Vewi's picture
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+ 26 Cycles; the safe way


Ok I have seen a lot of weird cycles still and ive been gone awhile. lol
I threw in some basic cycles in here, to help. Smile

Starting a cycle should begin with a goal is this bulking or cutting once you decide that then it is LAYING OUT YOUR DIET without a DIET your Goals cannot be met.

Research Time—I don’t care if your new to AAS or a 30 year Vet(Viking) but when you make a cycle you do research again about each compound. Why do you do it, for three reasons.

to learn the compound again and again.
to see if any other studies have come out about that compound. (there are constantly new studies coming out that change our understandings of the way compounds work)
Too see other cycles the AAS world has ran using that compound. (good, bad, and ugly)
Once you have decided your Goal and DIET plane and have done your research on the gear you want now it’s time to put your cycle together and IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE IN THIS ORDER!!!!!
YOUR AI(also have at least letro or caber on hand)


One Last thing TREN is something you have to choose when to take or if ever. IMO unless you’re a pro you should never have to take Tren. IF your Diet is In check you work hard and understand what compounds do you will always hit your goals.
Also AI's most common Are Arimidex and Aromasin (adex is usally taken at .25mg E3D nipples get sore go to .25mg ED if still sor go to .5mg ED.. Aromasin 6.25mg ED or 12.5mg EOD)

1 Beginner cycle

1-12 Test E @ 500mg a week split
4-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use Start PCT 15 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20


1-4 Test P @ 100mg EOD
1-12 Test E @ 500mg a week split
4-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use
Start PCT 15 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20


1-4 Test P @ 100mg EOD
1-12 Test E @ 500mg a week split
4-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use)
11-15 Test P @ 100mg EOD
Start PCT 3 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

4 IF YOU DO TEST E AND EQ TEST E should Always be 2 weeks longer in a cycle like this.(eq min 14 weeks, better at 16 best if ran to 18weeks 24 bestest ) If you have a Test p taper than you run the test and eq for the same time.

1-4 Test P @ 100mg EOD
1-18 Test E @ 500mg a week split (this can be 16)
1-16 EQ @ 400mg a week split(this can be 14)
4-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use)
Start PCT 15 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

5 IMO it’s were you can start adding your first oral if you have been taking your liver supplements for at least a year.

read about liver protection here:

Any cycle above you just get to choose what oral.
Kick starters
1-4 Dbol
1-6 Tbol
1-4 Abomb
Last 4-6 weeks Anavar
Last 4-6 weeks Winny
And the non-oral ender Mast p 4-6 weeks

All this cycles can be used over and over again to meet every goal. However, if you have done your research you can start smaller cutting cycles like.

1-8 Test p @ 150mg EOD
3-8 Anavar @ 50mg ED (or maybe this is winny)
1-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use)Start PCT 3 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Or something like this

1-8 Test P @ 150mg EOD
1-8 Mat P @ 100mg EOD
3-8 Anavar @ 50mg ED (or maybe this is winny)
1-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use)Start PCT 3 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Or maybe you’re looking at a bulking cycle.
1-4 Dbol @ 50mg ED(tbol, abomb)
1-4 Test P @ 100mg EOD
1-18 Test E @ 500mg
1-16 EQ @ 600mg
1-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use)Start PCT 15 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

1-4 Dbol
1-4 Test p @ 100mg EOD
1-18 Test E @ 750mg
1-16 EQ @ 600mg
1-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use)Start PCT 15 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Bjmoney85's picture

Hey man im pretty new to site also been stalking the site constantly trying to get my first cycle perfected. In the PCT section of your plans do you mean take each dosage for a full week? I assume so prolly get reamed for asking but gotta know?

Hobbybulk's picture

Nice to read, i like the idea that you are shouting the MAIN aspects like a real drill instructor, because we are handling something like a deadly weapon if used incorrectly.
So you SHOUTING at the right place.
I ve seen a lot ugly guys and none had done research on substance or even PCT
so again i Like your advice,
RESEARCH and research
PCT !!!!
Thx bro
good source for research
HCG 2500 ui E15d for medical PCT on Anavar 20mg ED

Munchichiman's picture

Thanks for info man fantastic map for us newbs

ecalbear's picture

Thank you for the easy to understand road map. Your attention to detail is much appreciated.

Newgymrat's picture

I'm just about through with my first cycle. (On the last week of pct) and just need you to clarify your suggestion on a second cycle. You run 100 mg eod of test prop for the first 4 weeks along with the test e for those first 4 weeks then stop test p and continue with test e for the remaining 8 weeks?

Nichehans's picture

I am taking 750mg tes cyp. 450mg Eq. and 150mg Methan-Inject per week. Going on my 3rd week tomorrow. Does that sound okay or should I cut back on some? I am 6'0" 175lbs and wanting to get to around 190lbs. I'm taking the necessary Nolvadex as well.

