PIN_CUSHION's picture
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+ 28 Smoking your ENDO?.............. Why we say wait til 25


I've been here a short time on eroids and the one thing that has been ever present since day one was holding off until a later age to begin AAS. In this case the age 25. Why 25 you ask? Good question, is there a definite age on full endocrine system development? I don't know I've been researching this topic for a while now and haven't found a said age. What I have found in multiple discussion is well into your 20's or midway through your 20's to me that translates to 25. There are so many factors that come into play that's it's hard to lay down a solid age. Genetics, lifestyle, family history, endocrine disputers so many thing play a part in your development. After all my finding I still fee that 25 is a very good and safe age to tell people to wait til. The truth is 25 may still be a little too young.

But let's not get hung up on age instead lets have an understanding of what we are dealing with. When I first used AAS I didn't even know what my endocrine system was let alone how steroids were effecting it. It wasn't' even until I joined here that I even considered it. So I didn't just want to "parrot" information to other members to wait until 25, just to be asked why ans say....... uh, cause that's what everyone else says. I wanted to know and understand for myself. Now I know that there are plenty of you out there that already have an understanding of this and have for quite sometime. This is more for the new YOUNG guy who doesn't know, and maybe a refresher for all of us on what exactly we are dealing with regardless if your ENDO system is fully developed or not we are still messing with the natural wiring of our body. The body is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Everything in it serves an exact purpose and the littlest of outside invaders can set it into a whirlwind, but the body is also highly adaptive.

These are the links that I have used to educate myself a little more on exactly what it is I am messing with when I inject AAS into my body.

( this article states that the brain isn't even full developed until well into our 20's. If the very thing that controls all our functions isn't developed until such time why would we even want to mess with anything.

( This link talks about the parts and functions of the endocrine system, you will notice terms that we talk about day in and day out here.

( This is about endocrine disruptors and how they affect our health.

( This is another abstact on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and is very detailed and is at length.

( - Lastly this is a flash card quiz you can give yourself about the basics of the endocrine system. You simply highlight the blurred out text to reveal the answer.

I hope that this helps some people here. I feel that you will be more susceptible to problems if you mess with your endo system while it's still in development. I know that it has helped me have a better understanding on things, and there is still so much more to learn. I just wanted to post this to let people know this is very serious stuff we are dealing with here that can have some very serious consequences. Personally I find it a little scary. Sorry for such a long post, but something like this can't be done in 140 characters or less. For those of you who took the time to read Thank You.

TheRoyalPalm's picture

I wish this info was readily available when i was a young lad

Muffins's picture


PolskaPower's picture

Great read, I started Messing with gear super young, wish I didn’t do that. I think my capability of getting strength naturally at my early 20s is equivalent to me running a test now at 28.

Owes a Review × 1
PIN_CUSHION's picture

Damn, hard to believe this was almost 6 years ago. Still relevant.

Greg's picture

Stickied by popular demand.

fusebox's picture

Thank you. I hope the original Pin cushion reappears. He is a good shit

Eagles 2013's picture

This definitely needs to be a sticky to keep from getting buried. It's an old post but a great one and still just as true and important as it was back in 2014 when it was originally posted. +1

Frank_y's picture

Fantastic thread.

fusebox's picture

I still think this should be a sticky

Big-dose's picture

yes, its very important for new members to see who are under 25. They join here looking for AAS use advice. Eroids is doing very positive thing to not give advice to young kids about AAS use.

NGaKo's picture

Hey bro
Really nice thanks +1

And I know its an old post but it's back on front page and really interesting so I just want to let you know that the 3rd link doesn't work.
Maybe you will replace it.

