workout with 20s, 25s, 30s, but instead most think they need to flex their cock muscle swinging 50s trying to impress fellow gym goers , well see here lies the problem with that, id rather look like I can move serious tonnage instead of looking like a scrawny cunt who can move a decent amount of weight while using momentum. Now if you incorporate this proper training and put your fucking pride aside you will grow , given if you eat correctly as you don't grow in the gym you grow outside of the gym with rest and food. Now say you hit it right , now rep ranges , utilize both , I have my heavy weeks and my volume weeks, drop sets sprinkled in there also never in the same place twice. If it doesn't feel like the muscle is on fire when your hitting it your short changing yourself in the long run that I can promise you. Well that's all for now I can go on forever , been busy so haven't posted in while, Happy lifting.

Maybe next time i'll post up the importance of routine deep tissue massages , routine chiropractic work and different ways to aid fascia stretching to bring up lagging areas on your physique.

kibby's picture


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Blazinghost's picture

Excellent read man! Thank you

DfromPhilly's picture

I've recently read that drop sets/supersets/burn outs/rest pause ect. aren't useful unless you're on gear. I can't help but think that's not right. You use the methods you mention above on and off, correct? I do, I just want to make sure I'm not doing more harm then good.

Catalyst's picture

Load of bollocks mate. Probably written by someone that spends two hours in the gym and does five sets of work in that time.

SlowBro's picture

agreed, how you lift shouldnt change when you come off gear. this is one of the biggest reasons people regress so much when they come off i feel. they dont feel like they can push as hard to keep up the intensity at the same level as when they were on. truth is you should be pushing just as hard when you come off as when your on.

i would say that you may need more time to recover when you come off,you may need an extra day or two per week off of training to give yourself proper recovery time. again this varies depending on how often your training to begin with and from person to person based on their individual recovery needs. regardless, when your training on or off cycle it should be similar styles of training with equal intensity. dont give into the "im off cycle so i cant push as hard" mentality. drugs is only a small piece of the puzzle.

tonytulo's picture

Best response going.

DfromPhilly's picture

that's what i figured. glad to be reassured.

Gymjunkie01's picture

Lmao ( scrawny cunt who can move a decent amount of weight ) that made me laugh .

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bulkingpanda1969's picture

very useful info here, thanks for the post. looking forward to checking out the bene's of massages and frequent chiro visits

vhman's picture

Good bump! I've been utilizing these methods for a while now and it makes a big difference.

tonytulo's picture

Thanks bro. Glad I could give a helping hand.

sic26's picture

Just dropped back in to refresh mind I guess. Great freaking post Tony

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tonytulo's picture

Glad you liked it sic.

wallabokkie's picture

Very close to what I do mate. I also incorporate rest/pause, negatives and partials all thrown into the workouts through the week. Also don't ever underestimate time under tension people. If you truely want to build muscle then train your body and not your ego. Well that's what I tell people all the time.

kibby's picture

Bumping for afternoon reading!
This kind of info is gold dust bro thank you.

Would love to read your post you have planned on
Fascia stretching ;)

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Awaken The BeAsT's picture

Bro thanks for this been doing my research and am 100% dedicated to covering everything with knowledge comes power and there is alot more involved then just hitting the gym I am learning that now again thanks for the post

sic26's picture

Nice post

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j1980's picture

Looking forward to your fascia stretching post Tony!

tonytulo's picture

I'll get to it when I can bro. Been busy lately , glad someone is looking forwards to it lol.

SlowBro's picture

i am interested in that post as well!

j1980's picture

I'm always looking to further my knowledge when it comes to trainning and diet. Some of us know that with out that. You might as well just shoot water in your ass cheek. Cost less than AAS and will elicit the same effect.

bolt781's picture

I'm in when you lay it down


I utilise every type of principle and work instinctively most of the time, saying that i always have a set plan in mind when i enter the gym but sets/reps vary with how i feel.

Also basically because i have been in competition all my life i only have two seasons, thats either full all out balls to the wall bulking, or totally tunnel visioned comp prep.

Tonnage and volume work hand in hand for me for both purposes, only diets change drastically between seasons...... NO CARDIO ever....... i simply do not need it to get down to even sub 6% BF..... i substitute VOLUME and reps for cardio and it works for perfectly.

MedDx's picture

Do like reverse pyramid? I believe i read on here that you use that regimen.


all the time bro... a set without pyramid /// is not a real set............ how anyone can even think about doing sets with the exact same weight is fkn ludicrous to me.

MedDx's picture

I totally agree. I did a 18 month str8 set regimen, which was too long, after doing pyramid. I saw, and felt, changes in the weight and what my body was looking like...i grew, but got lean. The whole time pushing diet. Now, i am 5 wks in on a pyramid and about to increase weight. I have a little tendonitis in left wrist from doing hammer curls...its subsiding after decreasing weight.

tonytulo's picture

Got to love when guys do the same weight , same reps and same shit week after week and expect some miraculous results smfh.

Catalyst's picture

There's guys in my gym doing the same shirt they were doing three years ago. Tgey also look pretty much the same as they did three years ago strangely enough.....


cracks me up bro lol........... i wish i could just steal their energy and put it to some real use.

trying to teach someone how to train over the interweb is like trying to do open heart surgery blind folded, its a thing that has to be learned one on one in a real life scenario....... i quit with training principles on here a long time ago, i just got frustrated keep trying to explain the unexplainable........... how do fuck do we teach intensity, and instinctive set/rep principles to a kid 10,000 miles away?... i cant back slap him, i cant fkn kick his ass when does half squats with his head facing the floor, i cant force him to do another lap of the gym when he is dying from lunges.......... you know what i mean bro...... kid dont realise i want his LIFE to flash before him before i let him quit from chest bursting inclines............ i could go on....

bolt781's picture

Hell yea brother! Once you're able to look the pain in the eyes and push past it without blinking, that's when the magic happens! I use to be worried about over training. I used that in the wrong context though. When your lifting you have to over do it. You have to go till you are broke the fuck down. Having off days is needed. If you never do that's when I think overtraining can take form. But your on better fkn overtrain! You want your body to overdo it in muscle growth, you better god damn over do it lifting!