Breal80's picture

This is very good info, I've actually seen great results on myself and my crew of friends that cycle on less than 500mg of test per week (Granted, none of us compete) but everyone's body is different and will react differently to different gear, its important to know that about yourself. Some of the cycles I see on here are outrageous and are for hardcore professionals that do compete. Its concerning to think that someone just starting off would be doing some of the high doses I see on here. Don't take something that can be a healthy productive supplement to life and turn it into something dangerous. Take your time with it and respect it.

hoffmane598's picture

Very useful post, thanks!

Jayha124's picture

What's a good steroid source? I wanna use a credit card. Don't want to deal with western unions or money gram. A good quality and reliable source? Please someone help me out. I'm new to this. I want to start with some test at a high dose. I'm on trt right now. I do 200 a week of test cyp.

Hobbybulk's picture

if you find a source with credit card, be for sure this is a SCAM.
And always look if they sell the whole PCT Programm, a good reseller always has the full program.

YourHuckleberry's picture

my dude no one is going to take a credit card for gear. Just do some research on crypto currency and go that route if you feel safer, but credit card aint gonna happen

sparky75's picture

A little confused here concerning the clomid. Does that mean once the TRT ends on the 12th week that you start taking clomid daily at 100mg daily week 13, 100mg daily week 14, 50mg daily week 15, 50mg daily week 16. Then restart the cycle?

1 Beginner cycle

1-12 Test E @ 500mg a week split
4-all the way up until you start your PCT --your AI(do research on how to use and which to use Start PCT 15 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Deepsalon's picture

This post is very very useful, good job man Biggrin

Deviss's picture

great post man. all very simple and clearly written for beginners.

muscleitalia's picture

why stop EQ 2 week befor Test E or C ?
EQ half life is 14 days
Test C half life is 12 days

not so much difference

robxl12321's picture

-.- oh man get ready for this shit thats coming your way lol

Owes a Review × 1
RK77's picture

Yeah I feel the same .... no HCG during the cycle nor on PCT?

AlabamaMan's picture

No hcg?

daddywalt's picture

Great write up, I'm putting together everything to start a test cyp cycle. Any huge difference from test e from test cyp? I had intended to just do clomid pct, do you all recommend the nolvadex as well for a first timer? Any recommendations on AI? Thinking of arimidex but I'm still doing research. I'm 32 5' 7 " 180 lbs

daddywalt's picture

Thanks for the info, I think I'll stick with my original plan of the clomid only. I intended on tapering up to 500mg over 3 weeks then back down over 3 weeks, only staying at 500mg for a few weeks. I've heard that some people have run it like that without a pct, but I think clomid will be safer to get back on track. With how I plan to run it, should I keep some adex on hand "in case"I have issues or run it like you said every 3rd day? Thanks again.

Geej's picture

Cheers for the info boss

cybrsage's picture

Thanks for this!
I have to say, the silver lining with being on TRT is that I never have to worry about PCT. Yes, I am a glass is half full kind of guy. Smile

workoutman's picture

How about this bulking cycle?
Test E 500 mgs weekly, 1 ml x 2 weekly, 1ml =250 mgs, every 4th day, 10 weeks
Deca 400 mgs weekly, 1 ml x 2 weekly, 1ml =200 mgs, every 4th day, 10 weeks
Tren A 200 mgs weekly,1ml x 2 weekly, 1ml =100 mgs, every 4th day, 10 weeks
D-bol 40 mgs daily, 6 weeks, 30 mgs daily week 7
Anastrozole .25 mgs every day x 12 weeks
Comid 100 mgs daily week 9, 50mgs week 10 and 11
Tamoximed (Novadex) 40 mgs daily week 9, 30 mgs daily week 10, 20 mgs daily week 11
Or should I wait till last shot to start PCT or perhaps start PCT at beginning week 10 instead of week 9 ?
It's been 3 yrs since last cycle, this one too heavy, or ok ?
Stats, 44, 5'8, 210pds BF is around 20% (Winter Bulking), usually around 12-15 % summer
Plan on waiting 1 mth-6 weeks then starting a cutting cycle around Late April
Cutting cycle not set in stone but may look like
Tren A
PCT undecided as of yet, need more research on cutting PCT's (How much, what, and when)
PM's welcomed!!

clancy wiggum's picture

it is ok pct start on week 10

cem sen's picture

test e , deca doses are fine, but you dont need to run tren a for bulking, just be simple test deca and dbol(5 weeks are ideal as the test and deca will kick in that time) with some arimidex on hand in case of gyno/bloated(1mg eod) and half life is around 2 weeks for test e and deca , so start your pct 2 weeks after the last shot. do the test 14 weeks / daca 12 weeks, deca takes more time to out of your system.