YourHuckleberry's picture

Really happy I read this

zeb0312's picture

fusebox's picture


Actually makwa did but it was still nine pages back. I vote for a sticky

zeusmarada's picture

I second the motion!

john3286's picture

Wow! what a great read. Thanks buddy!
Also found some great topics and studies here people buy and sell these types of notes! Smile

bolt781's picture

Bump...being there is a heavy flow lately of younger guys...and it's a great read for any guys that may have missed it...

fusebox's picture

I hope you are well my friend.

bolt781's picture

And so I get this far in my research of this post...right off the top. Imperative paragraph pertaining to Pins reasoning..."In the article, the researchers hypothesize that the continued wiring occurs because of the abundance of new life experiences that occur during young adulthood, such as pursuing post-secondary education, starting a career, forging independence and new social and family relationships." Jesus I'm just getting started and that granted just a hypothesis is more factual than credited. These life experiences must be witnessed with an unaltered state! Shit here we go now Ill stfu and read!

bolt781's picture

Will be cracking this egg open later tonight. I know my body farely well after years of trial and error. More error mind you. My knowledge is rudimentary when it comes to physiological aspects of use. I know what does what to me and what makes me feel this way or that. The science behind it, is just now taking form for me, being a member here. I swear as your view becomes broader in all areas the connection while lifting becomes stronger!! Good shit!

PIN_CUSHION's picture

AAS use is a lot like Newton's 3rd law.

bolt781's picture

Very true brother. Using steroids is the action of introducing a chemical into our body, how it effects our body is the reaction. Simplified. And I have experienced too many hazardous reactions in the past due to negligent actions. Luckily the body is pretty damn resilient and can clean up a big mess if given the proper environment to do so. Sometimes I worry about damage that might have been done. These reads Im sure will touch on that subject...and yes, I did just search newtons 3rd law. Been a looong time since school studies brother!


BUMP............... some guys here need to read this mofo.

It should be a Sticky too

PIN_CUSHION's picture

It definitely gets you thinking about what we're affecting in our bodies.

MedDx's picture

You are post...

7gothic's picture

Ive been around steroids and people who use them for 35 years now, but never touched them until almost age 49. Because of that, I have added 3 inches to my arms (now almost 21" at 5'7" and built better than ever at 52. A little quad work and I'm ready for the stage---although I would never compete in a sport I detest for it's politics.
My point is, unless you have pro potential, there is no reason to use at a young age. You could wait a decade, and actually be better then than you are now....because you WILL burn up at some point. At 60, I'm betting I will be able to smoke the average 25 year old gym rat. ..... I already can now.
Be smart---dont use shit unwisely.

blackops79's picture

How about for the girls that I can smash during my 30's that you won't have a chance at age 50 with lol

Hmm. That may be the test prop talking.

Fearless's picture

Hmm seems like a valid point to me.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I didn't know that. How were you around it all that time and not tempted to try it?

7gothic's picture

I was a powelifter all throgh college---top 10 in ADFPA rankings in th mid-80s... but had a temper from hell, and I thought steroids would be instant roid rage for me.
Today, we all know a lot more about steroids.... but back then, all I had was Joe Wieder telling his bullshit lies so he could sell more supplements----while using his geared-up "stars" to do so.
GREAT post by the way brother.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Thanks. My generation is spoiled. Everything is a click away. Couldn't imagine what it was like when steroids first hit the market. Someone had to be the guinea pig.

irongame427's picture

Good post bro. Damn I wish I knew this was here do you know how many times I've typed this out to young guys? If I knew this was here I would have sent them to read it and saved myself a lot of time. +2

Pale's picture

LOL, you ARE one of the young guys you speak of.You may be a book smart kid but you are still a kid.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Thanks. That's why I wrote it. I was literally typing this up every time. So figured it'd be easier to copy a link over.