Damn right bro............. not worth breaking a sweat if we dont aim to do some serious fkn cellular damage

bolt781's picture

I like that! Serious cellular damage! A-fkn-men!

MedDx's picture

I agree...i believe thats why i chose to do a two day rest/recovery after starting this pyramid regimen 5 wks ago. Now, there have been some times when my energy level has been there, and i was ready to hit it, but opted to rest just becuz i set it up that way...

bolt781's picture

You have a plan you stick to it! Damn right brother Med! Off days are the hard part. Drive me crazy to be honest. Have to fight myself from bangin out bodyweight exercises! So I pack in the food for the next day and visualize the lifting session. I wont be denied at least taking steps towards my next on days during an off day!

MedDx's picture

Bolt does not fib!! Mental planning and eating for fuel...only way to go...amen on the body weight ex's....i like my calf

bolt781's picture

No brother Med I do not! Mental manifestations are vital in unlocking the body's full capabilities. So you too huh...if I'm standing in one place at work for too long I start doing heel raises lol

MedDx's picture

Its so normal now...i had to tell an old lady one time in public that i was working my calves...she thought i had to go to.the

bolt781's picture too have the "condition" lol


Thats passion bro........... thats when you know you are the real deal............... if any partner or spotter jibs on me they are gone!!.... no ifs, no buts!........ let me down just once because they cant be arsed getting in the gym and its game over........... i dont suffer fools gladly and i demand to be treat the same.

bolt781's picture

Re read this. Ya know brother, this is why you were and still carry yourself as a champion. One might be born with the skills to be a champion sure. But those skills have to be honed, polished, sharpened. Day n day out, physically and mentally obsessed with it. This is an important trait that must be emphasized here I think. Which it is but I feel there are only a handful that push the importance of psychotic dedication to the actual lifting aspect like you do. Its always a competition, if not against others on stage, with yourself first and foremost.


I read both posts bro and you defo have a finger on my pulse... not many people fully understand how my brain ticks ,.. but you certainly got to grips with it, brother from another mother rings true here Smile

Anyone looking here thinking me and bolt are having a Bromance you can go fuck yourselves!!....... this is how men bond over the interweb when the same passions are shared....... happens rarely but when it does its worth the effort.

bolt781's picture

Haha perfectly comfortable generating an intensity on this site with you brother! The curse of a one track mind became a gift the first day I picked up a weight! You never cross when a locomotive is coming, you can hop on the same track and "get to gettin at it" or wait till it passes. God forbid parkin on the track fuckin with its destination, you wont win or beat its brutal sincerity! Knowin that shear blood curdling intensity is on this site, across the pond, lifting with nasty conviction, proves I do have a brother in arms! Respect to the umpteenth degree brother Viking!

bolt781's picture

Never waste time being polite when it comes to lifting! I've been told too many times there is more to life than lifting. Which is true, my lady and family protected and happy! Friends get upset when I dont go have beers with them...sorry if it happens to fall on a day that Im lifting, no can do. So I rarely have beers with them lol. The wifey will ask, what do you feel like doing? My reply, you know exactly what I want to do so if that means you want to lift, lets get to it! Otherwise you choose. She already knows I'm going to need at least an hour and a half to lift still regardless of what we do haha. No place I'd rather be then under the weight deep in a set, body on fire!

bolt781's picture

Whether I'm lifting heavy or lifting light...the only reason I rest between sets is because I couldn't execute the final rep on the previous set. I can blow my muscle to shit going light just as well as going heavy. Nice read Tony!

IrishMack's picture

Indeed Brother, I made the mistake of trying to gain strength versus size and sure I'm strong as hell but I have lots of definition and very little size. It's a game. Coming from Powerlifting I still try and lift as heavy as I can for less reps and my size is suffering. SO I researched and found some good information about the differences and will share along with your post as I have a few minutes before work:

1-3 reps – Pure strength & definition
4-6 reps – Mostly strength & definition with little gains in size
7-10 reps – Mostly size with little gains in strength & density
11-15 reps – Pure size

Building overall mass is probably what a lot of guys here want to do. When your focusing on building muscle mass, that type of muscle growth is Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy. What it means is your muscles will fill up with fluid. Another reason why before bodybuilders go on stage they take diuritics or limit water intake to make those muscles look leaner and more defined.

To create the maximum amount of Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy, you need to focus on a high volume of reps. Stay in the higher rep and set ranges. Or in layman terms find a weight you can go to about 15 reps and that last rep is a bitch to lift. 4 sets of 12-15 reps.
There are pros and cons to this method:
Pros: You can really pack on some decent size.
Cons: The type of muscle you build isn’t good for a whole lot except for size.
You also want to stay away from cardio in your mass phase unless you like to eat 8K calories a day.

Muscle density or strength:
3-4 sets of 5 reps of heavy weight. I just switched up today as my chest is a little small as well as my delts so for the next 4 weeks I will be concentrating on high reps and low weight to grow those ignorant fucks.

MedDx's picture


wanted's picture

I sometimes workout with this guy, he is around 55 years old, great shape. On bicep days he likes high reps. Say 20lb dumbells for 25 to 35 reps. For about 4 sets. I try to reach 25 reps it gets tough. Its still new to me this high of rep range and he swears by it. Im gona keep trying it for awhile. Whats your take on this.

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