tonytulo's picture
  • 530

+ 1 Our friend gymjunkie


I just got a pm from gym junkies girlfriend as some of you know gymjunkie was in a car accident last week and banged his head pretty good. Well it seems things have taken a turn for him health wise and he's in a coma this is the pm I got from her.

I wanted to let the community know gymjunkie is in a coma, when he was in his car accident a couple weeks ago everything was fine according to his doctors, but yesterday he collapsed and they found a small bleed on his brain caused by the trauma he suffered. He has not regained consciousness yet but will respond to stimulus on hands and feet. If your wondering who this is I'm his girlfriend , he doesn't have any family I'm just looking for prayers please pass this along and keep him in your prayers please

So fellas pray for our brother if that's your thing or hope for a speedy recovery for him.

bolt781's picture

Gym...hope all is well. A heads up, returning as if nothing went down jumping right back into threads without first addressing the in bad taste brother. It's not out of sight out of mind...we all witnessed it. So in the light of having respect for the members that had/have respect for you...speak on it. Quite frankly you owe it to the place you obviously have called home and contributed to. No need to respond personally to me, for god sakes though it doesn't sit well not touching on it...

tonytulo's picture

I like the way you think.

GrowMore's picture


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bolt781's picture

It boils down to humility and respect for this sight...knuckles T

bolt781's picture

Ya know, you're right brother.

Pale's picture

It really isn't, people do weird things, especially when they are in bad place an da bad state of mind. GJ made a big mistake and privately has owned up to me and even apologized. I have accepted his apology. I don't believe he needs to explain himself to everyone, but it is his choice.

vhman's picture

I agree with most of what you said. It's up to him, but his "downfall" affected and confused many people here. Due to his status or former status, I think it would be helpful for him to offer some type of explanation and/or apology. People are very forgiving here.

Catalyst's picture

I'd agree whole heartedly with this sentiment. This may surprise some but I always held GJ in high esteem, and I still do. I don't know what is or isn't true, not sure it even matters any more. Clearly some stuff went wrong for the guy, I don't know, but I don't think there was ever any malice involved.

bolt781's picture

Fair enough. The feeling was, that was the story and it was being stuck to. That you shed some light on the situation brother is what was needed. Business as usual...knuckles

guitarplayer1's picture

Hmmm back from the coma bs I see

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Pale's picture

That he did. But not when this thread was made and not for the reasons stated in this thread.

guitarplayer1's picture

I just checked it out. So after a hand injury, busted up eye, coma and kidney cancer(all in like 4 months) this guy is breaking down the doors to get onto a steroid site!

This world is getting flooded with more morons than ever. Wow!!

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lilswede's picture

I really just sit back absorb what I can try to give advice If I feel I can, never get into any drama here, but really surprised he would come back especially after all this, It makes it hard to trust any review, he may have made, feel bad for new guys coming on here and they see someone with that high of karma and figure they are 100% honest and trusted members, and to be clear I'm not even talking about him specifically and mean no disrespect to anyone, just makes me glad I lurked on here for almost a year before making an account learning, and seeing the lay of the land, it's pretty easy to see what's what now but if I were knew it would be easy to possibly get led astray.

guitarplayer1's picture

That is very smart brochacho. You also see what's consistant with the gear and what is ugatze.

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tonytulo's picture


tattoofreak's picture

I think this guy really needs our charity. It's sad to see that an adult man has to tell stories like this, to get a little attention.....

Ok, I'm just kidding!
What a totally insane bastard you have to be, if you go this way.... Damned, other people would like to be in good health. This is no simple joke, he's just a respectless lying asshole!!!

DBG's picture

Everyone is still going strong here?!? Lol geez

kibby's picture

To do something like this is lowest if the low! There's a lot of people dealing with real shit in life and to this fucker it's all fun and games. I hope you are ashamed of yourself and I hope you get all the karma you seek mate for real

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GrowMore's picture

GJ is a typical internet attention seeker with a low paying job. Best of luck to him I say, we are fortunate we are not him.

