12stone's picture
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EQ and NPP??


I'm getting ready to start a Sust/NPP run and I have 4 bottles of EQ on hand as well. What do you guys think about EQ and NPP in the same cycle? I'm 33, 215 lbs, about 15% bf as of right now, maybe a little less, have gained a few pounds since midsummer. I've got around a dozen cycles under my belt have run a good number of compounds, short and long ester. Let me know what you guys think. Would this help with my bulk, aid with joint pain? Or is it not a good idea. Didn't see much on this combination. Thanks!

12stone's picture

Thanks for all the advice. Always good to hear input from experienced guys. Think I'm gonna change it up and go with a test E/ Eq run and give the NPP a shot at a low dose for joint relief. I think that would prob give me more steady levels and also give me the ability to recognize any issues with the NPP right away since I've run test/ eq multiple times. Thanks again for all the advice, and I'll keep everyone posted with progress.

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tonytulo's picture

than again anything you analyze too much will give you anxiety , just food for thought. everyone is different possible but not definite is what I would say.

j223's picture

That is a possible side effect that not everyone gets.

12stone's picture

Thanks for the input iron. Kinda what I was thinking in regards to the bloat. The EQ is undecyclenate and I have ran sust and Eq before. First time with NPP but I have run nandrolone deconate. Was gonna have sust at 750 and NPP at 400 per week. Was actually thinking if I ran the eq to drop the NPP to 300 weekly and eq at 600. But i wouldn't consider myself advanced and usually stick with 2 compounds at a time and sometimea throw in am oral.

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MedDx's picture


irongame427's picture

i dont think its necessary. I see it like this, some guys will need to do something like this at some point due to how advanced their physique is and it just doesnt respond to a test deca or test eq cycle like it used to. Theres only a few people on this board who are at this point and i even still see them running one or the other. This is a bulk so let the food fuel your growth. As long as you have your test base and an anabolic like eq or npp you got all your bases covered.

Another way i look at it is if i was gonna run an eq cycle my goal would for it to be free of bloat, moderate test dose with high eq and that would produce some real dry bloat free gains. If you run the nandrolone with it thats gonna cause some water retention and youll also most likely have to your test dose higher to keep the proper test deca ratio to avoid sides and this higher dose will also make you hold some water. So adding them all together negates the dry lean cycle one could have running the eq.

This is just the way I see it. its not uncommon at all if you're more advanced and have a decent amount of cycles under your belt, some test deca and some test eq so you know how you respond to each. Hope this helps.

MedDx's picture

I bet he could get good joint relief with very low dose NPP. He needs a bulk diet. And, IMO, OP should use TC or TE. But, to each his own.

irongame427's picture

Hell ya he could, but by the sounds of his post he was gonna run a sust npp cycle. So he would have been adding in the eq. its a different story if he was running a sust eq cycle and wanted to throw in a little npp for the joint relief. I love nandrolone for my joints.

12stone's picture

I'm not opposed to switching out sust. Ive got TE on hand as well. Im a bit of a hoarder! Just thought the MWF schedule would work well with sust and NPP. So you think the EQ would be a better option than the NPP? Definitely would like more of a lean bulk that's why i was looking at NPP over DECA. I'm open to suggestions bro. I learn more everyday!

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Jc74s's picture

Keep the sust run npp for a kicker then add in deca the bloat thing is blown all up control your diet this will help as well .if you want size deca and test will get you there train eat repeat .

Owes a Review × 1
MedDx's picture

Have you had your BW done yet? Whats your T level?

12stone's picture

Just had bloods done about 2 weeks ago along with a physical/ well check up. Also got my doc to chk igf levels. I was at at 590 something on test. All levels looked good. One of the cholesterol levels was a little high but not out of control. Bp was very good as well.

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irongame427's picture

Well as you know diet is gonna dictate if the bulk is lean or not but eq is know to produce much leaner gains then nandrolone. Very dry gains with no bloat. So if thats your goal go with the eq.

