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+ 24 ***UPDATE #2***What Blood testing lab to use while on Tren to solve the false high estro reading


By now you know about the false high estro reading you get while using Tren and ordering labs from LabCorp's Roche ECLIA methology. So what to do so you don't get a false reading?
A lot has changed since I first wrote this. Quite a few labs now offer estradiol in LC/MS or LC/MSMS (Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry).Use which uses LabCorp or who uses Quest Diagnostics for lab work. Privatemdlabs estradioal sensitive is the test your looking for. With labsmd the test name is estradiol ultra sensitive. You would use this these tests if your running Tren. This will also do away with the false high testosterone readings I'm seeing with Deca and NPP. Will also not give a false reading if your taking Biotin. heres the link:

If you are not running TREN then use these test where testosterone is measured in LC/MSMS to save a couple of dollars.
this test caps at 10,000 pg/dL

Running a straight TRT dose you can use any of the cheaper tests but they will cap at 1500

NOTE Due to state laws, ABOVE LABS cannot provide services for RESIDENTS of or in the states of NY, NJ, MA, MD or RI.



here's a link to the guy on tren his lab test which was done by Quest. Notice his estrogen level was 102 but before you say its high he had gotten a total estrogen test which measures E1 and E2 and the reference range is less than <130 again he was at 102.Then go look at the 2nd link with all the blood tests from Labcorp while on tren. This pretty much proves it's the test method and not the Bro science reasons.
This is from FDA product reports of Roche ECLIA Testosterone Testers and Assays more so the new Testosterone II ASSAy used in all the major Roche testers.The sponsor has the following limitations in their labeling"A strong interaction with D-Norgestrel (1000 ng/ml), 19-nortestosterone(Nandrolone), Ethisterone, 11b-Hydroxytestosterone, and 11-Ketotestosterone was found. Do not use samples from patients receiving these compounds. This from the cross reactive study "Ethristone (1000 ng/mL), 11b-hydroxytestosterone (100 ng/mL), 11-ketotestosterone (1000 ng/mL), D-Norgesterel (1000 ng/mL) and 19-nortestosterone (Nandrolone, 30 nmol/L) tested above the measuring range and their percent cross-reactivity could not be calculated. Therefore, these compounds were included in the package insert. Hence the warning not to take blood samples from someone who is on nandrolone as the testosterone reading is a false high.
See pg 5 of link
see page 7of link

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

So I've been all over this place trying to find a good private lab and which test to run while on a Tren cycle due to the false estro reasons....and also how does it work? Do I purchase and take to my local clinic or are there only certain clinics that accept these type of labs?

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Scratch that....guess all I had to do was continue to check out and enter zip Been trying so hard to find out how private labs operate and just had to go a little further. I feel like an idiot now. Guess we all have our days
*well fuck....everytime I add test to cart then go view cart its empty....can't even continue to checkout, just not my day today I guess.
Here's the link to which test im trying to add....maybe someone can give some insight

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

I seen that rusty but it still doesn't state anywhere on how to proceed even on website I haven't come across it.....just dont wanna pay $200 for labs that I wont be able to even get done in my area. Just a little skeptical is all

Rob83's picture

Does anyone know the testing method used by Medichecks (UK)?

Lrgrthnlyf's picture

Mega, Have a few Qs, and hoping you have the knowing.

I am a bit older now, mid 50s, and about to do a simple cycle after 25 yrs away, and really wanna be careful about doing the right testing, but also want to streamline the panel I will be getting, as I will probably test often, this first time back.
This test you posted "" seems comprehensive enough, so THANKS! If you should find any promo codes, please share.

If you can refer any people or posts that can give comprehensive info on the interpreting of results and how to deal with potential problems of the blood testing and how to interpret, it would be greatly appreciated.
Again, thx man!

Makwa's picture
Hardliner1976's picture

Just followed the link to, and they offer a specific anabolic steroid profile! Has anyone ordered this, and is it worth the $310?

cry_havoc's picture


Just because it is so valuable!

thepullmanator's picture

Mega you are a huge help to me and to this community

Major props brother!

MegaT883's picture

Thanks Bro

Dickkhead's picture

Much thanks. I am on Tren and LabCorp came back with E2 over 2,500.

MegaT883's picture

Dam that is high. So I take it you had some sides but not 2500 worth.

gambit's picture

now this is GREAT info! +1.

i didnt think it was possible to find, well i should say afford a blood test to get an accurate estro reading.

MegaT883's picture

It's out there. What I found out is Quest does not use ELCIA they use IA for E2 with the female hormone panel and LC/MSMS with the male hormone panel.

MegaT883's picture

Hell brother you started me on this search. It took a while and a lot of research but at least we now know the answer to the problem....Quest

snuka2012's picture

Nice research and find. Thx again Mega.

MegaT883's picture

Glad I could help snuka....that's what this place is all about.