Nitti's picture

I haven't been very active forms lately but I need to take a few minutes chiming on this one. When I was introduced into the world of PED's , I was young as hell (22) , cocky as hell and pretty much unbreakable. But weren't we all at that age. I got poor advice from a guy who was motivated by money. He was hired to do a job and his job was to get our athletes in tip top physical shape. Pretty much preparing young men for battle. My trainer have no idea what was going on but if he did I don't know that he would've cared. Strength and conditioning coach did whatever had to be done to win fights. Keep in mind not just the fighter who stands to gain a fortune fame and recognition. The guy sitting in the corner with you in between rounds gets the exposure as well. So the last thing on these guys Smince was my endocrine system. Tren, halo , boldenone, cheque drops,.... Among other things like different types of stimulants. All of this could have seriously fucked me up and ruined me for life. I have some pretty bad ass genetics but everyone does not and the guy who doesn't will get hurt in the long run .i wish that someone would have to guided me in the right direction or so freely given me this information when I started. I started far so too young. The only plus side my early was not cycle the way bodybuilders do. I'm sure I ever ran a cycle longer than a month. Maybe it was my youth maybe genetics or maybe something else but it never seems to affect me adversely which leads me to believe that my HT PA was in tact. No pct. no test base. Looking back at it now I am convinced that the state of mind being on PED put me in was a major factor in setting me on my path which ultimately led me to a career ending injury. Had I not been in the state of mind of feeling invincible maybe I wouldn't have taken on those guys on that corner. Maybe the cockiness and overconfidence would have been replaced with humility and discipline. You can say what you want but I know for certain that being on AAS effects of us psychologically as well as physically. Especially with an impressionable , immature mind. It sucks really ,none of it was worth it. What the fuck did it get me? When it was all said and done it got me a massive head injury , not only career ending but life threatening. I'm usually the guy that says "fuck that , no regrets" but I would do it differently if I had the chance to do it over. You young bucks need to give this shit some serious thought. I know how tempting it is and how the desire to be bigger stronger and faster is very tempting. But why not push yourself to your own limits? Find out what the fuck you're made of before using chemicals that will give you an edge? Since the medical aspect doesn't really scare you maybe if you look at it this way , like you're challenging your own masculinity , maybe you'll make different decisions. You want to be an alpha male? You think fucking muscles make you an alpha? You've got a rude awakening coming your way if this is the case. Alphas aren't made , they're engineered that way! If you're not, SO WHAT? The beta dog has just as much importance as the alpha. His job is critical to the alphas success. Chew on that shit for a little while.

redmenace117's picture

"You want to be an alpha male? You think fucking muscles make you an alpha? You've got a rude awakening coming your way if this is the case. Alphas aren't made , they're engineered that way! If you're not, SO WHAT? The beta dog has just as much importance as the alpha. His job is critical to the alphas success. Chew on that shit for a little while. "

... EPIC.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Alphas aren't made , they're engineered that way!

That's some real shit right there.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and posting your response. I think we all can relate to what you shared. I didn't know that about you. It's a shame there are people out there that will put their accolades above your health.

superman75's picture

no thank you PC, very informative for all who take the time to read, and your links brought some very prudent information back to the forefront of this cobweb filled dome. +1 welcome to level 3 brother..

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Glad you were able to take something away from it. Thx

gambit's picture

pers i sometimes wonder if mid 20s is to soon. i waited until 30s cause i felt more natural growing and learning was in order. ;)

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Agreed. Ideally with age comes wisdom. Other than a Dr prescribed TRT I don't know if there is a "safe" age. Regardless of age we are creating unnatural chain of events within our body. I wish I had waited until later in life. Obviously I'm pro AAS, but we need to be safe and responsible about and understand just what is going on. +1 to you for waiting.

Green Ranger's picture

I nominate this thread for sticky status Smile great post Pin

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Appreciate it man. I just know how important this topic is here, just wanted to give my take on it. We all play a big role in this.

Green Ranger's picture

Powerful Pin_Cushion Smile

TheFlash85's picture

good stuff cush, good for newb reference + 1

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Thx bro, hopefully people get some use out of it. Educating myself everyday.

TheFlash85's picture

they will bro, keep up the good stuff, we need peeps like you to spread the responsible usage message, knowledge is power.....

DSTER's picture

Great stuff pin, thanks