lofter86's picture
  • 16

-1 Finished my first cycle at 35 y/o - help me plan my 2nd cycle


Hi Guys,

Long time reader here. Havent posted in a few years. I finally did my first cycle this past fall. I ran pure Test-C @ 500mg/week and did Anavar for 12 weeks @ 50MG/Ed. My gains went from 183 lbs to 210 (peak) but I was bloated. Now I am 2+ months since I took my last pin and completed my PCT. I am hovering daily at around 195-200 depending on the time of day. Overall I kept a lot of strength and leaned out a bit.

However, now that I am in recovery mode I would like to plan a solid 2nd cycle. I do like how I feel around the 200lb mark but would like to lose more bodyfat (I'm at 16%). I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the contradicting info out there and don't know what to do for my next cycle. I do have 5 vials left of Test E (CENSORED) from my last cycle and would like to add another oil (or 2?) to it. I sort of don't want to waste time this time around and make significant progress. I am not trying to complete but just going for the IG model / shred look but not trying to hit 4% bf either.

Do you have any recommendations for a novice like me what I should do? Some of the things I am looking at is Test E + Master + Tren, Test E + Primo + Mast , Test E + Masteron + Anavar. I also do not what are the appropriate dosages for me for the more advanced compounds. as I said I only did test-c this time around at 500mg per week and I saw good gains but I'm not where I want to be yet.

I'm very familiar with diet, rest, macros etc. nutrition and consistency arent a problem.

gymjunkie12's picture

First, you need to get blood test done. Secondly, Stay away from tren as long as you can! its addictive and a harsh compound. Now since this is your second cycle, and you know what to expect you have more knowledge on the game it's not about all the crazy stacks it's how you diet and how much work you put into what you want. For your second cycle I would suggest TEST at 500 and an oral like Anavar or Anadrol for the 1st 4 weeks but be mindful Drol is harsh! take some liv52 with it. But before you do any of this get that body fat down and don't focus too much on the scale lose that fat!

MedDx's picture

Make sure you're getting pre, mid and post cycle bloodwork, please! Thanks. Smile
Makwa posted great plan...see if proviron would work for you too. You take saw palmetto?

MurderHornet2020's picture

33 just finished mine started my HCG today!

GrowMore's picture

Congrats on the first cycle bro, welcome to the club.

If you want to add another compound you’ve got lots to choose from but be aware that recovery from something like EQ, tren, deca etc will make recovery even harder and potentially lose the hard earned gained.

If you want to look big and shredded for longer it’s all about a smooth PCT, I won’t lie Tren is great but the recovery can be a long and tough as fuck.

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

1-12 Test e 500mg/wk
6-12 Var 50mg/d

Everyone wants to run a stack for their second cycle. Nea

MurderHornet2020's picture

Dude this was my exact thought for my second. I hear var is mild and makes you feel great and strong -- by adding var is it going to make PCT harder then just test?

Makwa's picture

Shouldn't make PCT any harder. The 19-nors and running long cycles are what make PCT a real bitch.

lofter86's picture

I did anavar during this first cycle, I don't think this will change anything.

Makwa's picture

Why don't you think it won't change anything?

lofter86's picture

Because my androgen receptors and body are used to the compound. Hence I want to experiment with something else that will take me to the next level just did plain test - c did. am I wrong to try additional compounds?

Makwa's picture

You have a lot to learn about how AAS actually work in the body.

lofter86's picture

right thats why im here. so im looking for constructive feedback or info to learn from people better than nme.

Makwa's picture

There is a difference between actually learning and being spoonfed. I just spoonfed you the best cycle to run with your current experience and desired goal. Now it is up to you to learn why that is the best cycle you should be running now. With that cycle and proper diet you can achieve anything you want at this point.

lofter86's picture

Hey sounds good. Can you explain how running Var weeks 6-12 will affect me differently now than when I ran my first cycle and did Var for 12 weeks?

Makwa's picture

Why would you think it would work any differently this time than it did last time?
Running it for 12 wks just unnecessarily wrecks your lipids and liver. Shorter runs are better.

lofter86's picture

well youre suggesting i pretty much run the same cycle again, just with shorter time frame on the var. how would this yield different (better) results? wouldn't I have hit my max benefit of test c + var already since I have done it?