On a side note I can't believe people are surprised at this, it's the Internet!

There's a very high karma member who I used to speak to over pm and what he used to say to me never matched up what he was saying on open forum.. How long he's been juicing, cycle lengths, where he gets bloods etc.. Do I care, no and I won't loose sleep over it. If he wants to lead a fictitious life on here let him, I'm not a smart man so there are probably a lot more people on here who have figured this out also.

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DBG's picture

You ain't kidding man. There's plenty of phony ppl on here suggesting something they are not. Like you said...INTERNET. Comb it with a very very fine tooth a lice comb!! Hahaha

kibby's picture

Lol! Who ever invented lice combs should be burned lol destroyed my childhood

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99transam's picture

Damm!!! Just read this shit...Jeeze.
I was sold on all the added S's....thought that was just common coma recovery text talk smh..s

Engineereddisaster's picture

Ok, so this is where I'm confused..I remember the first time GJ's wife died in an automobile accident. He was planning on killing the guy who did it...yada yada yada a few bros talked him off the ledge and he deleted his post, later the said wife was killed by cancer and it was so hard to watch her with her kemo treatments...we have seen multiple injuries, forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't he the fella who lost both testicles to cancer? Now the accident, the coma, the awakening with the misspellings...
I don't know bro's and brozettes, if that's the life of a higher level competitive power lifter...(yes he has a post about that) I don't think that I want anything to do with powerlifting.
I dunno.
Now to Gymjunkie, I know you are reading this shit..
I've never had a problem with you bro. always thought you were a nice guy. We never spent much time chatting in pm but never saw you as a douche bag, but really what gives man? I know it's fun to get sympathy and all that jazz but damn man, when you make up sympathy shit it jades people. I'm a jaded mofo, ever notice that when you posted that sad shit I didn't rush you with a hug? That's because my knee jerk reaction is to call bullshit.
There are a lot of nice guys here who are always genuinely concerned when you have shit happens. The world needs people like that, and when you pull this shit it just turns them into asshole like me.
So clear shit up. Explain the death of your wife, apologize and fix it. I think we are all pretty forgiving around here, especially when people own their shit. I know that's tough sometimes but bro you really owe a lot of people apologies around here and I'm not one of them.
All my love, no homo

tonytulo's picture

In my opinion to just fake a ton of horrible shit crosses the line. I've lost every bit of respect for this piece of shit. There are plenty of good people out there going through some horrible things and they don't look for sympathy but then there's guys like gym junkie who pull shit bag moves like this just for the attention and any perks he can get. Fuck this guy for real. I hope he does read this so he can realize just how much of a hunk of shit he really is and I hope karma treats him right.

shawn0712's picture

It's hard telling. One of the earlier stories could have been true and pushed him over the edge.
It is what it is. That about sums up everything in this world.

Greg's picture

why is this an either or? Why not crazy and dumb?

bolt781's picture

Having nothing to do with this post other than your level headed approach...I ask you...why dont you chime in more often on various topics?

bolt781's picture

He drops tokens...along with the mod family...shit...along with certain guys such as yourself. Good shit! Knuckles!

tonytulo's picture

Just a scumbag bro nothing more nothing less. Just a real lonely shity person willing to do whatever it takes for attention.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Yeah bro, that's a good point. There are people (on this site) who have been through the horrible hell that he bullshitted about. That's pretty damn low.
We have seen plenty of people on the site lie and make up bullshit stories to steal people's money, but that shit in my opinion isn't near as bad as stealing someone's trust and sincere kindness like he did to nice people like yourself.
Ok I'm sold to your view. Where did I put that pitchfork?

tonytulo's picture

Lodge that pitchfork in his chest.

madman's picture

Tony! Man why don't you tell us how you really feel.

tonytulo's picture

That's why people like me, straight forwards and no sugar coating or ball cupping. Real as it gets.

KMC's picture

Ball cupping ?????

OK said NO ball cupping, I was just about to take you off my friend list.

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