lofter86's picture
  • 16

Pinning to overcome?


I'm about to start my first Test E cycle... have amy meal prepared, workout on point. I never pinned myself, was pretty scared/skeptical, I watched a few videos and I was supposed to start this week but Im being a little pussy and can't get myself to do it. My girlfriend did pre-med in undergrad and she told me she's willing to do it on me, but she hasn't actually done it herself before, just pulled blood a few times.

I have both a 18 1" ' and 23 1.5" needles, one to draw, one to inject.

AmericanDream's picture

Well since I'm late to the party on this one , I hope it is going well now, mate. I will leave my comment regardless in case it helps others in the future.
My advice is, be a man and do what you have to do. Unless youre one of the I literally pass out when I see needles crew then you simple have to grow up. No nice way to say it, really. I see you have 1.5 23 gauges. I personally prefer the one inchers for injection but those will certainly do. I would not inject quads since you are asking for trouble. Also for a newb I would not pin shoulders either. My advice is to rotate the glute injection sites. The glute is truly the best place for an IM injection all things considered. You can use a mirror if it helps and of course, use the other hand to pull the skin ready for injection tight. Always swab with alcohol both on the stopper and on the injection site both pre and post injection. And if it helps, they do make a crème now that can be applied to the injection site to temporarily blunt the pain of injection if you are so inclined. But there is no way around it, if youre going to be running gear you've got to pin yourself. So good luck and happy pinning.

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I pin it in the delt and just lean against the wall to push the plunger in, i can reach with the other hand to pin myself but cant hold my hand there long enough to push the plunger in due to circulation issues. Quad is easy. The main problem i have is getting through the scar tissue that I aquired from my early non educated days.

Edit: I just realized how old this thread is

Evander618's picture

Use your quad. Easier for me. I just sit on the toilet, Relax my leg and stick it right in. Very large muscle and hard to go wrong. Just go lower of the middle 1/3 and on the outside.

doublebicep's picture

Do you want muscles? if yes just do it bro stop thinking about it and DO IT

stevey7's picture

Bloody hate needles,pinned today and the needle wouldn't go in my delt at all like the needle was blunt it done my head in.

skinny_nomore's picture

Shit first time pinning had me sweating buckets. In the end you just have to do it. I line up where it's going in and go slow. Any sharp pain and I pull out and move over a bit. Hell, today it took me four damn pricks on my quad before it slid in smoothly. Sometimes you just have those days.

lofter86's picture

Hey Guys,

I finally did my first pin last night. Right glute, 23 Gauge 1.5 ". My GF assisted me, however she didnt put the needle 1.5 inches in, more like 1.25" , is that ok? There was almost no pain during piercing or injecting.

She aspirated, no blood came out. However, when she pulled the needle out, a small drop of clear fluid came out, either the Test E , or something else we weren't sure.


Also should the whole 1.5" inches be injected ?

Lastly, on Friday do I inject myself in the left glute , or stick it in the right?

Mitch77's picture

it is completely normal if some drop of fluid comes out. The body can not absorb the oil so quick. Next time inject your left glute. Rotate your glute sides and take your time injecting slow. I personally take 30-45 sec. to inject 2cc. And needle 1.25'' is completely fine.

lofter86's picture

Sounds good thanks. I got worried thinking I didnt inject deep enough.

I ordered 25g 1.5" 1" and 5/8 needles, planning on doing glutes, delts, quads, maybe arms/chest I would have to see if its safe / benefits of that as well.

007pssa's picture

I find it helps if you pull the needle out very slowly, tend to get less leakage. Also if you pull on the skin so it goes tight over the muscle before injecting that can help reduce leakage too.

cowcow's picture

Hi, i wrote an article on safe sterile injections a while ago. Here it is. Hope you get something out of this.

Maybe having a procedure laid out like that might easy your tensions.

gqelite's picture

I don't suggest you do anything illegal. But if you're prescribed them, take a Xanax bar. With a beer, malt liquor preferably.

Nah but really man. Sure enough every time I think to myself "here we go again" when I'm about to pin. Be grateful you chose test E

IrishMack's picture

So you cant get up the balls to push a needle through your skin? I have nothing to add that will make you get over it because in reality it's you. My 1st time I prepped the area and just did it, no hesitation. You second guess yourself you are going to have major problems such as broken needle, abscesses, anxiety, and your dick will shrink to make room for the vagina that grows. Man up and do it. Don't close your eyes, don't ask for help. Be a fkn man.

TheRealMorris's picture

Haha this is the best reply I've seen here on eroids. Cheers Mack haha

Mitch77's picture

one thing I see a lot of people hold their breath as they injecting. Please don't do that. Relax.

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

Use 25g 1" depending on your thickness and the area you choose. Go slow

I haven't been pinning long. By the end of the first week you should be past the psychologicical aspect of the process.

This sounds stupid. But while I was preparing and administering the injection the first couple weeks. I would watch videos portraying someone enduring something awful they couldn't have avoided. This was generally videos of Syrian men who fought for Bashar Al-Assad, getting theirs heads cut off, by isis.

I found when I watched a man die like that, for simply trying to defend his country and family, it got my adrenaline pumping, it got me pissed off.

Once you're past the first few, you'll realize it's painless.

crazymofo's picture

First read this:

Second do as chc says and snag some 25g.

Thirdly only way to get over the anxiety is to do it. First time I pinned I must have spent an hour rechecking the procedure lol. Then when I finally did it I was so nervous I broke out in a cold sweat. But now it's no big deal.

lofter86's picture

Lmao yo that story was funny definitely cheered me up / loosed me up lol !

chc253's picture

Both of those are harpoons bro....grab a 25g 1" and itll go in like butter. Worst case use your 23g. But id sugest 25 or 27.

lofter86's picture

Should I get the 1 inch or 1.5 inches ?

chc253's picture

Its relative bro. Depends how much lean muscle mass you have. I prefer 1" so i can sink it completely into the muscle and that allows for a more steady injection.