MedDx's picture

I think he should do a sust/eq cycle with npp for joints. Injecting sust is eod, right?

irongame427's picture

Ya I think that's a solid idea. I plan on doing the same with npp in a lot of my future cycles it's just so good to my joints I'm on it now and they feel like a million bucks. An ya eod with sust would be ideal due to the prop in it but it's not unheard of at all to do mwf. Blood levels will def be a little more stable doing it eod and it's only 1 extra shot over a 2 week period so that's what I would do.

MedDx's picture

NPP sounds like a plan for future cycles for me too. My knees and back bother me until i get warmed up. Sust has that caproate and isocaproate (sp?) ester, which makes it interesting to work with. I think OP will get better results and meet his goals with sust/eq and npp (joints) cycle. Maybe use adex thru cycle and then PCT with standard protocol plus exemestane.

SRQFitness's picture

Why aren't you ashamed of yourself for being so gay? That's what you should be asking.
But since your not, I probably accidentally hit the neg while I was scrolling up or down through this thread. My screen is very sensitive - like you.

SRQFitness's picture

Oh you insulted my 'karma'.. that's what your boyfriend cim131313 does too. You're both a couple fruity ass nerds.

12stone's picture

You got me thinking about dropping the sust now. Could run TE at 750 eq at 600 and possibly add a low dose of NPP for joints. I have shoulder and knee issues like crazy!

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MedDx's picture

Not sure whats the best for u. If sust works, then use it again. However, monitor doses and try to use the smallest amount needed, even if you decide to mix all esters of test u have on hand.

irongame427's picture

Ya that sounds like a plan. And I love npp the first time I used it u unknowingly used a very low dose ( it was underdosed) and I still got great joint relief. Idk how reliable the mass specs are after all the shit from a few months ago but based off those I was on less then 200mgs ew.

MedDx's picture

Thats not bad at all...

12stone's picture

I ran sust m/w/f total 750 weekly last time and it worked out well

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MedDx's picture

You could do that again, whats the longest acting ester in your sust?

12stone's picture

Deconate I believe.

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MedDx's picture

That would go well with the EQ ester. You thinking about running 16 wk cycle, right?

12stone's picture

Yes sir. I know the Eq takes quite a while to reach saturation.

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12stone's picture

Any pointers on diet to keep it lean?

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irongame427's picture

My advice would just to stay in a controlled surplus. So know you maintence and only go like 500 or so cals over it. Figure out your macros and make sure to hit them everyday and Keep the diet clean. Complex carbs lean meat good fats etc. could be a very lean bulk. Experiment a bit, no carbs after training etc. just figure out what works for you.

MedDx's picture


12stone's picture

I've always had a quick carb like carbolyn oe a banana pwo... Should I cut that out? Thought that was a basic pwo with a quick carb and protein isolate

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irongame427's picture

Na, I do the same (cyto carb). This is a bulk after all. If you're good with your diet you can make great gains without getting fat. It all comes down to the diet.

MedDx's picture

Something that comes to mind right now would be the Scarsdale diet, but revamp it with higher grams of protein and keep your daily carbs between 50-80g per day.

12stone's picture

Gotcha. I usually try to stay around 100 grams and limit carbs in the evening except for post wrkout. I'll use carbolyn immediately followed by protein isolate and then a meal of lean meat and vegetables about an hour later. Usually work out around 7pm so try to make that my only carbs after about 2 or 3pm

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MedDx's picture

Sounds like you know what u r doing. U have 1-2 days of moderate cardio? U could alternate workout regimens with heavy pyramid min to mod reps and straight sets light weight high reps about every 4 weeks. U could even warm up with light weight squats, bench press, and dead lift.

MedDx's picture

Could be beneficial for joints. How many mg's per week you planning on using? Is your EQ ester cyp or undecyclenate? Have you cycled Sustanon before?

irongame427's picture

beat me by 3 seconds lol.

MedDx's picture

Yea...i see that my brother...lol