ref's picture
ref 74

Vermodje Claim this!

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Overall 0 Quality 0 Delivery 0 Service 0 Pricing 0
pinkbear0908's picture

RoidSupplier's picture

They are confirmed fake.


Translation of the WADA warning:

“Lately, in the European Union appeared more products Veterinary Class Anabolic Androgenic Steroids produced by VERMODJE SRL - Moldova. Countries that have entered the market these products are: Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Spain. There were made more quality tests in laboratories and had been found major deficiencies: different composition indicated on the package contents than inside content, underdosing active substances, related manufacturing substandard under European legislation and the use of low-quality raw materials containing chemical impurities, solvents, salts of HEAVY METALS.
Administration preparations concerned brand manufacturer will not produce the desired therapeutic effect and worsen health of pets.
Please note that, the content and quality, may cause serious harm to the health of athletes.”

There are many brands in Romania from Turkey, China, Moldova, Greece, etc and only for this vermodje WADA released a health warning.

If you take their injectables you can look at density and smell, you will notice they use cooking oil as a carrier. Even if this is a veterinary line, it is unusually for the products to be underdosed or containing chemical impurities, solvents, salts of heavy metals.

You can read more details at:

pinkbear0908's picture


Jordbank's picture

I ordered (5) Test E 250 from vermodji. I have been running 750mg a week, for nine weeks now. In my opinion the gear is bunk. I have not gained any weight or had any improvements in the gym. Very disappointed.

Stefan1800's picture

this is just a smear campaign, guys.
there's a war between labs and struggle to get more customers...
I've never had any issues with their gear.

MONK's picture

stinks of an agenda. This is old news anyway.

Catch a few days off to spend watching that link you insist on posting.

RoidyNoob's picture