rawand's picture
rawand 81

Dragon Pharma Claim this!

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zyzzumirin's picture

The only item I used made from dragon pharma was the test prop and it was pip free, seemed well dosed.

Juiced_Ryno's picture

Ive used their cut mix a couple of years ago and it was fire have not used them in a while.

euroking's picture

please contact me i will send you new products

if its were underdosed there would be 100s complaining not only you

richie1718's picture

used sustanon 350 3 weeks and had testosterone checked and had very low T,actually went down a few points.never had any effects at all.nothing.cant be right.very disappointed.didnt stack so I know it was the 350 that wasn't right.bought 2 vials wont even try the second one cause after weeks got zero results.

Dballin713's picture

Any of you guys ever get Dragon Pharma Gear with oil soaked labels? I received two Tren Ace bottles and the labels were soaked so it had blurred out the expiration date and lot number, seal didn't seem to be tampered with....any ideas whats going on there?

euroking's picture

If you are unhappy please send me a pm im more then willing to send you new products from same brand

Therealarw's picture

Euroking I was taking 250mg test cyp and I also was taking equipoise from t-rx alpha labs I noticed a slight change in muscle size and gains, the guy I bought it from just disappeared out of nowhere is there a way I could get a hook up from you?

jojo86's picture

Hey thank you very much for getting back to me i really appreciate it

jaywall's picture

Mine was soaked because the top was not on all the way. Oil was slowly leaking out.

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 3
euroking's picture

Sold thousands of vials and you are the only one having this issue? maybe you are allergic to ethyl oil!

jojo86's picture

Ok so no disrespect intended at all really just looking fit answers I've ran gear enough to not be a stranger to the knowledge of the life style with that being said I purchased 4 bottles of sust 350
this gear was absolutely terrible me and my busy had the same side effects redness swelling warm and extremely sensative to the touch non stop pain can barely even work out and this lasts for at least 5 daydays with constant care to the muscle
I'm not trying to knock it in any way but I really don't understand how this is happening to the both of us I even spoken to someone else with the same problems I've never had anything like this ever before happen I still am trying to do my best running the gear bUT it's almost not even worth it can you please just enlighten me on what's going on? I would really appreciate it and I really don't mean to come off rude or disrespectful

coach-salim's picture

jojo i have done search and this lab got good reviews ,,might you are allergic to apricot kernel oil or benzyl alcohol .

jojo86's picture

It's possible Im not sure I just started it up again today so ill.keep you posted I'm trying to cut it with tren same lab so hopefully it works out

Seunim's picture

Recently ran Sust 350 as well. Your description of redness, swelling, warm, and extremely sensitive to the touch for five or more days is exactly what I experienced. I pinned into three different sites with the same result.

This is some tainted gear for sure. I'd steer clear of Dragon Pharma products. I know I am.

socal818's picture

I had all the exact symptoms with dragon Pharma sust via napsgear. They didn't care much to replace it. I ordered from another shop that had peclabs. Tried their test cyp and they had the same issue too. I will stay clear from those labs now.

Jordbank's picture

I ordered 5 viles of Deca 300 and 3 viles of Test C 250 from Dragon Pharma. I ran 500mg of test and 600mg deca each week, for 15 weeks. I had decent results. Not much weight gained, but I'm 5'8" already at 210 lbs 12% body fat, and having a hard time gaining right now. I did notice a great amount of joint relief. If I had run the test at 750 a week or even 1000 I probably would have seen more noticeable effects. All in all Im not disappointed in their product and may order from them again after PCT.

samjone35's picture

That makes me skeptical about the products. At a combined 1,100mg per week of test and deca, you should have definitely put on at least 5 lbs of water retention. It shouldnt take a gram of compounds per week to notice effects if its legit.

Jordbank's picture

I was up and down from 205 - 213 lbs on cycle now after time off and PCT I'm at 200 but lean. I agree tho with the way I was lifting and eating plus deca I should have got up to 215 lbs - 220 lbs it was a bulk so kinda hard to say it was successful.

samjone35's picture

That makes me skeptical about the products. At a combined 1,100mg per week of test and deca, you should have definitely put on at least 5 lbs of water retention. It shouldnt take a gram of compounds per week to notice effects if its legit.