Makwa's picture

I guess since you have already got the max benefit from running test during your first cycle that it would be a waste of time running any test with your next cycle.

lofter86's picture

Sounds good man now youre just trolling me. I appreciate your other comments on this thread. be safe

papa.smurf0311's picture

I read the post wrong. you did var for 12 weeks??

lofter86's picture

Yes. I started with 10mg for 2 weeks, then 20mg , 2 weeks, then 30mg two weeks, etc. I used ParaPharma brand for both Test C and Var

lofter86's picture

Trolling? Literally took advice from gym bros who look way better than me and that's what the advised me with.

Makwa's picture

they Probably had a better diet.

papa.smurf0311's picture

I gotcha. 10 mg in males doesnt do much at all. 12 weeks of var is a little much. I usually run it for 6 weeks at 50 mg ED.

lofter86's picture

i kept it minimal and safe because i wasnt sure how i was going to react, so I wanted to scale slowly as this was my first cycle and I was a bit on the safe side.

papa.smurf0311's picture

well that is good that you are keeping it safe as far as dosages. Theres allot of new guys that jump right in to high dosages and mess themselves up.

lofter86's picture

no everything i do is well thought out and structure. i did my pct, I'm about to do bloodwork, my erections are back up again. i think I did it by the book. hence my next cycle I want to change it up and was hoping adding test + var + one more would be a good thing to do. I'm still eating a lot of lifting heavy bc I want to keep as much mass as possible, I haven't cut yet which is what this summer cycle was supposed to be about, I want to go in a calorie deficit and shred more

lofter86's picture

I would like to put on more lean muscle and continue burning fat. Obviously I want to gradually do this right and not be a stupid ape doing all the wrong things. I saw great body reaction, 0 acne during cycle, some heightened aggression. Overall very happy. My bench went from 225 precycle to 350 on test C + anavar alone.

I explored masteron, do you think Test E + Mast + winny last 6 weeks to be a good idea? i don't know how to figure out the dosages for the stack compounds besides test as base.

papa.smurf0311's picture

so for your second cycle. youre still going to want to keep it light. No tren. save that for a later cycle down the road. I mean, maybe go with test at 300 a week and mast at 600 or so. idk. Ideally, for your second cycle, youll still want to just use test. if youre looking to cut then its all in the kitchen and in the gym.

Makwa's picture

300 test and 600 mast sounds like a recipe for crashing estro.

papa.smurf0311's picture

yes, but I wouldnt run it any higher than 600.

papa.smurf0311's picture

I feel like I dont get much out of it any lower than that. 400-600 was what I ran it at. but yea you definitely have to have a low BF percentage for mast to yield any results. What do you run mast at? My E2 is crazy for some reason. Takes allot to crash out. for me, I HAVE to get bloods at least 4 weeks into each cycle to see where my e2 is. and then from there see where my AI dosage is and if it needs to be changed or not.

papa.smurf0311's picture

so this just recently started and im not sure why. I probably should make a post about it. but for some reason no my e2 i hard to manage but it hasnt always been like that. I used to be able to run a usual cycle of test at 500 and not have much trouble. for some reason now, I can run test at 500 and take 1mg adex ED and not crash out. I did switch to aro and seemed to like that better. I need to get some more of it however. Right now im just cruising on 140 test a week with some adex on hand. going to go in for blood work soon to see where my e2 is just on the cruise dose.

lofter86's picture

can you tell me how you determine was mg/week mast or anyother stack should be?

papa.smurf0311's picture

I dont know if I understand your question. are you trying to figure out your weekly dosage?

lofter86's picture

like how do you know the ratio of test e to masteron is 1:2 for example? besides running test at 500mg/week I don't know how to structure other compounds and what is the appropriate mg/week for those.

papa.smurf0311's picture

Oh. Id probably do like Rusty and do 300-400 a week on top of 400-500 test maybe. For some guys, masteron will make them crash out. that was never really the case for me but everyone is different. Ive ran some pretty successful cycles before but Rusy and Makwa definitely have more experience than I do.