for cutting i can suggest you this cycle;
1 - 10 weeks test prop 100mg eod
1 - 10 weeks tren ace 100mg eod
6 - 10 weeks winstrol 50mg ed
1 - 10 clenbuterol 40 or 80mcg ed 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ( as you hold a big amount of fat %)

half lifes for prop and ace about 3 to 4 days , so start your pct 1 weeks after your last shot

workoutman's picture

Thanks to everyone for your input !!
I've already dropped the thought of the Tren, started first shot of Test And Deca yesterday. I was sure that the last cycle I did was Test/Tren/Deca, but that was three years ago. I had to stop after a month, not because of sides either. I'll save the Tren for my mid-summer cycle.The Anastrozole at .25 should be ok for estrogen control. It seems that no body knows what Anastrozole even is? No offense, but please everyone that's telling me to do my research and doesn't know what Anastrozole is, might want to do some research of their own, THANKS!! I also have some P-5-P on the way. I should have it by Tuesday, Wed at the latest. I believe 300 mgs a day should do it. I'm not going to wait to experience sides to take it, I'm just going to run it as a precaution, besides that, P-5-P helps with protein synthesis. Like I've already stated in one of my last post I dont like the sounds of Cabergolines risks like holes in the heart. All set with that. Isn't gear itself risky enough? I'm looking into some Prami but haven't done enough homework on it yet. I already take 300 mgs of zinc E.D. I've been doing that for two years.

noob143's picture

That pretty much handles it all. My friend is on his second cycle and starting tren ace half eat through. He won't listen and this article clearly shows me I was right to not follow him. Thx fir the good advice

armykid93's picture

I can't find a sticky on the subject although I am sure there is one somewhere but on the last board I was part of HCG through the entire cycle was standard. Is that not the case here? Also if that is not the case here then why?

If someone could PM I would really appreciate it.

PIN_CUSHION's picture
smokey8595's picture

I am fairly new to the site and greatly appreciate the advice.
I am planning to run my first cycle ever, this fall. I'm starting my research early so that I can have everything in hand with time to spare. I'm wondering if you think my age would alter your demo 1st cycle. I am 40 years old, 6'1 and 250 lbs. I have about 13% bf and have been lifting seriously for 15 years. I am brand spanking new to this and definitely open minded to input! I have done a fair amount of research but have found a lot of conflicting ideas. Thanks again

chinodg's picture

Hey I got some stuff called Test400 and i wanted to know if it was okay to mix both prop and that 400 together. pinning 2x a week. 2cc a pin.? I'm also taking anavar, and i have an AI. and I will be doing my pct. I just want to know if its worth mixing both liquids.

FITPRO's picture

Cmon @serious jay .. u got to cycle off !

randys52's picture

hey man, got a queston you may or may not have an idea about:

Working ER, just got labs done. Iron is only 20! Less than half what it should be. Sky high lipase and amylase with NO pain (pancreatitis...don't drink)....could a LONG ass test cycle cause this? Thanks man, I am going to my doc, but cannot figure this out! Was not like this a month ago

I am 62 and blast and cruise, but mainly blast...any ideas? thanks guys, next stop is MD but as an RN I wanted to see if it was the test poss first. Doing about 600 mg of Test weekly with 25 mg daily of Proviron and sometimes Novladex (2-3 times per week)

Ran out of test about 2 months ago and was off for over a month....not fun...did Proviron alone then, been back on test (and some test P) for about 4 weeks and I've noticed my erections are about 3/4 what they should

Been out of Proviron for about 3 weeks. Got some on the way. Man, Ive been an ER RN for over 32 years and cannot figure this one out. I would immed think pancreatitis but no all...and don't drink

Serious Jay's picture

Very good info here buddy. But I'd rather just stay on & blast & cruise I really see no point in go on coming off. In my eyes its bad for your body its like going from fat to ripped every 6 months. Its better be consistent with everything you do. Gear in my eyes is a life time commitment once you go on you don't come off.

trojanhorse22's picture

That's bad advise time on =time off +pct

Chidoman's picture

Very informative post, You Truly get my respect Brother. Wish I had this information at hand 23 years ago when I did my first cycle with the dreaded "Russian D's"....still survived though, but information like This is True Gold!!

Bigtallz's picture

Great read with very useful information. It's because of posts like these that every cycle i have run has been successful and safe. +1

Gixxer151's picture

What about hgc I got all the pct part set but now came across hgc is it a must some have it in there cycle

vhman's picture

A must, no. If this is your first (or first couple) cycle, HCG is not necessary.
I saw your previous proposed cycles and you had way too many substances. What did you decide on running after everyone's input? You should re-post your cycle and ask this in there. Best of luck.

Gixxer151's picture

Thank you . I will and yeah I'm keeping simple just test e then pct just like in this post reads .

vhman's picture

Excellent. Really glad you spent time reading and learning and are putting it into practice.