Vewi's picture
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+ 6 How to go about getting of TRT


I was asked by someone here to write something up about this. So here we go.
First and foremost if you’re on TRT and you’re not taking HCG and an AI well that’s a bad thing. Because now your testis have been off a really long time depending on how long you have been on TRT. Now we got to figure out how to start the car from a stand still.

However, it’s not a bad thing. So how do you restart yourself if you have been on TRT, most people want to restart themselves because they forgot their baseline, and to get tested correctly after being on it for so long.
(Also a reminder if you are on TRT you should be giving yourself a shot twice a week. If you’r doing 150mg or 250mg a week make sure you break it off in two shots so hormones don’t go on a roller-coaster. )
Ok, first things first You should now on AAS or TRT this will shut down two things in your body.

1.Natural Test production in the testis (your testis make LH that converts to Natural Test)
2.The Pituitary (makes LH that is sent to the Leyding cells in your testis to make natural test)

What you will need to make this happen. Proviron ,HCG,NOVA, CLOMID, GnRH and Vitamins E,C,K
Now the first thing you need to do is get on HCG if you are not already on it.. My guess 90% of you are not because the Doctor is a fucking moron and didn’t give it to you.

So here is the plan on how to get off TRT and have your testis working

You should be on an AI low does Adex .25mg E3d---also start taking GnRH, Vitamins E,C,K,B
HCG 1000iu a week for 4 weeks---while you’re still on TRT that is ok trust me you just don’t want to drop TRT no sex for you. What HCG will do is start to wake up your testis which is what you want kinda like warming up an engine on a cold day.

Also during this time you will start taking Nova @ 10mg ED—this will help your testis to make LH along with the HCG—we want this to start happing your body will just not convert the LH because right now you don’t need the test cause your still on TRT.
Proviron @ 50mg ED—this does two things makes you horny has shit, but it blocks estor and guess what Produces LH..

Now to end this TRT you take your last shot
The next two weeks HCG 500iu, your Adex and Nova @ 10mg ED..

After 2 weeks you will run this PCT (Drop the Adex and HCG)
Nova 20/20/20/10/
Clomid 100/100/50/50/
Proviron 50/50/50/50

Optimus Prime's picture

Thanks very much appreciated!!

XvBeast's picture

dont run clen, running clen lower thyroid which is in connection with the prolactin (atleast thats what the doctors told me) , it probably wouldnt make an impact but better safe then sorry

OmNom's picture

Good advice.. I keep thinking this is common knowledge but I'm a firm believer less drugs is more when trying to recover in pct especially screwing with your thyroid +1

j223's picture

Interesting! Did not know clen had the ability to lower thyroid, I will have to read up on that. Good info

XvBeast's picture

when u take it , it raises thyroid but when u stop ur thyroid production is lower so u get a lower then normal thyroid until u recover. All of this is coming from my doc, so whether its true or not , i dont know. but i know for a fact from blood tests that taking clen raises thyroid for a fact, which is logical to think that ur suppressing ur natty thyroid, which is why i rolled with it

OmNom's picture

No it is true.. I've taken blood tests as well.. I don't think it's wise just to take clen in pct for the anti catabolic affect.. if it will later screw with your thyroid.. effect other hormone levels such as prolactin when you're trying to recover natty testosterone and most likely lead to more fat gain when you drop it

OmNom's picture

ORRRRR you could just not take clen and let your body recover with less drugs.. this whole needing clen to keep gains is bullshit you can keep enough of them if you just eat right and continue your training.. The only time I'd use something like caber or prami in PCT is if I ran deca or tren

OmNom's picture

Yes I agree that should be done after a cycle of deca or tren.. I just don't understand this fad with clen in PCTs

OmNom's picture

It's basically a bronchodilator that acts as a stimulant with anticatabolic properties.. it's great if your asthmatic.. really puts other asthma medications to shame.. but the stuff wears off after 2 weeks or so.. I really only use it during cycles when I'm cutting

XvBeast's picture

and u dont get to clens anticatabolic properties and muscle building benefits until u use it for 6+ weeks

crayon's picture

If you used hcg from the day you started TRT, do you not shut down?

Nice write up btw +1

crayon's picture

Something thats crossed my mind is, since clomid also keeps your testis running, why not just use clomid, saves you from having extra injections of hcg. But everybody does hcg instead of clomid so im sure theres a reason why.

XvBeast's picture

thank so much bro, +4 , very helpful