Gymjunkie01's picture
  • 916

Seeing sparkles


Question? Been noticing that it see like shooting stars or sparkles after lifting heavy weights or even coughing .. Been monitering my BP and it's normal 119/68 anyone else ever have this problem?

superman75's picture

no doubts, due to incorrect breathing brother. I would have this issue when I was shrugging HEAVY, what I found was I was also flexing the muscles in my neck, restricting blood flow to my melon. I make a conscious effort to relax now, problem solved Gym J....

PinPusher's picture

BJ's give me sparkles

fusebox's picture

I see the same stuff all the time. It's just normal to me I guess. I haven't ran a cycle yet, I've been studying and collecting info. My bp is ok around 130 over 80.

BigThing's picture

I had the exact same thing on more than one occasion, but I was off cycle at the time so didn't worry about it too much as it went away as quickly as it appeared. Maybe I should since not long ago a vein popped in my eye. After the blood disappeared after about two weeks, a vein in the other eye popped. My bp is in norm, so I blamed it on sinus congestion caused by cialis. As far as stars and sparkles, I thought that it was caused by pre-workout supplements loaded with stimulants, but incorrect breathing during lifting sound very reasonable.

whitechocolate's picture

Have the same thing once in a while not just in gym.. could be breathing who knows..

humpnpump's picture

I get this on leg days occasionally. Probably more related to blood rushing to the body part that has been exhausted and lack of oxygen due to the blood carrying the o2 and has been moved to an isolated area leaving brain and other organs temporally defiecent of oxygen. Like Rusty said breath baby breath. I get floaters and light headed almost every leg workout sometimes want to puke.

Gymjunkie01's picture

I appreciate all the advice and comments folks

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oldhead73's picture

I would agree with rusty and everyone else that said breathe breathe.. The other thing I would consider is are you eating enough prior to your workouts? The symptoms you describe could also be a result of hypoglycemia as well. If you are eating a low carb diet or working out fasting your blood sugar dropping maybe to blame. Otherwise lightened the load a tad and breathe properly. My 2 cents Smile

Gymjunkie01's picture

Deff not low carb diet.. I eat about an hour before I work out . Idk gonna try to focus on my breathing and take a week off and see if it helps

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Gymjunkie01's picture

Just FYI. My cycle is

750 mg of test E per week
500 mg of decca per week

I will try to pay attention more to my breathing habits to see if that's it.

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HllwdBdBoy's picture
Gymjunkie01's picture

I hope that's all it is.. Never had this problem before.

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HllwdBdBoy's picture

seriously bro, take a wk or so away from the stacks and make adjustments

Gymjunkie01's picture

Think I will just to chill out. Been hitting it really hard lately to take my mind off things

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Engineereddisaster's picture

Are you running Nolva or clomid?

Barabbas's picture

I was gonna say the same thing. During PCT I get some awesome tracers, I guess you could call them stars or sparkles lol.

Gymjunkie01's picture


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Engineereddisaster's picture

Do you hear Elton John music in the back of your head?

Gymjunkie01's picture

Lmao... No usually just hear voices lol

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Engineereddisaster's picture

Shit bro. Ya got me. Especially if your blood pressure is normal.

Maybe it's a hemorrhoid?

Gymjunkie01's picture

I know me to. I think if it keeps up I'm gonna make a doctors appointment

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