NoGainz1991's picture

You want to know why you didn't see any results? Well first let me tell you that I was 240 when I started sust 350 test e 250 and deca 300, sust at 1 1/2 CCs a week, pinned M.W.F early Monday morning and late Friday night to keep the bloods regulated. MONDAY I'd pin 1 1/2 CCs of Deca 300 @450 Mgs every 7 days, Pinned Sust 350 1/2 CC @ 175 Mgs, Pinned Test e 250 @ 1CC @250 Mgs for a total of 3CCs on monday @test 425 and Deca @450. WEDNESDAY I'd Pin just sust 350 @1/2 CC and Late FRIDAY night I'd Pin just Sust 350 for my last half CC for a Grand total of 775 Mgs of test but I usually get it to around 800 cause I always put a little extra in the pin and Deca @450 Mgs a week. I'm 7 weeks in this cycle and out on 20 pounds and a good ammount of muscle. Strenght has shot through the roof too but I'm a bit LAZY in the gym cause of how high I'm running the test but it's still worth it. If you ran your test double or close to double as your Deca you would have seen so much better results, that's the rule with deca anyways, double the test or 1:6:0 ratio and you'll se awesome results, I know I am currently on a good cycle of deca and test.

Jordbank's picture

Right on, appreciate the advice.

Vagetta31's picture

Ordered A large batch of Test Sus 350 and Test prop via EK, ran it for a bout 8 weeks then started noticing severe allergic reaction to something. I am assuming it is the Apricot oil? I have been on a few cycles with different companies but never had this issue until now. Lips and face were swollen this morning...Have to come off everything.

Despite the allergic reaction that I think I am having to the oil, the product did work well. Little pip with the prop and sus. Really bummed that Im allergic.

aychase's picture

I ordered the Dragon Pharma Dbol. 100 pills at 20mg. Ran 100mg for 5 weeks and it was very effective to say the least. It not only helped me gain raw strength but my overall size was increased greatly. I was working 10 hour days and still hit the gym with a lot of motivation and power. Didn't notice any side effects besides a little bloat that was dealed with by adjusting my diet.

Overall I would recommend to anyone that needs to over come any PR's and looking for an edge in their fitness life. Gained around 20lbs and about 10lbs stuck with me after. GREAT PRODUCT!

straightjacked's picture

I have always been a huge Kalpa fan maybe just because the price. My source had a sale and Dragon was on sale the same price and I always wanted to try it..........thank god I did. Im not even done with my cycle which I ordered 3 test e and one bag of 50mg x 100 winstrol. I'm three weeks in and I don't need to go any further because I am impressed. I never done winstrol I got it for a friend but I always try something lol. I know the sides and I took 50 mg ad suppose for 14 days and my joints we're hurting my skin got tight and I was vascular and that's being at 11% body fat so yeah impressive. The test kicked in real quick but I been off 6 months and maybe that had an impact but I feel it on 3 weeks in and I usually don't till 5 weeks. Erections and strength and motivation is up after I got over the test flu. The only thing is this stuff kinda has a good amount of pip to the stuff I normally ran. I've ran 10 or so cycles and it hasn't been this bad since my first one. But you know what the gains speak for themself. I do recommend them 99%.

timba234's picture

My very first cycle was Dragon Pharma, I ordered it through Euroking-gear.net. All I used was testosterone cypionate, 250 twice a week. At first all I noticed were the side affects associated with testosterone injections such as, oily skin, acne, increased libido, and slightly increased aggression. This really excited me because I knew that this was the real deal, especially if I was seeing sides within the first week of injections.

12 weeks later I was very impressed with results that it had given me. I was bigger, but I was also leaner. My vascularity increased dramatically. My recovery from my workouts was also very impressive. I will be doing another cycle shortly adding deca and an AI into the mix. I think I found my brand!

BLK250's picture

I use Dragon Pharma 3 times now, I ordered it through 1NAPSGEAR.ORG. The first and second time I only used test E. With a few side affectI slightly elevated BP a bit of water retention. slight joint pains oily skin, acne on back, high sex drive along with boost in energy. I had a little aggression but not in a bad way. It increased my mental drive and focuse which is a positive for me. This time I purchased 3 time being the charm I purchased TestE 250 TestP Masteron 100 primobolin 100 and deca which i got from a friend but all from Dragon Pharma. So far ive had no negative side affects just the usual oilly skin, acne. the deca relieved joint pains the masteron/primo helpped with water retention and BP. Im very pleased.

DaRedDawg's picture

First time use dragon pharma via naps gear. Tried anadrol and deca 300. Ran 50mg drol (split pill amd took 25mg AM, 25PM) as kick start. Also ran sustanon 500mg per week from another source. Was disappointed with the drol. Never felt the kick, never noticed strength increase. I increased to 100mg per day for another 10days and didn't feel a thing. No increase aggression, no strength gain. I did gain 5lbs in 10days but I think that's was the sustanon. Deca does work. Feeling in my joints by day 15 (ran 200mg per week..only want the joint benefits). I must say oral dragon pharma is suspect but the injectable is g2g.